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Mar 2015 · 602
One day when I leave (11W)
Mehma Kunwar Mar 2015
You would see me
In the reflection
Of your
I tell God everything.
Mehma Kunwar Mar 2015
Breathe. Everythings going to be fine. Don't give up. I believe you are okay and as beautiful as on the day you entered this world. Thank God you went through so much ugliness and didn't become it.
Jan 2015 · 947
Mehma Kunwar Jan 2015
Isn't it strange
That you
the pain
The only cure
For it
Is you.
Mind says hate them; Heart says love them.
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Peshawar Attack
Mehma Kunwar Dec 2014
Tears vanish from my lids
When i think of those favoured kids
Whom those beasts thought as dead
Coloured in the bruises of red
No matter how much their guns strived  
They still, are alive. (3:169)
I belong to an APS the one which got attacked and I'm not scared. We are Pakistanis and our blood maybe cheap to you but not cold.
141: Never forget, never forget.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
At least I'm alive!
Mehma Kunwar Dec 2014
Hurt me and it doesn't feel
Lie to me and it doesn't matter
Shout at me and I won't mind
**** me and I won't care
Not because I'm numb
But tired
Of being ungrateful
For the breath
I just took.
Don't you think we are sometimes too unthankful for all the blessings we have?
Nov 2014 · 408
Mehma Kunwar Nov 2014
How I wonder
the blots
on my heart
the only colours
I have
in my life.
The only thing that I think should be mine isn't supposed to be.
Aug 2014 · 486
Good for nothing
Mehma Kunwar Aug 2014
A little
More broken
Than ever
With shock
Or regrets
But all
I know
Is that
Let aside my angels
Even my demons
Have died
Darkness all around and the candle keeps blowing off after every while.
Jul 2014 · 770
Mehma Kunwar Jul 2014
Is serenity
and dark
where I'm meant
to be?
it's an opened door
sky, stars
and glee
Your life is so much more than just sitting and waiting for your turn to die next. You have a purpose to live. Go out, endeavor, experience, explore, enjoy. Face your troubles. Don't hide. Live for others. Make other people comfortable. Find new opportunities to spread good around you. You'll find happiness. Not in those opportunities but inside your heart.
(Have a good last asharah of Ramadan to all the muslims)
Jul 2014 · 528
Back to school
Mehma Kunwar Jul 2014
Echoes of promises
no-one meant,
Lies of meeting-again
Some last squishy hugs,
some false goodbyes
Confirmed the
flawed veracity
of friendships
But the laughter
On humorless jokes
And the boring classes
made absolutely fun
with those fools
makes me wanna go
Back to school.
I miss school so much today :") No part of my life can replace this period. Everything. I don't where we all would be in the next ten years but one thing is for sure, I had the best time of my life with them.
Jun 2014 · 611
Rich yet poor
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
And how she wonders
that the time
when she had nothing
but you
outshines the time
when she has everything
but you
Hungry heart,
thirsty soul
Has all the riches
yet a poor as whole
Somebody might be missing you, love yourself.
Jun 2014 · 422
The ego cycle
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Hard we cry, but strive
Inside we die, but strive
Get ready for a bye, but strive
to live better, to dream better
to hurt better, to scream better
Try to learn from your mistakes. Don't keep them repeating.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Vivid Imagination
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Let us be
Two birds
sitting on a power-line
watching the sun setting
And all the gloom
Witnessing the colourful sky
And the bloom
You fly away
I call you back
Conceit and vanity
is what you lack
Very far
From the world
And all it's reek
Love in hearts
And truth
on beaks.
A poem written for my bestfriend. You'll always stay there in my heart.
Jun 2014 · 679
The extremists
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
They say they can bomb
every house, every street
and all the people, sweet!
Then can they set
the sky on fire
and not let
their Creator greet?
Jun 2014 · 573
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Lost myself and found you
everything was exactly perfect too
but then
My happiness was taken away
Just like it happened that day
When I cried and wondered
Why can't,for long, people stay
You left and asked me
Not to cry this time
How to get over you
It's not that I lost a dime
But I know you'd return
And all my worries would burn
I know I lost myself and couldn't find you too
But yes, now it's God's turn
Jun 2014 · 770
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
If there's a problem, the solution lies therein
If there's a storm, the stillness lies therein
If there's a wall, the crack lies therein
Rummage, dig in, ferret, delve in
If you have a heart, your destination lies therein..
Everything is meant to be okay. Never give up.
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Lets travel to a land
where nobody knows which creed
I belong to
And which sect I possess
Where nobody knows my name
And people are less bias
Have one colour,
One faith which they cling to
Where to judge is to sin
And where nobody asks
who am I
what am I doing..
Do what you feel you should do, have pride, have confidence despite whatever this world says. If you think you can make a difference, I believe you can!
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Yet the sun's coming down to earth,
and walks the fields and the waters
Yet the great man's willing to be little
Neither those raised heads
Nor those unguarded egos
Mismatching the faces and matching the souls
Can this heart ever show
look beyond the imperfections
There lies this perfect soul
where this heart has had ached
where this soul has had cried
Now is the time
To show the world,
your built up glory
your glowing charm..
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Those pale eyes
And the flushed face
A death-like appearance
And bloodless veins
Can they allow
the wilted lips
to smile
when you are away
Gone without
A word of explanation
And leaving me
with question marks
If only you knew
how agitated this heart is
And if only
the heart knew
how to wince..
Jun 2014 · 373
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
Because the hurt and the lies
the tears cannot show
And the strongest of pains
the cry cannot show
since its meaningless
to you anymore
I ask, I screech, I beg, I pry
Don't answer,
but you don't even ask
Jun 2014 · 472
Money? Nay.
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
not all desire of the same strength
not all fingers are of the same length
some desire of momentous smiles and peace within
some desire of lesser distance and bigger hearts
some desire to win their souls and walk their ways
some desire to have in their lives those
not with expensive cars and exquisite homes
but those with exquisite hearts and expensive souls.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
we reached the goal
Tightened the knot,
Sewed the hole
in the curtains
of life
And somehow
Hid the blot
that bothered
the people
But what about
the tiny spot
still seen
in the midst
of white.
the glimmer
of long-lit
that peeps
the slightly
hole of sin
the darkness
we shut
Jun 2014 · 374
Mehma Kunwar Jun 2014
They wished
to stay away
from the world
and it's reek
They said
they hoped
to live
in the moment
to see
the blossomed corners
and smell
the sweetened air
Feel the branches
with joy
and the breeze
just making them
where they are
on a blissful eve
with smiles
and no fears
How obvious
it was
that these were
the places where
they were
meant to be
But little
did they know,

— The End —