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Got Guanxi
London - England    I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
Teana Miller
Where dragons roar    “Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over, until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an edge to cut …
leather up.
Kelley A Vinal
00111010 00101001 00100000
Emily Jones
25/Cis/NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR    “Haec ego non multis (scribo), sed tibi: satis enim magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus."- I am writing this not to many, but to you: certainly …
18/F/Redding, CA    The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. Every poem shown here is Copyright Madison Rose ©, unless stated otherwise.
Malaysia    I will be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned.
London    Poems are potent. Never exceed the recommended dosage
Justin S Wampler
30/M    Pens were designed with wordful purposes, our hands and minds serve only as catalysts.
F/Tokyo, Japan    Neurodivergent. German-Japanese mix. I write to feel alive and reconnect with myself in a primarily neurotypical world.
sandy gallagher
22/F    hello. i'm sandy and you are my sunflower. ❀ please face the brightest of days standing tall, my darling.
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
take a chill pill, your honor.
29/M/Missouri Joplin   
26/F/Guyana    Ambivert.
Colleen Mary
Chicago    make life simple. drink more coffee, surround yourself with good people, laugh a lot, take comfort in the words of others.

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