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 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Dressed in nothing
but stardust and the
night. While feeding
on poetry and baby
moons* ~
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Kelly N
At the crack of dawn the city is slowly waking up,
walking through these big streets, the cold breeze has become my friend
A beautiful scenery is in front of me, like a living painting, I’m amazed by this city
I have to stop in order to capture those precious moments
My heart is filled with joy, and in my ear a cheerful song is playing

I don’t want it to stop, I want to live here forever!
Following the same path every morning,
This precious path where I’m surrounded by all kind of people
I can hear this beautiful language spoken through the streets
The liffey river is waving at me, I’m almost there,
Finally, I have reached it, Trinity College
Towards the front gate, I have to press pause
Students are rushing  around me, but I stand still
Time stops for a brief moment
Taking a deep breath, it is now my turn to run through the buildings

At last, I belong somewhere…
I hope to see you again, beautiful Dublin, you gave me so much
It is a goodbye for now
I keep them in back of my mind
I try to ignore them
Push the words I tell myself
With you in my head
You bring the insecurity
In Me... :l  
How you show no affection to me
Compliment other's
This only makes me feel less proud of my body
I see other girls who don't have what I have
Where's the type of man
WHo won't act like such a hound on other
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
I finally know who I am.
I am a female goddess.
And that is who I am.

I am drifting so high,
That I am flying and reaching the sky,
With my pure touch.

I am smiles, laughs, and hugs.
I am brave, kind, and tough.
I crave new sights and beautiful hums.

I am clumsy, nosey, and moody.
I am foolish and selfish, but I care.
I want to make a difference and impact the world.

This is who I am.
I am not afraid to be me.
So do not be afraid to be you.

Being a goddess doesn't mean I'm perfect,
Oh no, I am far from perfect,
But I indulge in my imperfections,
So in a sense I am perfect and so are you.

I promise it’s a lovely thing.
Be true to yourself,
Because you and I
Are beautiful human beings.
As corny as it may sound, I think we should all just be ourselves and follow the paths that make us happy. Of course life isn't made out of candy, but acting like someone you are not doesn't make life any easier. Just a thought.
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
What an amazing day
For those who are Gay
A milestone long over due
Equality is universal
Should not be treated as adversal
We ALL should be happy for you
NO one should ever have the power to tell you who you can and cannot love, nor should they be ALLOWED (for that is what happened for so long) to make the decision on whether or not your ties to them are "legal". I am extremely happy for my LGBT friends who at long last can tie the knot and be recognized, as is EVERY human's right.
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