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Jan 2016 · 728
kelly Jan 2016
My nose is benumbed with the
chill, and the cold and the numb
but the touch of her thumb
****** the ice out of me
and into her.
My lips were dry without
her warmth, left with the sweet
painful taste of craving
My ears hurt with the
screaming, and the constant streaming
of her tears, and the tears,
in her heart,
in her eyes.
My eyes are blinded by the
nothingness, and the stark contrast
of her pale skin, and her pale face,
against the darkness,
the blackness.

and finally,
what do you see
she asks me
there's nothing to see
i reply.
why can't you see
why can't you see
she yells
because you won't let me
i whisper.
idk what this is ****

— The End —