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 Jan 2014 Megan
Bell McCabe
 Jan 2014 Megan
Bell McCabe
I panicked.

My brain attacked today.

It attacked my lungs,

Stupid sharp whistling sounds.

I looked out of control.

But I felt aware,

that I wasn’t breathing,

that I was attacking myself again.

It attacked my heart,

terrifying skipping stones in my chest.

Whipped one by one,

Muffled blows in my breast.

I panicked.

I looked out of control but I was aware,

of the guilt,

of what will drag along with me.

I can’t be freed from fault,

It’s not the way.

Because I panic;

is why I don’t relate,

is how I cleanse.

Fright being necessary,

like a dream

where you muscle tone fails you,

I was paralyzed.

My knuckles hit the laminate –

again, again, again.

But I don’t move.

Feeling my bicep twitch,

Feeling my throat raw,

My mouth wide open,

But I don’t make a sound.

Because I panic.

The power inside,

will never translate,

to the outside.

People may see flickers,

of insanity in my eyes.

They may see me tighten up.

They may seem me strain and ease.

But I will never translate.

Until it snaps,

Until I no longer attack myself.

Until I no longer panic.

Until I bellow,

Until I howl,

Until I wail,

Until I swing and connect.

Until it attacks outwardly,

Instead of inwardly.
Panic attacks are typically experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime. They can last several minutes and can be very frightening. If you are experiencing panic attacks more often I urge you to reach out to a close friend or family member. You can seek free counselling in your community or speak to a trusted healthcare professional. For more information:
 Jan 2014 Megan
Michal Shilor
 Jan 2014 Megan
Michal Shilor
our kisses were as soft as our hearts & this must be the seed of all that came thereafter,
and all that didn't see light outside my mind.

perhaps our soft hearts led to my current introspection and my disposition when it comes to
pens, papers,
and all that lies
between them in truth,
in confessions by
soft tongues in shaky lips in scattered sheets in paling cheeks and blushing eyes,
in that which lies
between thought and its expression,
between brutal honesty in the heat of an oncoming summer,
in mosquito bites and my sweet blood which attracts this
violence, this heatstroke
it is divine,
like we imagined,

it is hectic like we desired,
it is nonsense and is madness and knows no explanation other than our
awkward silence,
our differences in imagined futures,
our various degrees of love/hate passive-aggressive
actions and feelings and resentments and appreciations;

we both are optimistic but you believe in that which counters my belief and it is
strange and unexpected and before you,
i needed someone,

and after you,
i need to be alone
 Jan 2014 Megan
Bilal Kaci
I’ve been anticipating our little rendez vous
Your fingers weaved through mine
I admit it I may have been looking forward to it
To drown in your intoxicating perfume
As I purge myself of
Oh stranger you know me well
Will you take me with you
*to hell?
3 poems i stuck together
© 2013 Bilal Kaci
 Jan 2014 Megan
 Jan 2014 Megan
Remember the time we ate shrooms
and spent the night lying in a graveyard
my shoe broke on the long walk home
and you carried me across the parking lot
because there could have been glass

Remember the time you saved me
from a boy I didn't want to kiss
you hid me at the top of a rocket ship
and every time he tried to enter
you shoved him down with your foot

Remember the times we laid side by side
on the cold wooden floor and blasted music
all night long till the stars ceased to shine

Remember the time you got out of jail
and walked to my house
to crawl into my bed but found another boy there instead
you quietly left and I had no clue
till you confessed later

Remember the time you left early in the morning
to catch your flight
and I didn't wake up
but when I did there were two CDs on my pillow
that you had spent all night making

Remember the time you said I was wifey material
after I danced on stage
at a white rave
in my black bra

Remember the time I dyed my hair green
and met your visiting girlfriend
and you said I looked like medusa
I wanted to sock you

Remember the time we got drunk and took xanax
and laid in my bed
you made your move then
and I giggled during our kiss
because I was high and scared it'd change us
but it hurt your feelings on accident

Remember the time I started hooking up
with your best friend/roommate
and you had to sleep on the couch
I'm sorry I was so callous

Remember the time you sent me
a christmas present
it was a build-able straw
the best thing anyone has ever given me

Remember the times you tried to love me
and I wouldn't let you
now you're gone chasing ******
and I miss you so much
that I write to you all the time
I write about you
because I can't stop talking to you
even when you disappear
 Jan 2014 Megan
Javi Claycombe
This morning I woke up crying. It's strange, this has never happened before. I went to bed last night feeling numb, thinking that, this was God's way of helping me control my thoughts and feelings. I thought I'd continue to feel numb, until you were sure of what you wanted.

I didn't feel numb this morning.

The reason I'm sad is not because you may possibly be falling in love with someone else but the fact that you might be falling out of love with me. There's no question that we both care about each other and that we both would like nothing more than to make each other happy, that's who we are as people.

I have fun with you, I trust you, and I'm eased by your companionship.

My phone made an alert sound and I was instantly over filled with joy. In that brief second that it took me to pick up the phone, I had imagined that it was you saying that you still loved me unconditionally, and that you were sure that it was me, that it had always been me, and it will always be me.

It's okay though, I'm just sad. Just like how you are unsure and because of that you are sad. I've been praying, hoping that this time in our lives is happening because it will make us stronger and wiser.
That in the end, it will just make us love one another more.

I've known for a long time that I have been losing you, I can't say I don't blame you for becoming uncertain and distant with me. The truth is I have no idea who you'll end up being in love with. All I know is that I still love you and that I'm not quite ready to give up on you.

I can wait for you, forever, and I think you know that.

Everything is okay though. It hurts us both, but it's okay. In the end we'll know. I know you dislike long texts, I was thinking about writing all this down in my journal instead, but I really wanted to share my thoughts with you. I figured, what's the point of loving someone if you are too afraid to express your thoughts and feelings to them.

So I'm expressing them.
I love you.
 Jan 2014 Megan
Langston Hughes
I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.

— The End —