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798 · Feb 2017
A Hard Read
Martin Koegler Feb 2017
Your smile is beautiful,
but you're unhappy.

You're full of energy,
but you're always tired.

You have a hundred friends,
but you're lonely.

You love to travel,
but you hate new places.

You hate texting,
but you're always on Facebook.

You want a FWB,
but you just talk.

I love you,
but you don't love me.
I'll probably be uploading another poem in response to this one after I have resolved this paradox.  In the meantime, enjoy!
617 · Mar 2017
A Hard Read: Part Two
Martin Koegler Mar 2017
I love you,
But you don't love me.

I watch you,
working on homework.

I watch you
from across the cafeteria.

I watch you,
laughing at your friend.

I watch you,
posting on social media.

I watch you,
walking to your car.

You are deaf,
but you aren't blind.

You are aware,
but you stay anyways.

You still refuse,
but you stay anyways.

why do you stay?
We have solved some of the questions from "A Hard Read," but there are even more questions that need answered now.  I am afraid of the answer, but I am enjoying this adventure!
597 · Feb 2017
Martin Koegler Feb 2017
I played your game.
I followed your rules.
From the beginning of time.
Your world was all I knew.
I thought it was just you.
Just you and your world.
Your world was all.
So I followed its rules.
I got a girlfriend.
I pretended to be mad
when she ~broke my heart~
I would freeze solid.
My arms and body, stone.
Every time that question;
that silly silly question,
was asked to me.
Everybody knew.
Nobody cared.
I cared.
I was angry.
It was my Question.
It was my Answer.
Sure, it was true.
But, it was not some toy.
I am not a source for entertainment.
The spine and brain are first,
but, I had no spine
until That Day.
An inner evil,
foreign to me,
erupted from within me.
I pitied her poor soul;
My explosion was more,
more than that Saint Helens.
That beautiful destruction I caused?
I reveled in it.
I had finally grown my spine.
Holding in your feelings is painful.  Don't let them push you around.  Don't be afraid.  You shouldn't have to hide.
504 · Feb 2017
The Entity and My Identity
Martin Koegler Feb 2017
As I scrubbed my hands,
I stopped to look at the mirror.
It was quite some time
Before I realized it.
I rinsed my hands off.

I returned to that mirror.
Who was that staring back?
Was that truly me?
I bent closer to it,
Searching for something recognizable.

A tear painted my cheek.
Who was that thing?
It was a monster.
I tried to ****** it,
But it bathed in destruction.

It felt no shame,
For what it had done,
Was beautifully destructive.
But it could not feel.
None of the guilt was its own.

That divide separated them,
But they were not two.
They desperately desired
To be two, separated,
But they must coexist.

They battled everyday.
Barely, I maintain control.
However, there will be a day,
A day that I will lose.

That day will mark the end of my tale.
456 · Feb 2017
Defiant Rebellion
Martin Koegler Feb 2017
It is my temple

My word is all

I am the rules

There are no restrictions

I cannot be contained

My voice is loud

I can no longer be silenced

I will not conform
I got the idea for this poem when my best friend complained about poems lacking rhyme scheme or specific structure.  Poetry is voice.  You choose the structure.

— The End —