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Nov 2014 · 526
Lies in the mirror
The whole of me is a broken principal of
The life in me is a restless soul,
The tears from my eyes are water-like
Yet the colour of the tears from my
heart is red
The lies in the mirror hide away the
Causes my pain to play hide and seek,
My face shines like rays of light of a
golden red sun,
Chasing away the cold and bitter nights
When I stare in the mirror I see a
reflection of my image,
My own picture plays tricks on my
It tells more about my outward garland,
Yet my own presence is poisoning me,
Killing softly, the fraction of my true-
The lies in the mirror hide away the
All the drama that brought about scars
to my heart,
I look beautiful in a size seven,
But take a walk in my shoes,
And realise I'm size sixes and sevens,
Living in a minus heaven
The whole of me is a broken kingdom,
A suncity with dark empty streets,
A black night, yet a piece of my
shattered heart,
I smile, dance, sing, pose and feel like
Yet I'm nothing but lies in the mirror
Nov 2014 · 379
A soul burried in legacy
What a shame that colours had to fed to
The picture blurred and the journey
came to an end
when the killer came around, dreams
were murdered
Breath was taken away together with
Ice cold was the blood freezed in his
There was no way to keep the Artists
soul within his body
What a shame that the sunset colours
waned to shades of grey
The moment doors were closed and
light hid in the darkest night
The whole ordeal was sad,
It was a tragedy to witness the work of
a legend with a dying breath, giving up
Trying to sail around the world, he
Trying to fly with broken wings, he
touched the ground
Dust to dust, the spirit moved on,
But his work remained behind and was
purely glorified
Ashes to ashes, his name lived on
In the papers, the magazines and
pictures on the Tv's
A life lived in stardom, a soul burried in
Nov 2014 · 909
Underneath all that glamour
With a gust of air, you blow our minds,
with your loaned swag
Your style's a brag, you life's a rug
Still, we node our heads in deep
worship to the dose of your repudiation
You bought yourself a high status, just
for mere acceptance
And you were left disposed of your real
Just for a sheer popularity?
But when we snap back to reality,
there's a void inside your heart,
A broken girl, with a lot insecurities
cries out
Craving a simple and faultless life,
For underneath all that glamour, there's
a vacuous and enstranged soul
Nov 2014 · 646
Courage over fear
Both the brave and cowardly are
fearful, but only the brave exhibit a
courageous act
Both the man of faith and dispair go
through a test run, but solely the man of
faith prevails
Petrified with what might come around
deep in your darkest hour,
vulnerable, as emotions erupt in a rush
and danger crawls fiercely closer.
the sweat, anger and all the panic
engulfs your senses, but still, the world
carries on.
When the broken and sinking heart
rises above it's bottomless troubles,
pain and joy, gain and loss follows in
mixed manifestations,
courage will standout and peace rise
against doubt and uncertainty,
Strength will share the pain of your
loved ones, but only courage will make
you feel your own.
In solitary, fear will always show it's
do not shiver, stand your guard,
do not surrender, endure the pressure
for it is in solitary that the strong will
make a cut in this heartless world.
Better is a single act of daring mighty
things and fail,
than to fail before you try and live
amongst those who neither enjoy nor
suffer much, those who live in between
defeat and victory.
Sep 2014 · 365
A soul burried in legacy
What a shame that colours had to fed to grey
The picture blurred and the journey came to an end
when the killer came around, dreams were murdered
Breath was taken away together with hope
Ice cold was the blood freezed in his veins
There was no way to keep the Artists soul within his body

What a shame that the sunset colours waned to shades of grey
The moment doors were closed and light hid in the darkest night
The whole ordeal was sad,
It was a tragedy to witness the work of a legend with a dying breath, giving up life

Trying to sail around the world, he drowned
Trying to fly with broken wings, he touched the ground
Dust to dust, the spirit moved on,
But his work remained behind and was purely glorified
Ashes to ashes, his name lived on
In the papers, the magazines and pictures on the Tv's
A life lived in stardom, a soul burried in legacy
Aug 2014 · 543
Lies in the mirror
The whole of me is a broken
principal of life
The life in me is a restless soul,
The tears from my eyes are water-
like clear,
Yet the colour of the tears from my
heart is red

The lies in the mirror hide away the
Causes my pain to play hide and
My face shines like rays of light of a
golden red sun,
Chasing away the cold and bitter

When I stare in the mirror I see a
reflection of my image,
My own picture plays tricks on my
It tells more about my outward
Yet my own presence is poisoning
Killing softly, the fraction of my true-self

The lies in the mirror hide away the
All the drama that brought about
scars to my heart,
I look beautiful in a size seven,
But take a walk in my shoes,
And realise I'm size sixes and
Living in a minus heaven
The whole of me is a broken
A suncity with dark empty streets,
A black night, yet a piece of my
shattered heart,

I smile, dance, sing, pose and feel
like everything,
Yet I'm nothing but lies in the mirror
Jul 2014 · 462
Everything I wished for
I see the tables turning
all the things I touch
they seem to turn into dust
I see the light inside of me
dying right before my eyes
and everything I wished for seems
so far away
if only I could change the stars
and make them shine so bright
if only I could turn the hands
of time and save my past
all the things I have said and done
would never take me to the ground
and everything I wished for
would never seem so far away
Jun 2014 · 1.8k
Unsung Hero
"O God, bless our land of Malawi."
a prayer for a warm hearted nation,
the first line that ignited the mind of a
he did a patriotic act, yet lived
Of a beautiful land, of peace, freedom
and unity, he sung
He prayed that our hearts be joined in
combat against fear
Against hunger, disease and envy, he
His words made a home in the heart
of a nation
Fervent and effective, hence peace
This prayer stayed on the lips of the
Called upon mother Malawi to bring
out her best
Of the unsung hero, i write,
Not to praise him but to acknowledge
his role,
The words he wrote on the tablets of
our hearts,
A song he sung to the tune of many
Even if we still sing his song,
Of him a song was never sung
He did a patriotic act but died
Tribute to michael fredrick paul sauka.he wrote the Malawi national anthem but died uncredited.
Jun 2014 · 568
Dear spotlight
Dear spotlight,
i must have died upon meeting
you, that night,
surely, lost my ways when you
befriended me,
your chanels led me to the
nothing i have turned into
and the funs you gave me,
cheered me to sixfeet under
the expensive cars i drove in,
the funcy colours you dressed me,
the bigger picture you made of
made me believe heaven was down
here on earth
the king you made me,all the
greener pastures you fed me
kept me far from the exit door,

Dear spotlight,
you gave me fame, riches and
made me forget my innocent self,
you got me hanging on the
eleventh hour,
contemplating on how i would love
to jump out,
out of the main stream and
continue to daydream
in your arms, i found my strength,
in my strength, i found my pride,
in my pride, i lost my way,
i lost my soul, then i lost my wife,
but before i lose my life,
i want out!
out of the main stream
and continue to daydream
Notes (optional)
May 2014 · 510
Under your thumb
Hardly, the pain cautiously begs
rolling deep inside the sweet
the agony rumbles the best of life
Love resounds the angels heart
so hard to breath under your
your acrimony expels your
you speak of life without real
your lips can hardly escew real
your ways bring me to the dark
so hard to breath under your
sad voices in my soul reaching a
fever pitch
they rack my brains, my heart, it
can rarely love in freedoms
where my ears are deaf, my voice
is dumb
so hard to breath under your
May 2014 · 424
Under your thumb
Hardly, the pain cautiously begs
rolling deep inside the sweet
the agony rumbles the best of life
Love resounds the angels heart
so hard to breath under your
your acrimony expels your
you speak of life without real
your lips can hardly escew real
your ways bring me to the dark
so hard to breath under your
sad voices in my soul reaching a
fever pitch
they rack my brains, my heart, it
can rarely love in freedoms
where my ears are deaf, my voice
is dumb
so hard to breath under your
May 2014 · 346
A step at a time
In the absence of noise where the
voice of the inner soul rattles
Burried in pain as the world's foot
rests on your crumbling life
An innocent soul trembling yet
stumbling through a dilapidated life
long journey
À stormy hope rushing along with
the unflinching faith
À bigger picture unfaded and a
vivid figure appears in the absence
of fear
As the tables turn and the world
becomes your footstool
in lack of answers when your
intelligence is caught in an empty
The nothing box that stops the
sound of music and turns the heart
beat loud
In fear of what the future may
Peace and harmorny is found in a
step at a time
May 2014 · 375
Seal over my heart
The sparkling sound of your name
is pleasing like the fragrance of
The architect of my happiness, you are
the Lilly in the valley
The clast of your smile
is to me a cluster of joy blossoms
The author of my passion, you are
The Gold in the river banks
Sign your name on my future
place a seal over my heart, my
May 2014 · 1.9k
Blurred vision
Out of crassitude with gross vision
Awakened to just another lip
A mind deaf and obstinate to my
A heart so hard , the passion
From your cup I tested the wine
felt amiably pleasant in a moment
your decietful tone blurred my
A vocal utterance breaking through
my defences
On the eve of crossing the line
my liberty denied being subject to
your concience
my innerself detected an accurate
vivid sign
A discovery that revealed a Vision
Poetry is music and music is is
my voice, the brush that paints my feelings.
May 2014 · 261
Without utterance I hear your voice
Without a word the truth is told
it sets me free
its an act of remedy
The direct way to a perfect place
I fall sometimes in deep meditation
it seems for a moment an
still by grace I live day by day
against a thought of you being far
Surely by hope my strength is there
answers dont appear for the
questions I raise
The reason for life, the why's for
the world
but still without, I long for home
Lets bottlefeed each other the first
steps in love
With everystep , let love resound
Lets learn to strum the right strings
of our hearts
In one key ,let us play a spanish
Lets dare the cupid, let him strike
his arrow
With a single shot, lets get a Romeo
and Juliet Ride
Escape a one night stand , just
holding each other all night long
Lets melt in each others arms with
so much care
Lets dare sin and teach each other
how to kiss
Feel the warmth of our lips ,as we
hearken to the beat of our hearts in
a duet
Pounding in unison, in reflection to
our affection
Whisper in my ears the vapour of
your smooth voice
Lets feed each other the cereals of
The protien that determines the
growth of our love
Lets put a rock foundation to the
empire that will last
The tests of approaching stormy
and rainy seasons
Lets not wish and dream of
diamonds and roses
Lets teach each other how to trust
Care about us and last the length
of Life
Lets teach each other how to love
May 2014 · 1.2k
Find yourself
At the helm of knowing the truth,
somewhere, far off your comfort zone,
on the tiller of becoming
someone's shadow,
In a slow motion to diversity
quite certain of a million ways to succeed,
only to get fastened and lost in a cold world

At the notion of love being a
heartache, nothing but pain
Much as you can't recognise the man in the mirror,
the door to your heart remains
to the sharing of your troubled
When you thought your head was standing upright,
your body firmly on your feet, the wind came tossing your joy away,
your confidence got swept aside
and your innerself drooped
When you walked to the dead end
but still wanted to breath,
your soul willing to live,
your heart yearning to give
when you were seated on your
your face wrapped in your hands,
whispering to yourself ,
that it will be alright,
Thats when you dig too deep to
find yourself
written on 5 may 2014

— The End —