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A sound was heard at my
garden door
A feathered smudge found upon it

There she lay in frightened
trembling dismay
   A giant knelt ...
yet still towering above her

He reached out and touched
her pounding heart
Then cupped her warmth
in his hand

She stayed awhile until
she could smile
At the kindly human mystery

This love they shared
is uncommonly rare
She knew she could be freed

Before she flew
she whispered a song she knew
into the gentle giant’s  beard :

“I cannot make you happy
You're a wounded Bird like me ―
be Free...
you must find the strength to Fly”…

"A Bird in your hand
  is worth two in the bush ―

   Come fly away with me"...

March 2012 © harlon rivers ... all rights reserved
Thank you so much for the special feature this simple heartfelt poem has been allowed.  It is based on actual events that happen often where habitat
meets civilization.  As humans we can mitigate this footprint left behind by lifting the weight of caring with actions that speck louder than words. Who among us has not needed a helping hand when we are struggling with the unexpected?  Moments we must find the strength to carry on with a little help from our friends?

   Find the strength to fly ―

Written March 1st, 2012
reposted from my original account
Life has moments worth living and
is too beautiful to insist into unavailing loves.
Life is too short trying constantly to fix
mistakes of the past,
is too subversive to rest upon provisional facts
for the scraps inflict new wounds
and all that matters is not how many wounds
have been opened but how many
can be closed.
 Apr 2017 Moli Quill
Lina Lotus
I yield to the chanting winds
The ones draining my strength
I try,
I pull,
But I  fall, and
My rivers run red

And sometimes I lose hope
Tormenting whirlwinds nesting in my head debilitate my mind and body...
as my soul hangs from tattered sheets

I can't weep...tears don't solve a thing
This life just stings and for a second I plead
If this is it...agony and pain...
Then please understand
I'm not strong enough
To carry on
"I hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return."
Frida Kahlo
When do we truly dare to say that we know
someone or something at each fullest extent?
When we believe in it?
When we learn from it?
When we have proof for it?
What i understand is that we don't know even ourself
until a critical moment appears, until we have to make
a decision that will affect not only us but people we love
and our soul embrace.
 Apr 2017 Moli Quill
Valsa George
‘He who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered’
                                                   - George Meredith
In the solemn silence of the cathedral
Close to the 'sanctum sanctorum'
Away from the din of the world
I sat in prayer for hours

In deep adoration as I sat with eyes closed
Envisioning Him at the inmost shrine of my heart
I sensed His living touch all over my body
The one without form lifted me in His arms

Like a child clinging to a caring father
I opened my heart before Him
Placed my life’s burdens at His feet
Asked for gifts my frail hands could hold!

Coming out, relieved and enriched
At the gate I was greeted by a beggar
Dressed in rags, his hair lying wildly matted
With sores in his body, he looked a piteous sight

In his outstretched hands was a begging bowl
His lips were pleading in silence
From my bounty, I gave him something
And saw the glitter in his hazy eyes

Can I ever discriminate him
When we both do the same thing
While he begs before me outside the shrine
I beg before the Lord inside the shrine!
A very simple write straight and unostentatious with no word play ! I don't know if it can be called a poem!
 Apr 2017 Moli Quill
Laura Duran
You are not the wind in the trees
Nor the sweet summer breeze
You are not the stars that light the night
Or the sun shining bright

You're the reason I take notice of it all

You are not kisses in the rain
Make-out time on lovers lane
You're not dancing in the streets
Or dancing in the sheets

You're the reason I desire to

You're not the reason my heart beats
You're the reason for the speed
You're not the reason I survive
You're why I'm glad to be alive

Just as you are....I love you
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