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You get up, heading to leave. 
Then you feel that familiar tug upon your sleeve.

At this all your actions halt with ease. 
You freeze.


One word and you retreat. 
Slowly reversing the direction of your feet.

At once you turn on the spot. Oh God!....Mmm…Yeah..Hot!
Surely with this intense connection our love is true, is it not?
Your body comes back to rest just beside me on your cot. 

A playful smile resides upon your lips.
Which means that my heart skips.

Inch by inch you close gap. Eventually you’re hovering just above me.
Your eyes are systematically changing their hue, turning as blue as the deep sea.

I can feel the coolness of the air.
My hand reaches up, nesting in your hair.

The back of your neck, my fingers lightly grazing.
She is amazing!

Our foreheads meet. 

Thump, thump, leap. 
My heart, basically on repeat.

A heated kiss.
A whimper, a passion filled hiss.

The back of your hand finds my cheek.
My smile is nervous and weak.

From you a soft chuckle.
My insides melt and buckle.

“Are you ever not this dreamy?” You ask then you lick my ear lobe.
Now you begin to disrobe.
Shifting your position, you're siting astride my middle.
With the hem of your sleeping shirt you do fiddle.

It's then flung over the top of your head.
Drifting far from our place on the bed.

But I don't care.
I just stare.

My view is the best. 
Your beautiful. Gorgeous. Bare chest.
You take one of your hands and touch your left breast.

With your fingertips you tease the already hardening ******.
And thousands of goose pimples erupt over my entire body, in the form of a giant ripple.

The sounds that you are making.
Are beyond breathtaking.
This moment, for me; ground-breaking.

The next few minutes are all a blur.
All remaining threads have been discarded. We are now both completely unguarded.
The next thing I hear from you is an animalistic type purr.
For a split second I wonder .....When did this change occur?

Our bodies begin working together - In sync.
Between us lives a non-perishable link.

As we find our perfect pace.
It seems that our fingers have subconsciously been able to interlace. 

In our state of perpetual motion.
This is when I am truly hit by the intensity of your love and devotion.
Incapsulated deep within this physical act lies layer after layer of previously inexpressible emotion.

I've never felt this way before.
You're the one I will always adore.
Without question and forevermore.
You pepper ultra soft kisses everywhere, your intention is to explore. 

Our hands detach.
One of yours intent on reaching my increasingly sodden lower wet patch.

"Well someone seems ready." You say with a light smirk.
To which my hips reply with a rather large ****.
"Oh no ah-ah-ah Monkey, keep those steady I hardly think now is the time to practice your twerk."

"Babe?....." You call to gain my attention.
My head turns at the mention.
It's at this time that you search my face for any signs of apprehension.
".....All you have to do is let me know, okay?"
I can only nod right now. Not knowing what to say.
Another kiss is planted. As a loose hair strand is gently brushed away.

My sensitive bundle of nerves are met with your flicking thumb.
All I can do is release a continual and deep pleasure-filled hum.
No more feeling ******* numb!!!

"Baby G?....." 
Comes your plea.
"....Talk to me?"

"I..Er..Uh..Mmmm...M-more?" I ask with a clenched jaw.
"Okay honey. Only if you're sure."

"****." I whisper as you run a finger along the length of my suitably moistened slit.
Never lessening your relentless assault on my ****.

Before you enter two slender digits. You further part my legs.
My response; desperate and almost painful high-pitched begs.

You marvel at the view within your eye line.
"Mine." That is what you decree.
And with that statement I wholeheartedly agree.

A series of purposeful stokes.
And you have me praying for the love of God that this isn't some beautiful dreamlike hoax.

All of a sudden a mind-blowingly powerful ******.
Arching my back, I release a throaty moan. My horse voice full of lust.

My toes curl.
My head is caught in a swirl.
"*** for me baby girl."

And as if on que.....
"That's it darling, I got you." You coo.
"I-I- lov-"
"Aww shh sweetheart I already know you do...Guess what I love you too, honest and true."
(C) 2014
 Jan 2015 Lambert Mark Mj
I woke up
with I miss you so much
It brighten me up in an instant
I thought it will be a seenzoned greeting ☺Hi ham :)
Fingers bleed the soul
It dries in concrete painted words
 Jan 2015 Lambert Mark Mj
My body is a canvass
Tinted are griefs
Of reminiscent past

My body is a wall--
A mural of every break, every fall

My body is a plate
Etched of anguish my mind berates

I am a paint--
Deep, dark burgundy--
The shade of my soul's ignominy

I am a brush--
Strokes of hate in the evening's hush

I am a clay--
Molded in disappointment and dismay

I am a charcoal--
Smudged by idiocy
And ideas that are shoal

My body is a sculpture--
Crafted with unsightliness and disgust

I am an edifice--
A construction of mars,
Founded by scars

I am the thread of my clothes--
I wear to cover my bones--
   I hide in the closet--
I deeply loathe

I am a masterpiece--
Of repugnance and self-grudge;
Of vexation, of lies--
Of hate! Of hate! Of hate!

I am an art--
A sophisticated tragedy,
An intricate catastrophe
Perfection in all grotesquerie
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past,
Stop planning the future,
Stop figuring out precisely how we feel,
Stop deciding exactly what we want and see what happens.
 Dec 2014 Lambert Mark Mj
Skies like sheets of shale
floated above our pretty heads,
shedding fat drops of rain
upon an unseasonably warm
December day in Michigan.

I broke free from your grip
beneath our shared plastic umbrella,
ran into the yard
and spun around six times,
arms outstretched like an albatross,
face upturned to the miles and miles
of unbroken grey clouds.

I stopped and called to you,
fly with me.
as my palms turned up
and reached for you, involuntarily.

You laughed, staccato,
and your ambiguous smile
was nothing more than
an ugly daguerreotype
set before a landscape
of compassionate trees.

I'd rather not get wet,
you said

and I think
I've always resented you
for that.
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