You write of apple picking, carborundum wheels
Swishing scythes and landscapes full of trees
A different place, a different time
But familiarity I find in images like these
Among the downy flakes
We feel your little horse's shake
As the woods fill up with snow
Your wife stares out the window
Standing by the sink
We wonder what she really thinks
The day you move into your country home
A stranger makes an offer for your trees
To sell for profit in the Christmas city
Three cents each is far too low, we agree
So they may stay and he can go
What unexpected face was that
She's sure she saw one winter night?
Alighting from the pony trap
She seeks him out by lantern light
Conversations written down
Stories from your time you tell
Glimpses, snapshots, daily life
Atmosphere conveyed so well
I guess many of you will be familiar with the poetry of Robert Frost.
As you can tell, I am enjoying it too :)
Some of the poems which inspired this are;
After apple picking
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening
In the home stretch
Christmas trees, and three more which I can't find at the moment :)