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There were never any monsters under my bed
Only the ones that lived in my head
wrote this poem
one longing day
sat it down
it ran away

hoping that
it would be read
the moment that
it left my hand

it flew into
the world brand new
with new ideas
new attitude

for all these years
far more to count
it moved around
from town to town

from coffee shops
to corner stands
hoping for
a chance to be read

lost its way
one hardened day
back door alleys
fields of gray

yellowed out
tarnished torn
with little doubt
lost and forlorn

the words it had
once to be read
faded out
with nothing left

all because
it ran away
that longing day
and got misplaced
Every now and then I'll remember a poem that I had written, set it down somewhere and haven't seen it since. Sometimes they show up, other times not. The problem is I don't have a book I put them in, I carry a piece of paper around in one pocket and pen in the other...I have poems strewn all over the place. I'm a mess in case you haven't noticed.
left handed lefty
lifted his right hand one day
quickly asked a question
then just as fast put it away

it was at that moment
lefty was left with a thought
what if the only thing left
is not right at all

leaning left he often said
what he thought was right
but when it comes to answers
right at times can be hard to find

left handed lefty
put his hand back in his pocket
thinking right then the only thing left
was to pretend he never thought it
My past came knocking,

and it brought a battering ram.
Until she comes
my world is dull and gray

Until she comes
to chase it all away

Until she comes
to bring about a change

Until she comes
my world remains the same

Until she comes
it all is in free fall

Until she comes
i'm not much good at all

Until she comes
there's nothing else i want

Until she comes
i'm lost

Until she comes
i don't know where i'm at

Until she comes
to clear this wanting path

Until she comes
releases secrets kept

Until she comes
at last
when time rolls around
and i'm all but toast
pour out the gravy
give up the ghost
cashing my chips in
sunny side up
kicking the can
eating of dust
pushing up daisies
kicking the bucket
dearly departed
fall into nothing
kiss it goodbye
buying the farm
pulling the curtains
laying the lawn
numb, neutralized
saying goodnight
on my last leg
waving bye, bye
passing away
popping my clogs
resetting my character
going belly up
with my boots on
dearly departed
fall off the path
away i am carted
glue factory
davy jones locker
stuck in a box
called by the barker
pulling the plug
put to the sword
sent to belize
ride the pale horse
turn up the toes
pine overcoat
food for the worms
clearing my throat
take a last bow
step off of the path
being struck down
take a dirt nap
breathe my last breath
let out a sigh
then and only then
will i know that i've died
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
He walked the streets a begger
they buried him like a king
he played a six string guitar
he wore no golden ring

She had the voice of angels
survived a valley called death
then fearing no evil
she passed every test

They wrote the songs with sunsets
they walked the line together
they stood in a ring of fire
in love they burned forever
Tribute to Johnny Cash and June Carter
what if the cold wrote a poem
would we shiver at the sound
if it was read out loud

would we feel we belong
in the rhyme of the cold
if we heard it while alone
Brick, by brick, by brick
We build our hearts like small homes
Settle down in mine
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