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Melody Claire Dec 2015
A bit too late I suppose
These cold feet are always slipping
And I simply observe the way you look at me
while I fall apart.
Obvious as it seems
I cannot get a grip
I'm beginning to think that
there is some joy in
Simply observing the way you look at me
While I Fall Apart
Melody Claire Dec 2015
I saw life through his eyes,
people through his eyes.
This sent flashes of fear though my pulse but
not without curiosity.
And as the years passed, these visions no longer rattled my bones,
Blood soaked dreams rather enticed me.
The fear in my veins turned to adrenaline
seeping onto the surface, much like sea water soaks the coast
during a storm leading a Tsunami.
It became apparent to me only when
it was far too late;
That the only monster I had to fear
Was **myself.
Melody Claire Dec 2015
Pretty lights reflected
in your dark eyes
and at the center was me.
I could've been your world
I know.
But we were worlds apart
You know.
You were missing me
I know
I've been a mess
You know.
So stay where you are and don't look back
**Promise You Won't Look Back
Are some apologies so overdue that they're expired? Or is it never to late to admit that you were in the wrong?
Melody Claire Dec 2015
At the heart of all monsters are emotions
If so influential, if so terrorizing,
how can it be that the human fault is
arguably the sole aspect of power?
Melody Claire Dec 2015
Our souls need to breathe
They're not supposed to be stuck
in these bodies.
That's why our bodies eventually give out and
We "Die"
Our souls crave the sweet relief of exhaling,
some more than others.
Many times we seek this in drugs, alcohol and ***.
Other times we find it in the simplest of forms,
hidden in the corners of our lives,
entangled in the complexity of memory
or out in plain sight,
unnoticed my the eyes of strangers.
I've wandered and wondered all the way into your eyes.
That's where I can breathe.
That's where I'm free.
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