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It is not in idleness
That I justify my reproachfulness
That is where it is judged
Scathed upon
Laughed about
Still elating in my sorrowful bath
I reproach
Condensation lining the walls of my fragile heart
It feels like cold glass
Throbbing inside a marble cage
Every beat
In every way
Close to shattering it's tiny pieces upon the cold linoleum
That provides the floor
To my aching gut
It's in idleness
That I may remain...
you are inches
measured by miles away
bulldozing oriental food
you don't intend on eating
around your plate
and i am imagining
the translation of asking
for a broom in a foreign language
for when you shatter over small talk
or the first sentence to start with "so"
breaks you into shaking
that i can feel from across the table
and i am thinking now
about tectonics and how you must be daydreaming of being submerged in a book
back home or gripping tightly
to bedsheets begging for familiar warmth
i can tell by the way you are looking at me
that you are feigning our salutation embrace
seconds drowned in ankle deep water and i wonder if you see my hands
as jackhammers and if the reason
why you hug so hard
but only for a moment
is to be as sharp as possible
so that i do not smell your perfume
or notice that you aren't wearing any and why
there are few suprises
in the safe you claim is a mouth
where shades of plush pink
hide a sickly pallor
and i continue to look over
brick & mortar borders
and think how maybe
she is thinking of kissing
but certainly not me
not these apologies nailed to my face
i give myself a moment
of benefitted doubt that you sometimes
picture your frame under mine
and if your clavicles would crack
if i were to touch them
i am sorry that i am a victim of imagination
but i swear i chalk it up
as the forgotten feeling
for when you look up
and the person you are looking
at is gazing directly at you
you have painted yourself
as a mosaic in my mind
as a mess of dust & incoherent words
that all sound like please in my ears
but that doesn't explain why
my hands are the ones that are shaking
when i imagine you
imagining me
in the spaces of yourself
where you've forgotten
you could put someone
Twenty nine first kisses
Maybe even more
Each in time came to pass
A few times I wondered
If she'd be my last

Twenty nine burnt matches
Lying in the sand
I know what I want but...
I don't know if I can

Too afraid to love
Too afraid to lose

I'm tired of women
I'm tired of the ups
I'm tired of the downs

I'm tired of using
I'm tired of being used

Conditioned motivation

Love is red...
Jealousy is green...
....Loneliness is a drag

Beautiful woman
Your kisses so fine
But I know you'll never be
Fully mine

I'm tired of love
and I'm tired of loss

Self deprecation is selfishness
Serotonin and cigarettes
I'm tired of women
The lurking parasite
He who creeps up
in a lukewarm haze

The one who puts grey tinted glasses
on the windows of a soul
Half filled boxes
of half empty cups

Floating at the bottom of a grave
which is lit by florescent

The deep dark secret
with no key
no lock
no contents inside
 Dec 2013 Miranda Lopez
as long as a writer is in love with you
you can never truly die

every word they write on paper
will have the whispers from your mouth
and as long as the sounds of the scratching
pencils & the click-clack of keyboards
fill the air
it will follow with the echo of your footsteps
and every line, poem and book
unwritten or unheard of
will have your name written all over it

so fall in love with a writer
because than you'll never truly die
I want to know your story
I want to know the context
In which our faces met
in a sweet assault of one another

I want to know where you were
And what lead you to the spot
In which I asked you to dance

I don't want your number
But i want to see you again
In some other time
Just as spontaneous
Electric, and consuming

I only know the image of your face
In a dimly lit room
Like so many other dimly lit faces
I wish to know more
The cool blue ripples reflect a solemn memory of a friendly smile once almost near
Of long dark hair freefalling from a faded star; a young mind once so clear
You put it in your vein that night you went to sleep under the cool blue rain
Why was it so soon? I stop to wonder inside the golden garden
What did you mask? I sit and ponder as the graceful leaves saunter to the ground
From green to gold they turn, then back into the soil for the silent rain to churn
They saunter to you as I sit and stare at the grey water that remains though you have left.
I only half do things,
Like washing a ***
With smears left at the sides.
So long as it doesn’t make me sick
Or take up space
In the kitchen or my mind,
Its good enough. Its clean enough.
I only write things
With a fraction of my heart
Sprinkled on a whole lot of obligation
Exasperated, reluctant movements
That scrape lethargically into words.
I love feeling the apathy fade
Into an apathy that’s deeper still
When I don’t care that I don’t care
And I can simply sit
And wonder, if one day I will.
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