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793 · May 2015
The Ant That Flew
Mera Tau May 2015
An ant once stopped and looked into the sky
Watched some butterflies and wished to fly
To look upon creatures from high above
And move unbounded just like a dove.
The sad ant sat there, cried and cried
"My body is heavy and my legs are tied.
If only I became like those butterflies,
I'd never touch this earth, never leave the skies.
Just look how pretty their wings are
Sparkling under sunshine, seen from afar.
Then I shall cut my legs except for two
my self-made wings to my body I'll sew  
I'll flap and flap till my dream comes true,
I'll surf the gusts and be reborn anew."
The fellow ants gazed as their friend levitated
At how good were the wings that she created.
She spread them wide and danced in dew,
Lived her dream the ant that flew.
But one look at the butterflies saddened her again.
They were always higher, knowing that when
The wind stopped blowing and the poor ant fell
Lost her fake wings and plunged into a well.
"I'll never be a butterfly" she cried, "I can't.
How could I ever be when I am just an ant."
Not all dreams come true.
Mera Tau May 2015
He who is besought,
I command thee
Answer my beseeching
I swayed myself to slay itself
And thou shan't leave me be
For me to die,
I ought to live
With thou in endless glee
Though if I die,
I leave thee
To be all for *me
To enslave your body and control your desires for your soul's freedom... this is the purpose of life.
391 · May 2015
My Clock Stopped Ticking
Mera Tau May 2015
My clock stopped ticking,
And there came he
With a dagger in his right
And a torch in the other.
Of all the doomed
He chose me
Though he was my son,
And I was his mother.
The hell in his eyes
Was all I could see,
For he was the flame
That I could not smother.
Only my blood quenched him,
Covered him in shrouds.
My life was over
Before it has begun.
My shackled soul,
Pierced the clouds,
Searching for light,
But it was outrun.
My clock stopped ticking,
Yet neither has won.
The skies were clear,
But there was no sun.
We can never control the deeds which we give birth to.

— The End —