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 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
Do you think that you could stay this time?

Stay with me while I throw all my toys out of our cot,

Stay with me when all I'm seeing is red,

Stay with me when my emotions are drowning me in an ocean of sadness,

Stay with me even when walking away is easier than holding my hand,

 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
It's not in my heart
Or my mind
It's beyond my lungs
My veins & my flaws
It's beyond it all
The pain is deep inside
As if my body leads
To the entrance of another world
And it hurts because it's never
Been discovered
It's shiny and new
Full of nature and bloom
My pain lives alone
Beyond my ability to explain
winged thing
circling the searing Sun
far too bright to see

now I feel
its shadow betray its shape
where it falls on me
 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
Just for this fleeting moment
Experience this closeness
Feel this screaming love
From within
Trying to gasp forever

 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
You sleep every night
You dream every night
From waking dream to sleeping dream
Everyday and every night
From island of waking dream
To the island of sleeping dream
You keep leaping around
Reality  floats in between these two dreams
Escaping from these dreams
Seizing  the gap
Going beyond these dreams
Far it seems

 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
To the existing but almost dead, and
To the deemed dead but secretly breathing

I feel you
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