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Dana Skorvankova Jul 2017
Night breeze
infinite breath
it's been nearly century

If I can't breathe this air in heaven
then I don't even want to go there


If I can't hear these words in heaven
then I don't even want to go there.
Dana Skorvankova Feb 2017
I see what you did
I see some people will never be
Even similar in a way,
And yes,
It took me this long
To finally see.

I realize what you feel
I realize some people will never have
A single thing in common,
And yes,
It took me this long
To realize.

I understand what you've thought
I understand some people will never think
The same way after all,
And yes,
It took me this long
To understand.

It took me this long
To understand the single fact.
Dana Skorvankova Feb 2017
Ano, ty poslední tóny,
vždycky ty nejvíce vzad,
to ty si s náma pohrávají,
pro ně jsme lehký jak peříčka..

.. A na vše pozdě je,
přestože sotva padla tma.
Alespoň teď vím,
že už nic horšího, než pravda není.
Mé oči jsou odekryté
a horšího víc nespatří
(ruce se mi ještě třesou)
a všechno se opakuje
v kruzích přibližuje se a předtím vzdálí,
a všechno se opakuje
čím dál zajdeš,
tím míň.
Dana Skorvankova Jan 2017
How much do we respect others for what they're like
For the glimpse in one's eyes when watching
Maybe the only object of his or her interest
For how mysteriously they tangle new thoughts in that very moment
And for how mysteriously they're being tangled by the thoughts at the time,*

For when I see you looking through the streetlamps
It's everything
And if I've ever wanted to become one with infinity,
It's because I know I might meet you there.
Dana Skorvankova Jan 2017
Doesn't matter where I am
If I am dead or awake,
For everywhere I'll go I'll be aware
Of all the places where I am not
Of all the air I'm not breathing in
Of all the moments of someone else's life

In-there it holds a hell of a mist

A mist so intense I cease to exist
Dana Skorvankova Dec 2016
Nechtěná pravda
Se sama nabízí snad i těm,
Jenž za bílými slovy víry a strachu
Pomalu kradou

A tam kde nepsaná pravidla
Nás drží při životě
Já jednou svedu zapomenout

Na všechno z toho,
Za co před tak dávnou chvílí
Měli se mnozí zastydět

A vynést světlo pochopení
Pro všechny co chtějí
Zavřít oči a uvidět.
Dana Skorvankova Dec 2016
I am cold in this world
But I won't call your name
deep into the night,
I hear it all.
I'm aging too fast.
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