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martin Jun 2014
In the cold grey light of the sixth of June, in the year of forty-four,
The Empire Larch sailed out from Poole to join with thousands more.
The largest fleet the world had seen, we sailed in close array,
And we set our course for Normandy at the dawning of the day.

There was not one man in all our crew but knew what lay in store,
For we had waited for that day through five long years of war.
We knew that many would not return, yet all our hearts were true,
For we were bound for Normandy, where we had a job to do.

Now the Empire Larch was a deep-sea tug with a crew of thirty-three,
And I was just the galley-boy on my first trip to sea.
I little thought when I left home of the dreadful sights I'd see,
But I came to manhood on the day that I first saw Normandy.

At the Beach of Gold off Arromanches, 'neath the rockets' deadly glare,
We towed our blockships into place and we built a harbour there.
'Mid shot and shell we built it well, as history does agree,
While brave men died in the swirling tide on the shores of Normandy.

Like the Rodney and the Nelson, there were ships of great renown,
But rescue tugs all did their share as many a ship went down.
We ran our pontoons to the shore within the Mulberry's lee,
And we made safe berth for the tanks and guns that would set all Europe free.

For every hero's name that's known, a thousand died as well.
On stakes and wire their bodies hung, rocked in the ocean swell;
And many a mother wept that day for the sons they loved so well,
Men who cracked a joke and cadged a smoke as they stormed the gates of hell.

As the years pass by, I can still recall the men I saw that day
Who died upon that blood-soaked sand where now sweet children play;
And those of you who were unborn, who've lived in liberty,
Remember those who made it so on the shores of Normandy.
Jim is a D-day veteran and folk singer who wrote this song. I just watched him perform it on tv at a banquet to commemorate the 70th anniversary.
Read and don't be ashamed to shed a tear for the thousands of young lives lost on that day.
12.4k · May 2012
Lovebirds (spring haiku)
martin May 2012
build our nest with love
line it with forget-me-nots
stay all summer long
While sipping coffee, sitting in my truck, I watched a pair of Goldfinches  (King Harry is their Suffolk name). To my astonishment, one was picking forget-me-not flowers, packing them into its beak and flying away, presumably to use as nesting material.
8.7k · Mar 2015
Let it come
martin Mar 2015
Don't approach a dog unknown to you
Holding out your hand, making eye contact
You may frighten him
Let him come to you

Don't write a poem uninspired
It won't work out
In good time
Let it come to you

Don't go out there seeking love
Like a child with a butterfly net
Live your life
Let it come to you
martin May 2017
She's planting out her window box
Young shoots are showing through
She thinks about the Springtime
And the garden she once knew

There were primroses and daffodils
Sweet violets white and blue
She thinks about her husband
And when their love was new

Buds and blooms open up
They scent and colour Summer long
She thinks about those happy days
When they were young and strong

Sunset's falling sooner now
Petals drop, the show is done
She gathers up her Winter shawl
Prepares for what’s to come
Delighted to be the daily
Thank you He Po
And thank you Eli Yo
6.2k · Sep 2012
Cockney Sparrah
martin Sep 2012
Take a butchers at this me old Chinas.
Slip ya Plates o' Meat into ya Jacks,
brew up a nice cup o' Rosy,
and if you haven't got a ****** what I'm on about,
feel free to fire me off a Jimmy Nail
and tell me it's a load of old cobblers.

Can you Adam an' Eve it,
I left me Dog 'n' Bone on the Apples
and when I went to call the Trouble 'n' Strife
some joker had Half-Inched it.

But that's not the worst of it.
When I got back to the Cat and Mouse
she'd done a bunk in me shiny new Jam Jar.
I couldn't believe me Pork Pies!

So here I am all on me Todd,
me only transport a ****** old **** van ****.
Gordon Bennett!
I'm goin' down the ****** for a few Britneys,
gonna get totally Brahms and List
and blow a big fat raspberry at the whole thing.

Tomorrow's another bale 'o' hay.
butchers hook = look,  china plates = mates,  plates 'o' meat = feet,  Jack the Rippers = slippers
Rosy Lea = tea,  ****** doo = clue,  Jimmy Nail = email,  cobbler's awls = *****,  
Adam & Eve = believe,  dog 'n' bone = phone,  apples & pears = stairs,  trouble & strife = wife,  
half-inch = pinch,  cat & mouse = house,  jam jar = car,  pork pies = eyes,  Todd Sloan = alone,  
**** van **** = bike,  Britney Spears = beers,  Brahms & List = ******,  raspberry **** = ****,  
bale 'o' hay = day.

I imagine for those who don't know about it, Cockney Rhyming Slang seems improbable. Originally conceived perhaps to confuse eavesdroppers, its heyday may have passed but it is still widely used in its heartland, the East End of London and beyond. Some words are used commonly all over the UK,  sometimes without the user realising the derivation, in fact I grew up saying "give us a butcher's"  and "boracic" (boracic lint = skint = no money) among others.    Also, as in Britney and Glorias (Gloria Gaynors = trainers) new ones are still being coined.  A bit of an oddball me old chinas, but I hope you enjoyed this little taste of chitty chitty  (bang bang = slang).
6.2k · Nov 2016
smooth way
martin Nov 2016
Some things are simply understood
Without the need for spoken word
Others better said out loud
So they may be heard

Some thoughts are better unexposed
So not to harm the atmosphere
Others need to fly and soar
To land on lover's waiting ear

Hold the tongue, bite the lip
Let not insults from it trip
But compliments that smooth the way
Let them see the light of day
Really pleased to be the daily.
Thanks to all for reading,
what a great site we enjoy here at hellopoetry.
6.1k · Jul 2013
Ladies who lunch
martin Jul 2013
We're ladies who lunch, we have a good time
We appreciate art, we sip fine wine
Watching our weight so no more than a nibble
But believe you me - we're fond of a giggle :)

We're ladies who lunch, we thrive on variety
We run the local history society
We move some chairs around in the hall
And invite a nice man to talk to us all

We're ladies who lunch, we support one another
Devouring books from cover to cover
We always discuss the topics we've read
Our husbands are hard at work or dead

We're ladies who lunch, we're busy but free
No one does luncheon better than we
Society's backbone, we stick together
And fully intend to go on for ever
I met a young girl from the country
Who didn't do rumpy pumpy
Until one night
To my delight
She acquired a taste for scrumpy
5.4k · Feb 2012
Broken chair
martin Feb 2012
Who will mend this broken chair
This useless chair just standing there
Waiting for a drop of glue
Who will mend it, if not you

Then take a look at this broken heart
Can you fathom where to start
Who can make it beat anew
Who can mend it, if not you?
4.9k · Aug 2013
Vicar limericks
martin Aug 2013
There is a vicar from Chelsea
Who alas is not very wealthy
Often he dines on communion wine
And curried bat from the belfry

He lights a lot of incense
To hide his flatulence
He gets a bit high
Perhaps that is why
His sermons never make sense

--The vicar gets his knickers in a twist--

The old church roof had seen better days
The pressing need was a serious fund-raise
So the vicar abseiled down the tower
As the village watched by the graves and flowers

With a flurry his cassock flew up in the air
Shocking pink he wore under there
Flapping around it covered his face
As he dangled there in embarrassed disgrace

Someone called the fire brigade
A turntable ladder came to his aid
When at last they got him down
Humbled and grateful he kissed the ground
martin Feb 2013
There was a pirate who came from afar
Who sank his ship for a h'penny o' tar
He had a scar on his cheek,
Gold in his teeth
And like Prabhu, a thing for the noir

There was a vicar from Kent
Who gave up religion for lent
He enjoyed a spree
Of being un-holy
Nobody knows where he went

For the tourists to impress
She wore traditional dress
She liked the grass skirt
And the flowery shirt
But the coconut bra caused distress

One of the tourists she knew
Was really enjoying the view
He bought her a drink
Tickled her pink
And said may I remove it for you?

The limerick man was on top
He was writing such a lot
The barrel he dredged
He lost his edge
And didn't know when to stop
4.3k · Jan 2016
martin Jan 2016
Amazing it was what Grandad would do
with a drop of oil or a bit of glue
Stopped watches, sticking locks
Faulty switches, zips on breeches
Kettles that wouldn't sing
Bells that wouldn't ring
He'd say let me have a look  my dear
Touch the pencil behind his ear
Adjust his specs, stick out his tongue
And in a jiff it was mended and done
But now he's not here to save us from sin
Anything broken goes straight in the bin
4.2k · Mar 2013
Clever Trevor
martin Mar 2013
Clever Trevor likes to surprise
When he was born he shouted Hi!
I'm Trevor, glad to be aboard
And look, I'm wearing a mortar board!

They gave him a part in the Christmas play
As baby Jesus the divine
He took to it like a duck to water
Which of course he turned to wine

Mum took him to the beach to play
Let's be normal just for a day
He dug a hole in the sand
Drained the sea away

He likes to throw stones,
Never missing a target
He aimed for the moon one fateful night
Knocked it out of orbit

A keyboard wizard,
If he got a bit bored
He could start a third world war

So come on Trevor, please do something good
Help us out here, I wish you would
4.2k · Dec 2012
Blind date
martin Dec 2012
Chemistry that's a start
History broken heart
Geography been around
Current affairs lost and found

Politics no nasty shocks
Anatomy got the lot
Philosophy will it fit
Astrology if you believe in it

English Lit Great Expectations
English Lang communications
Mathematics work it out
Music we could twist and shout

Psychology games to play
Economics I can pay
Algebra think of walking
Poetry now you're talking
4.1k · Dec 2011
Randy sloth
martin Dec 2011
The 3 toed sloth
Rhymes with goth
Or is it oath

Moves slowly

Sometimes algae grows on his head
Joni Mitchell didn't mean him when she said

Wild things run fast
3 toed sloth, he'd come last

Once a week he climbs down from his tree
And that's to have a poo and ***

Now sloths get amorous
But *** is tricky up a tree
He moves too quick, he's not used to it
And hits the ground involuntarily

Randy broke his arm
Kind people fixed it with titanium

He resumes his slothful days
But now he's more careful with his loving ways
Randy lives in Costa Rica near to the world's only sloth sanctuary.
3.9k · Jul 2014
martin Jul 2014
Tonight good Duncan, friend and guest
This dagger shall pass through thy breast
I shall be king as was the prophecy and belief
Told by the hags upon the heath

Unsexed like them, my Lady chides me still
For my kindness and uncertain will
Even as my dagger drips once more
And blood from noble Banquo stains the floor

Now in blood so far I'm steeped
Only can I wade more deep

But this horizon leads no longer to infinity
Steadily it closes in on me
Slow but marching all the same
Toward the hill at Dunsinane

And though those warning words I scorned
Not all men are of woman born
Thus proves the prophesy no lie
Live by the sword and therefore by it die
In theatrical circles the superstition persists that it is very bad luck to mention the title of  "the Scottish play".  Such is the power of Shakespeare's  Macbeth.

Act I  Scene V  (Lady Macbeth to Macbeth)
  yet do I fear thy nature;
It is too full o' the milk of human kindness
To catch the nearest way

Act I  Scene VI  (Lady Macbeth)  
Come you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to toe-top full
Of direst cruelty!

Act III  Scene IV  (Macbeth)
I am in blood,
Stepped so far that should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o'er.

Act IV  Scene I  (Second Apparition)
Be ******, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth

Act IV  Scene I (Third Apparition)
Be lion-mettled, proud; and take no care
Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are:
Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until
Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill
Shall come against him
martin Jan 2012
At this time of year winter's grip is left behind
In every corner little signs of Spring we find
Birds are pairing up, snowdrops brave the chill
Life in the earth begins to stir
And yes, I love you still.
3.8k · Aug 2014
Carousels and glitter balls
martin Aug 2014
I looked inside her head
Thought I'd see carousels, glitter *****
Unicorns juggling golden orbs
Glinting diamonds, chandeliered halls

But there was only sawdust, bits of straw
Knotted string, plasticene and beetles wings

Expectation is a foolish thing
3.8k · Nov 2013
Cloud busting
martin Nov 2013
I've had enough of all this wind and reindeer
We otter go away
Holidays are important, my parents tortoise that
Weasel have to look on the internet
You know I can't bear the heat
But here's a spa hotel where I'm sure they would panda to your every need
Alpaca suitcase right away

Toothpaste tube, cattle class
Purple stripes, rows of lights
A newly formed castle white
In concrete, steel and glass

Cloud-high halls, giant pots
Re-charging bodies strewn around
Turning deeper shades of brown
Volcanic sand, hot black rock

We watch a floating city, blazing light
Like a dying star, fade into the night


Ali, where do these bananas go?
What kind of tree is this?
How far does this levada flow?

Ali takes the tourists out
He throws some breadcrumbs in the water
He likes to feed the trout

Madeira born in forty five
Ali told me many things
Ali, our levada walking guide

His family was very poor
He collected mussels from the shore
And sticks to burn for heat
For today his mother said
I have no food and we must eat
We have to eat

Ali, where are all the vines?
How long before your boots wear out?
Do you drink the local wine?

Do the tourists drive you mad
With all the questions that they ask?
Ali smiles, shuffles us aside
To let some others pass
3.6k · Oct 2013
me bike
martin Oct 2013
My bike is still just fine
I've had it a long time
I rode it just the other day
It's the way it's been looked after
I used to go much faster than I do today

I got it when I was only ten
Could hardly reach the pedals then
It cost twenty seven pounds
From a shop in Maidstone town

It seems to know its way these days
To the pub and back
I shall never give my bike away
Or send it off for scrap
tell me about YOUR bike !
3.6k · Jul 2015
A sloth called Randy
martin Jul 2015
The three toed sloth
Rhymes with goth
Or is it oath

Moves slowly

Sometimes algae grows on his head
Joni Mitchell didn't mean him
when she said

Wild things run fast
Randy, three toed sloth,
he'd come last

Once a week he climbs down from his tree
And that's to have a poo
and ***

Now even sloths get amorous
But *** is tricky up a tree
He moves too quick, he's not used to it
And hits the ground involuntarily

Randy broke his arm
Some people fixed it
with titanium

So he can resume his slothful days
But he's more careful now
in his loving ways
sloth sanctuary
Costa Rica
re-work of an earlier post
3.6k · Feb 2013
Jellyfish in the dock
martin Feb 2013
Jellyfish in the dock
Quietly guarding his spot
An intruder drifts by
With a challenging eye
So he gives him all that he's got

The quarrel to settle
He showed him his mettle
Caressed him all over
With arms like a nettle

The stranger acts tough
Calling his bluff
Hanging around in a bit of a huff

He drifted off, he'd shown him what's what
There was no doubt who was king of the dock-
It was one of his better exchanges

But he thought how strange for a fish,
To have tattooed on his chest
Good food costs less at Sainsburys
A tribute to the first poem posted by victoria on hp, which has this same title.

A jellyfish in the dock
Started talking a lot
He said give me a mike,
I'll sing songs if you like
I actually know quite a lot
3.4k · Mar 2014
I passed a milestone
martin Mar 2014
I passed a milestone on the way
Exactly when, I cannot say
Maybe where the grass grew long,
Or when the wind blew extra strong
I passed it though, of that I'm sure
That one's gone, but there will be more

many  more
3.3k · Jan 2012
Girls just fun
martin Jan 2012
All day panda girl reclines
Exercise she declines

Horsey girl will bring you luck   ( U )
Her legs are strong and she drives a truck

Bonobo girl is worth consideration
Taking account of her reputation

Cat girl charms you with her eyes
She chings her  claws and claims her prize

Crocodile girl will make you happy
Until she gets a bit too snappy

Dormouse girl may give a peep
Together you'll have a lovely sleep

Turtle girl will be just swell
If you coax her from her shell

Wallaby girl needs some space
To hop about from place to place

Tarantula girl gives you pangs
When she shows her fearsome fangs

Cougar woman's after me
Completing my  fantasy
Can have a bit of fun can't I?   What John calls a piffle. Good word.
3.2k · Jul 2013
Miss Joan Hunter Dunn
martin Jul 2013
Miss Joan Hunter Dunn, Miss Joan Hunter Dunn
What a vision of loveliness you have become
As I watch from the wings sipping a Pimms
A one-sided love affair has just begun

She holds a martini and graciously flirts
Still wearing the fetching tennis skirt
All the boys stare as she climbs up the stair
Every one wishing she could be theirs

Miss Joan Hunter Dunn, Miss Joan Hunter Dunn
Did I cheer too loud for the match that you won?
Was our handshake too long when I told you well done?

And now it is nineteen seventy one
What an excellent wife and mother you've become
But alas not to me
Miss Joan Hunter Dunn
Inspired by   A Subaltern's Love Song   by the late, great Sir John Betjeman.
Apologies to Betjeman fans :)
3.2k · Jul 2012
Dopey Pope - a limerick
martin Jul 2012
I met a priest from Guyana
Who's fond of his marijuana
He says even the Pope
Stashes some dope
He calls it a gift from the Father
Send in the Spanish inquisition, I care not.  I'll bombard 'em with limericks!
3.2k · Jan 2012
martin Jan 2012
Into the peachy clouds
A strawberry sunset spreads some light
We track across the chili fields
And climb aboard the gravy night

A chocolate pond reflects a moon
Tall hedges show the way
A startled pheasant chucks alarm
A pigeon ***** and flies away

An unseen owl shrieks hello
Foxes cough their husky bark
The dapper badger stirs below
The night shift claims the dark

The ploughman works on through the night
Engine roaring, blazing lights
In his power-walking leviathan
Guided by the satellites

On we go, the village near
We'll find a welcome there
An inglenook, a glowing hearth
A pint of hoppy beer.
3.2k · Feb 2012
Long ski
martin Feb 2012
This majestic mountain invites us up to play
Above the clouds and valley haze
We own it for a day

Rising in the gondola, cables taking strain
Bronzed faces still and quiet
Studying terrain

Alpine chough and ptarmigan are seen from time to time
But alpine buzz is really
What we have in mind

A pack of snowboards hurtles by doing what they dare
A whiff of marijuana
Lingers in the air

Some are here for night-life, drunk in bed by three
Not in search of apres
During's good for me

The weather's right, tons of snow
Come on, come on, we've got to go!
3.1k · Sep 2012
That adjective
martin Sep 2012
Solo Atlantic rower

Jlo rows Atlantic
3.0k · Apr 2016
Fast car (Limerick)
martin Apr 2016
I've seen advertised a new car
That breaks all the records by far
Not only that
I hear it can snap
Elastic at fifty yards!
martin Oct 2013
                             ­                      we
                                                          ­         on our                
                                             ­       feet
3.0k · Jun 2014
Choir boy limerick
martin Jun 2014
There was a vicar from Fife
Who never took a wife
Instead he toyed
With a choir boy
And buggered him up for life
martin Aug 2014
They wanted a curriculum vitae
In absentia
I decided to ad lib
Ad nauseum
Ipso facto, lie and deceive
Exaggerate, mislead et cetera

Hardly a bona fide
Modus operandi
They caught me in flagrante delicto

Requiescat in pace, (RIP) my chances
Now I'm persona non grata
Mea culpa
So many latin phrases are in common use, e.g. (that's one too) status quo, terra firma, ad hoc, compos mentis, in memorandum, in situ, ex gratia, the list goes on and on, almost ad infinitum.
I never studied latin but the school-yard rhyme goes
Latin is a dead language, as dead as dead can be
First it killed the Romans and now it's killing me
Not quite true.
The title translates  " We're always in the ****, it's just the depth that varies a bit."
martin Jun 2013
It's Grandad's birthday coming up
He says he wants a ******,
To entertain him in the bath tub-
Better not tell Granny
****** used to mean
transistor radio
in more innocent times.
Now it's short for transvestite.
2.9k · Dec 2012
Solstice house
martin Dec 2012
Cold and dark the solstice night
But shadows dance inside by candle-light
Pampered spruce holds centre stage
Calendar counts down the days

Festive holly berries red, mistletoe with white
Cards suspended on a string, flashing fairy lights
All is quiet in the house
Nothing stirs except...a mouse

He has no fear
Of cat or trap or carving knife
On his mind is something nice
Perhaps a chocolate-covered nutty treat
Beneath the Christmas tree to eat

Tonight no usual pickings poor
Of meagre breadcrumbs on the floor
For tonight he dines like a king
On fruit and nuts, dates and cake
A little bit of everything

All the Drambuie chocolates he ****** dry
He could not stop, he knew not why
Then he passed out on the floor
One hung-over little mouse, his head so very sore
2.9k · Jun 2015
On Bosworth field
martin Jun 2015
On Bosworth field the die was cast
As banners flapped and arrows flew
The King of England breathed his last
A new one crowned before the day was through

Spewing lead the canons roared
Armour glinting in the light
When Henry's banner Richard saw
He led his men into the fight

The standard bearer he cut down
Then ten feet from his foe it's said
His horse got mired in boggy ground
So failed the charge that he had led

As Henry's men surrounded him
Richard stood his ground and said
I shall not flee, I'll die a King
England's crown upon my head

For the House of York the cause had failed
His skull was smashed, the deed was done
The House of Lancaster prevailed
On Bosworth field the war was lost and won
The battle of Bosworth Field, 1485, was the decisive battle ending the English Civil War, known as the War of the Roses, fought between the houses of Lancaster and York. It was the end of Richard III's reign, the last of the Plantagenets, and the beginning of the Tudor period with Henry VII.

Richard's body was slung over a horse and taken to Leicester where it was put on public display before being buried in an unmarked grave. Only recently in 2012 was the body re-discovered, under a large letter R written on the ground, under a car park. His remains have been re-interred in Leicester cathedral.

-An extract from the poem Bosworth Fielde-
The form and content indicate that it was written within living memory of the battle, probably by an eye-witness;

“Heere is thy horsse att thy hand readye;
another day thou may thy worshipp win,
& ffor to raigne with royaltye,
to weare the crowne, and be our King.”

he said, “giue me my battell axe to my hand,
sett the crowne of England on my head soe hye!
ffor by him that shope both sea and Land,
King of England this day I will dye!
2.9k · Oct 2013
Maggie's barn
martin Oct 2013
I ain't goin' back to Maggie's farm no more
To thatch that old black barn
Already done it twice
Done that thing most my life
Someone else's turn now for sure

Ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother don't you see
He'll not be using me
Bought his wife an Aston Martin
For turning forty three
He couldn't even bother  
To make a cup of tea

It all seems so appealing
When you're young and fit
Thirty five years later
Feel I've done my bit

Been a faithful servant
Couldn't ask for more
Now I'm looking forward
To the final straw
thatching houses since 1978
head full of cold, the weather's wet, ...
ha, it'll pass :)
martin May 2012
they don't read poems
poor souls, scratching and headless
don't write them either

country lane bike ride
T-shirt flapping like a jib
three sheets to the wind
Good bike riding area around here, lots of small roads leading to pubs.
martin Jul 2012
Lie back think of England
Tuck into toad in the hole
Cider with Rosie,  peaches and cream
Juggle dumplings scoring a goal

Oats in the nose-bag, flip-flop away
Doggie do in the park
Scream shout, dip in and out
On the side after dark

Wellies squidgy in the mud
Carpet burns tickling trout
Marigolds in the soap suds
Eyes askew, up the spout
2.8k · Jan 2012
Anxious neighbour
martin Jan 2012
If you think we're going to fight
And it's your intention, we just might.
But it's not what I would like to do
That's why I send this note to you.

Your home's a special place to be
Your refuge from the world, your sanctuary
So please don't fret or get upset
Your privacy we will respect.

As we reflect on our situation
We hope that this communication
Will ease the tension in the air
And show we understand and care.

Feel in my words a soothing balm
Let all your thoughts be smooth and calm
Quell those fears, unknit that furrowed brow
I'm sure we will be friends somehow.
2.7k · Feb 2013
rat catcher
martin Feb 2013
He catches rats for a living
The fine young, jolly young man
Says if you can't get rid of them
Call me, because I can

I'll trap 'em, drown 'em, poison 'em,
Hit 'em on the head
Failing that I'll fire some shot;
Fill 'em up with lead

Bedbugs, fleas, ants, pigeons in the loft
Squirrels being troublesome
Tell me, I'll stop the lot

Then he handed me a business card
Said this is me as well
So if you fancy tasty burgers
Just give me a bell
All the world's a stage the actor said
And every man must play his part
Then he rather ruined it
By letting out a little ****
2.6k · May 2012
Barn swallows (spring haiku)
martin May 2012
No, you can't nest there!
Chatter, swooping, fly around
I must close the doors!
Truly this happened
2.5k · May 2014
magician limerick
martin May 2014
There was a magician from Bath
I couldn't help but laugh-
While performing his magic
His act turned quite tragic-
He sawed his assistant in half
He wondered what to do
So he called a wizard he knew
Who cast a spell
And truth to tell
Joined her back good as new
2.5k · May 2012
worm & poo haiku
martin May 2012
      big fat juicy worm                                  
blackbird fighting for his prize                
       tug of war ensues                                    

    storm discarded twigs
slow water under the bridge
   play poo sticks with me
2.5k · Mar 2013
Spider and Fly
martin Mar 2013
I once knew a woman who got cancer
I don't know why
Perhaps it was genetic
Or she swallowed a fly

They sliced it out
Bombarded with radiation
It might as well have been a spider
To wriggle and wriggle around inside her
Because she died
2.4k · Jan 2017
10 words - gone
martin Jan 2017
morphine took charge
night came on
and turned into mourning
2.4k · Apr 2014
The Easter service
martin Apr 2014
There was a vicar from Crewe
Whose congregation were few
To make amends he brought in his hens
And they all lined up on a pew

Then he compiled an avian choir
(For the singing voice of the hens was dire
And the only song the cockerel knew
Was ****-a-doodle-do)

The church fell silent as we heard
The Lord is my Shepherd from the minor bird
The vicar invited us to pray
And we got the Lords Prayer from the African grey

There followed a rendition of psalm thirty four
Performed without fault from the tenor macaw
The parakeets squawked and scratched their fleas
As they jumped up and down on the ***** keys

The vicar was thrilled it was going so well
The geese gave a honk as they pulled on the bell
But then there appeared right at the back
An evil sparrowhawk poised to attack

Calamity reigned inside the church
The African grey fell off his perch
The first to escape was the tenor macaw
As fast as he could through the open door

The chickens shrieked and went home in a flap
The minor bird had a heart attack
The geese walked away back to their pen
And the church fell silent once again
the vicar found a pile of parakeet feathers in the churchyard the next day
2.4k · Jun 2015
Out of sand (pantoum poem)
martin Jun 2015
When the glass runs out of sand
Gently guide me through the night
Sit by me and hold my hand
Be my comfort and my light

Gently guide me through the night
Let us chase the shadows down
Be my comfort and my light
Let me see you smile not frown

Let us chase the shadows down
Though I see your eyes do weep
Let me see you smile not frown
Until such time as we may sleep

Though I see your eyes do weep
Sit by me and hold my hand
Until such time as we may sleep
When the glass runs out of sand
2.4k · Sep 2012
martin Sep 2012
She minds her little sister
Babysitting in the woods
Flowers bunched up in her hand, primroses perhaps
Devoutly kneeling, she offers them to the child
As hair flows down her back
A long blonde waterfall

The child with open arms
Learns how to receive
And how to give

In a corner a written plea
Take me now for twenty quid
Reduced from twenty five

Unloved, unvalued even for the frame
Now rescued from indignity
And lifted from the skip
Skip =  dumpster
2.3k · Feb 2013
Financial adviser
martin Feb 2013
My old man's in finance
He dishes out advice
He'll tell you where to best invest
But only for a price

He charges a hundred fifty
For every hour he's there
I thought he'd got a ****** cheek
I don't know how he dare

I fell out with him
I'm not that easily led
So my stash is going back
Underneath the bed

for Higgs
2.3k · Apr 2012
The mallard drake
martin Apr 2012
His claim he staked, the mallard drake
Beside a little pond
Two female ducks were round about
They would return anon

He watched me work all morning
A feather he would preen or peck
I reciprocated his respect
And studiously ignored him

He was content until I went
A bit too close for comfort
His head and neck he laid down low
His movements they were slow
As if to bid the executioner
Or will the grass to grow
To Edward
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