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Apr 2014 · 836
a buick and a girl
mark john junor Apr 2014
it was just past three am
and the engine was running rough
and there was miles and years to go
streetlights goin by so fast they seem to flicker
like an old time picture show
the radio playing loud
some oldies station with an echo
like time was a tunnel of stars and streetlights
that endless perfect night with your girl next to you
shes wearing shorts and a wifebeater
flip-flops and all thouse bracelets
she tinkled when we would bounce in the back seat
she just laughs and says **** tootin'
my soul is three inches from flying pavement
and iv never felt so alive
the whole world comes down to that
floating flying dreamin running laughin freedom
on the wings of the engines secret fires
the road itself takes on a other worldly glow
in thouse hypnotic headlights
there in the tunnel of stars and headlights
a buick and a girl
iv never been so alive
Apr 2014 · 460
handbill in a summer brezze
mark john junor Apr 2014
a warm breeze walks a handbill
up the empty street
from the show which had been
on the outskirts of town
all lights and fury far into the cool night
just a dusty track now fading out
just taffy wrappers and dime fortune teller cards
leading away
into the mornings highways memories
just photographs of awkward smiles
and plastic dolls won as a prize

she came through town that way
some years ago
and she had caught your imagination
and your heart
in a velvet dress she bid people come
to the edge of town to see the wonders
to see the might of the weak man
see the small heart of the big man
come see the wonders of the wide mysterious world
seven wonders for seven cents
she was a pretty thing
that you would think to see
in the finest company
with the prettiest jewels

but you would see her at the end of the show
her hair let down and flowing like a thick dream
prettiest you've ever seen
with the weak man in her arms
the kind if lovin grace to her eyes
just then you couldn't find the heart to disturb them
with your questions and camera
so you let her go
just to be one of thouse memories
that the highway holds dear
places far away
people strange and true
of the worlds prettiest girl
and the worlds weakest lucky man
(i sold t-shirts (as an independent) at several carnival shows, and got to know several carnies...especially one girl in particular who took care of horses, she will always have a special place in my heart)
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
thistles and snow
mark john junor Apr 2014
the waters edge under the midnights star
she walks slow where the waters overflow the sea
barefoot in the salt waters and sands
carrying her sandals and wide dreams
you can feel them walking there by her side
a soft magic that holds
she talks to me in such voice to lend me to the dream
and i give myself to it free

i am the candle flickering in her window
i am the chair that she curls up in
wrapping herself against the winters chill
and i keep her warm and safe
i keep the hours that she waits here
like a fine dream
thistles and snow
so long ago

she walks slow on the edge of the sea
as day kisses night
barefoot in the soft sands
caressed by the warm sea
like a song for the heart
like a forever more
thistles and snow so long ago
Apr 2014 · 556
marble shaped box
mark john junor Apr 2014
she kept her bedroom eyes in a marble box
i opened it expecting to find
but there was only dusty footprints of some stranger leading away
her cool hand rested on mine like reassurance
but her far off eyes trailed his every move
knew id have to leave soon
before it got to me that she was already gone

i packed my pockets with the silver and gold
that we garnished from our long years
and headed for the ornate doors
she was waiting there for me
the light has faded from the winter day
and now she was just the logical other end of
the footprints that are stretched out behind me in the snow
'take a little love with you' was all she could say
so i clutched the heart shaped coffin to my chest
like all the pain it contained could be wished away

quick shoes have lead me to this strange place
and my companions the broken engineer
and the sketchy girl with the funny hat
so i unpack the marble box on the hot sand
hoping to find all the things i know i left behind
no disappointment there
the hollow box was full of empty promises
and unspoken love sonnets
the devoid tears of loves aching

in constructing the poem i made mistakes
and all the words i left out have come back to haunt me
they all come to talk to me in my dreams
wanting only to be spoken aloud one last time
before the final curtain
but i left them all in her pocket and
she will always be back there somewhere
at the logical end of all the logical footprints
bury the marble box so her memory cant ****** me
throw away the heart shaped coffin so i can forget me
but ill allways be making thouse footprints
that lead back to her
Apr 2014 · 800
a storm far out to sea
mark john junor Apr 2014
her pale face in the warm night
like medieval dark princess lips so bright
lure the sailor with her desperate charms
****** the heart with her eyes

the scents of the seven seas wash over me
all the traveling done to see a higher place to be
when it was right here infront of me
her thin pale lips pressed against mine
she whispers a plea
not to follow the wild things into the night
not to stand unfriended under the church of the skies
naked to the cold rain
to stay here in her warm arms
quickening under the spell of her devices

the chipped tiles cold
bucket of brine
sits by the door
has no shadow has no rhyme
it is salty for a dog of the sea
lick his haunches with thin lip grin
the tallyman count but the water rapping on the hull distracts
let us in the waves call to you
let us wash your spirit and teach you to float in the deep
the water is cool on your fevered brow

and since the words fled your pen
there is so little to do
but listen to the waves rapping on the hull
on the beaten weather burned white paint of the wood hull
its peeling and rot shows
the waves call out to you
let us in
we will teach you to ride the deep ocean rivers
teach you to see
the tallyman count one two three
the tallyman know good one from bad
toss you back to the sea
you no good
you go back to the god that made you
Apr 2014 · 379
the daylight bridge
mark john junor Apr 2014
the daylight bridge
over mornings cool shallow waters
carries the dark veiled men
to the salt stained rocks of the levee
where they stand amid the sea spray
silently counting the thunder of breaking waves
silent tally of immortal sea
she walks there among the giants
picking flowers in the heart of the raging sea
because that is where she believes she belongs
because she believes she is cursed
i plunder the sand from her salted skin
hoping to heal her wounded mind

the daylight bridge
and her lips are on my mind
full lush supple with silken touch
watch them deliver hammer-stroke with tender wet touch
watch her mouth give birth to nightmares
as she looks at me calmly
watch the complexity of her eyes as they
walk her through the apocalypse of her hearts desire
full lush supple with silken touch
like a lover in summers eve
too near to touch too far to flee
too frightening to be

she carries with her a leather bound book
with names and faces
with places whipped by dust
others careworn with a blanket of snow
barren as the tomb
a motel sing flickering in a humid night
and the tears you know come attached to its neon glow
a silhouette of a woman seeking to be whole
in the labours of the unholy
you despise her
but she sustains the air i breath
she maintains the mountain that i lay under
i live for her smile

the daylight bridge crumbles in the humid night
and like the iron soiled black veiled men
we stand and with guarded silence await the dawn
and the redemption of her smile
await her
and she speaks my name
like a treasure
to be stolen
(the daylight bridge...aka swallowtail bridge)
Apr 2014 · 365
sun's dust devils
mark john junor Apr 2014
the pale glass window
dusty with the passing days
reflects a shard of the sun's dust devils
and all i could hear was the small sounds
that creatures of the darkness made
as they thirsted

i walked in the grey dust
and the bitter taste of the miles of desert
was in my mind like tears
i walked on because i knew not what else to do
because the wind shifted the leaves
was it not faith in a madman's way
would it not suffice with the kindness of...
the wind shifted the leaves

the midnight flame flickers in the echoes of the cold winds
while i etched the papers ivory face with
all that which such as i could devise
and as i slipped into a fitful dream
the miles swept me onward
into the darkness
into the dark dreams that live there

the pale glass window
dusty with the passing days
reflects a shard of the sun's dust devils
and in that brief light
i saw a face
against the grand design
against the backdrop of years
but the dust swallowed it
like all my other dreams
and the dust devils are all that remain
my only companions
in the darkness
Apr 2014 · 892
paradise's parking lot
mark john junor Apr 2014
paradise's parking lot
vast field of asphalt and lampposts
empty in daylights hours...
on its most distant edge
where trees overhang and
weeds have encroached in pavement's fissures
the buick sits in shade and silence
immersed in birds song and seabreeze

she sits on the hood
her patchwork quilted hippy dress brightly shines
in soft textures and scents
beads and bracelets with bells on her ankle
she is deep beauty in soft sand
an agent of the souls better natures
her form embraces the sunlight
that escapes through the overhead canopy of leaves
it dances on her skin like liberty's celebration
like lovers entwined in
passions kiss aftermath of lonesome song

a bird lands nearby and with
loud cry speaks of the hot sand and threadbare grass
with a hot voice describes the lush life it lives
and its dreams of rivers of wind
my pen has paused
she is talking to me in such soft voice now
asking if i am hungry
we sit in the peaceful edge of paradise's parking lot
where nature has stained manmade perfections
with its vibrant life
eating the salty butter bread sipping the **** wine
and wait for my pen to find its words again
waiting for the time to pass
(fiveashes parking lot)
Apr 2014 · 658
malice's unkempt
mark john junor Apr 2014
a dark enlightenment forms in her mouth
its pure sanity's not tainted

a dark enlightenment mouthed with her bright ruby lips
letting it fall to the carpet
where it slowly rolls in the dirt

it ashen face weakly weeps

a dark enlightenment
lay on her treasured spiral notebook
college ruled
she lay pallid and limp in the setting sun
flea infested glitterboys lay all around her
for her entertainments
they watch her with weak eyes
waiting for her soft hand

the dark enlightenment
is five civil words uttered in profane mannerism
that showers the speaker with the knowledge's unkempt
by malice's smooth grandeur hand
malice is an old pro at this sort of thing
leasure suit in lizard lounges
(LOL...her only comment was "what?")
Apr 2014 · 642
the warmth of her gaze
mark john junor Apr 2014
i look at her in the innocence of her casual moment
and in the fine lines of the truth of her image
i see with clarity that she defines me
her hair wet thick tangible with its scented cascade
the curves of her eyelids
the flecks of black in the blue of her eye

in the detail of her
are the thousands of words that a woman's heart whispers
the seas of mystery and soft summer meadows of longing's dream
the ink of her lips feed my pens soul
the soft lines of them wet supple
to hear your name upon them is like having your soul wrapped in silk
she whispers mine
and for a time uncounted i pass from this world
in her lips gentle embrace

she says something but i am so caught by
the intensity in her eyes
the words unspoken there are the fires of my hearts very soul
i burn brightly there in the warmth of her gaze
i burn sweetly in her desires
like drifting on a sea of tears of joy
a thousand lifetimes of the wandering in bliss fairytale kingdoms delight
brought to life in space of a moment that she touches you with her eyes

i with the greatest care untangle her from her doubt
her lips paused in the spoken word
as she searches my face for meanings
i tell her simply that she is the garden of my soul
and i savor all the beautiful things that she gives life to in my heart
the ink of her lips writes the poem of my world
the songs of her echo along my senses from my fingertips
in the warm damp of her hair
to her scent filling my soul with its symphony's of every want that
any soul could ever dream
i burn brightly there in the warmth of her gaze
i burn sweetly in her desires
Apr 2014 · 505
earthly tomb
mark john junor Apr 2014
the crows narrated his approach
as if devising his doom
but scatter to springs crisp air
as he drew near
crying out as they took to wing
an odd forlorn song that crows speak
in the front yard he pauses in the wild weeds and litter
he pushes open the door
and cool dark silences greet him
he steps inside and a crow lands on the lawn
its strange eye leveled at him

inside the house he lay on the stained mattress
with the full weight of his own mind on him
restless he spins on the sheets and
wrestles the blanket for answers it dose not contain
eventually he just sits by the grey stain of a window
and watches the slow clockwork precision that
night consumes day like a glutton with dinners three fold

night is stillness in the house
he sits on the front step barefoot among the
leaves cast aside by the living world
each a unique face gone dark by deaths hand
gathered here by twisting winds
to find comfort in mutual decay
like parched lips feeling for the condensation of souls
lain out for burial
the dead are wet leaves stacked in the heart
sweep them up and tenderly carry them to pyre
release me from this earthly tomb

in the grey of morning
he walks barefoot still across the lawn
decorated with litter and weeds
to the broken fence
when a single crow
utters its soulful cry
the dead are wet
release them from this earthly tomb
Apr 2014 · 668
in the eyes of her heart
mark john junor Apr 2014
she cradled the thought of me in the eyes of her heart
and constructed me from fragments
of what she had thought she knew
with deliberate care stitched the pieces
of her self deceptions to the fabric of reality's rags
a wedding cake of circumstance and make believe
that was the union of her fears and madness

she crept up to my window paine
and carved into the stain of frost on winters nights glass
the thought of the face of the bitter dogs
their lonely years hanging loose upon their bones
their fear have all withdrawn to gather in moonlight
the stillness of her own reflection
fails to bear fruits of reason
so she joins them to whisper at the falling sky

she lay in the halflight of evening
fully clothed under the sheets
writing in her mind symphony's of silence
embracing the gloom
while beads of desperation's labors burst upon her brow
her tight lips pressed to retain
but the words cannot help but but be spoken
please love me

in her hearts eye she cradles me in
the embrace of a lover
in her hearts mad mind it was meant to be
she has known it since secret writings came to light
never you mind they bore another woman's name
the just feel like they speak to her alone
in her hearts mad mind
she carves heart shaped love letters
in the stain of frost of winter nights glass
Apr 2014 · 385
quiet truth's
mark john junor Apr 2014
the light reflected off one of the
spanish beads in her hair as it spilled
off her shoulder in the rain
a faded tattoo of a bird flying lay there too
it carried a rose with a broken heart

i covered her with my jacket to keep off the chill
as we moved along the deserted road
and she took comfort in my company
gracing me with a complex smile
one with many sides and meanings
like any womans love
shifting like the sea of sand in the mysterious desert
shifting like the masterpieces of the the sea of stars above
no man can utter whats written there
but only a fool can fail to see
the beauty in her eyes

she reached out one hand
and with just fingertips brushed the hair from my eyes
simple but with such quiet truth to her gesture
she knew i could love her
and she knew she could love me
and the sands of earth and sky stood still as a whisper
and the world fell to just that magical moment and it was right
and even a fool could see
the beauty in her eyes
was for no other than me
meant to be
Apr 2014 · 387
old dry skin
mark john junor Apr 2014
apathetic her eyes glued to the autumn door
leaves gathered there rustle like dry skin
feel the memory of hands cold and dry
smell the christmas ornaments and cookies
the knowledge hidden never really known only hinted
that knowledge has eyes that watch
has a mouth that silently recites each footstep
each tenfold lie

apathetic the spurned take root in shadow
and there delve ever deeper into the dark hand
its ever present fingers prying at the minds cavities
seeking that wet meat stench
and the apathetic eyes shudder and turn away
you cannot bear this alone
speak to me
but small gestures don't suffice
apathetic eyes locked away behind silent white doors
muted by the sound
of autumn leaves rustling in the doorway
like old dry skin

she shudders and a sound like fear escapes her dry lips
standing she turns to leave
but finds the plain white door barring her way
its ornate handle defies her
she collapses to the window
where she watches mutely fall leaves
dance in cold wind
scraping on the wet pavement
with a sound of horror's
christmas approaches once more
an old man in the cold of night
brimming with terrifying cheer
his blood red suit his sack of corpses
(a product of a rainy day)
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
dreads and beads
mark john junor Apr 2014
the tide of the days winds shifted
and the sunlight submerged returns
she lay in the pieces of sunshine
sculpture of dreads and beads
fine tuned erotica machine
with a heart of gold and trinkets of silver
she rests one arm across me
i savour its textures and its tastes on the mind
grains of sand along the line of her delicate form
i chase each one with fingertip
she smiles with wicked intents of her own
the sun melts us into eachother with sinful delights
i taste her on my very soul

later we sip wine in the shade with
cheese bread and meats
she rests her head on my shoulder
holding one of my hands in both of hers
playing with my fingers
and speaking to me with her caress
tells me of her love renewed with each heartbeat we share
i put on some music
a french girl who sings sweetly of her days as a child
and thinking of sweet paris
we sit and watch the beach struggle with the sea
we sit and watch the wandering people playing in the sun

her barely there bikini covered
with my van heusen suit shirt
we leave the beach to the gulls and turns
we leave the day to the evenings handiwork
strolling the garden path back to our house
carrying picnic basket and and things
i will make dinner and we will watch
the moonrise on the sea
sleep will give us tomorrow
to love one another again
Apr 2014 · 959
folly's quest
mark john junor Apr 2014
i came upon a girl in the wood
her sun floating smile could not be repressed
the light of her inner shone clearly
like song simple and true
i asked her and i begged of her moment
how far must i travel
before i am loved as deeply as you
she could not answer

in the middle of the long night
came upon a man walking in the stars
the beauty and wonder of the mysteries of his world
spun like whirlwinds and shone from his eyes like tenderness
and i asked of him i begged of him to tell me please
how deep into the wilderness must i wander alone
before i could find loves sweet harmony like he has
he could not answer me

in the resonance of morning dancing upon the worlds edge
i found a girl who was painting a masterpiece of freedoms
a scene of sweet adorations and gifts of souls kiss for all
who are drawn near
i asked her and i begged of her to please tell
me how long must i study at the dusty dry bones of fear
how long must i sit in the stillness of autumn never ending
before spring finds me like it has her
she answered me
in a voice thick and rich
in a knowledge sure
that i had all these things
and left them all behind to folly's quest
to find the love within
Apr 2014 · 375
thin soup of souls
mark john junor Apr 2014
his leather face worn thin by the years
is tanned and striking as it catches
the approaching dawn
his threadbare fingers nimble still
weave the moment into the tapestries of his mind
hung in cold vacant halls
each priceless memory dust laden
and faded

thouse around him collapse the fortress of night
and tend to the camps low resolution cook fires
but the true furnace is her eyes as
she unfolds the plots and treasons found
sketched like livid tales in the beaten earth
of the summer meadow
a mesmerizing connection only found under
moonlights saving grace
she weeps in the morning light for what she
has never had and lost

he favours the game leg
while as a horde we break slowly from cover
and while two of the girls rise and fall
of the fortunes of absent rivals
their chatter echoes along the concrete
but are pale after all in springs embracing sun
where all things old feel like they will be new again
where there is hope in the very air you breath

he staggers to the daily mission
where the thin soup and weak bread are the message
but it is for the known face of it
it is for the familiar grace of it
the girls chatter is cold in nature
but it is warm to be companion to
better the bitter hand
than the empty one
he rests his game leg and
wonders how he travelled so far without
Apr 2014 · 654
that moment
mark john junor Apr 2014
in that golden light
in that rose glasses moment
it really is all there is
it really is all you'll ever need

she was there too
familiar to the song
and comfortable to the dance
lace and silver jewels
pretty perfumes and mysterious candles flickering
she was no stranger to this little world
where the magic is all that matters
and that can only be from the heart

watch her dance now
see her freedom in her open heart
and the love she gives to all
watch her captivate
see how she looks to the rising sun
with a longing that the night
deep and magical never end
its thunder is effortless desires
its depth are songs that the heart holds dear
never let it end
just one more dance
one more time in her arms
spinning like stars on the edge of night

i still see her there
magic in her eyes
tender in her touch
she was with me
she was with me
that night
that moment
Apr 2014 · 677
witchita honey
mark john junor Apr 2014
her viking fishnet and lace looks
smash me in the face as she saunters into the room
shes perfect to the sheen of her paint by numbers lipgloss
rough to the stiletto razor blade cutting carpet
as she walks over to and melts into the chair next to me
witchita honey on the miami shore
got that deep tan and 'pensive jewels to prove
shes no snow bunny

she laughs at something like shes so entertained
she unloads her wares all over the table
and plays with the chrome handled pistol
while flicking her bick
she likes to be on fire and dangerous
witchita honey on the miami shore
in a barely there bikini
shes perfections mounted on high heels
moving through the endless party
like she was born to be
witchita honey whatcha' gonna do
whitchta honey do you even know who you are

she knows its gotta be funny even when its not
cause it cant stop being a good time
cause the endless party will leave you in the dust
if you aint too hip to cry
she pauses in her two ****** binge
looks me dead in the eye
and down in there i see a tear
down in there i see a lost girl
push past the noise i know you aint no fool
baby take my hand
ill get ya out here
leave it all behind witchita
leave it all behind
its hard to write 'beautiful love poems' all the time..especially when i'm stressed out or something...this piece isn't as dark as i can get...shes a friend...and shes a really nice girl
Apr 2014 · 476
eleven burling lane
mark john junor Apr 2014
the hallway painted green
sizzles in midsummer heat
i look down the descending stairs
to the sounds of her fighting with boyfriend vinnie
her loose shirt clings to her lean body
her hair a warm brown tangled in a ponytail
pieces of it cling to her sweat soaked skin
i reach down and gently run my hand along her cheek
she looks at me
then at my girlfriends closed door and she kisses me
i lean into her kiss with a lustful passion
we cling to one another in a moment of stolen loves
late that night she comes down the street
standing beneath my window calls my name
it sounds like beauty
it sounds like a gift
Apr 2014 · 486
lace and loves
mark john junor Apr 2014
sat lookin through the screen-door
while she played some spanish tune on her guitar soft
and the light did fade on down to the cold west
leaving us by the glow of lamplight flickerin
she made that song dance for me
made it spin a tale out of thin air
one of walking in a summer sun holding hands
one of laughing like we was young
and it was a rich and strong tune fine as spun gold
and it was true to the heart as a lovin soul

and the stars did come up on high
with their ancient mystery's did amaze
but nothing compared to the true beautiful mystery
of her singing so softly next to me
the simple white cotton of her dress
the fine ribbons in her long hair
and all the fine things that decorated her warm presence
so i did love her in the spaces of my heart
that had no place left over any other
she filled me like a sweet sea
she contained me like a summer night sky
full of her scents
filled with her tender warm embraces
held me with bonds of lace and loves

deep into this night she spun this spanish song
made it dance like my heart when i look at her
made it fly like my soul when i am adoring her
and it was a rich and strong tune fine as spun gold
and it was true to the heart as a lovin soul
let her sing my friend till the dawn comes takes us away
let her sing till the world cant maintain us
cause i never want it to end
Apr 2014 · 807
pocket full of posies
mark john junor Apr 2014
she picks up the shards
of her broken mind places them in
neat arrangement of prettiest colours
giving such names and thinks of lives
they have never lead
with husbands never met
pretty dresses for each adorned piece
of her mad mad mind
but it delights her no end
to imagine the tender kiss each one gets
the warm embrace earned by fretting the cookies and pie
quick teddy roosevelt steals a cookie with
a toothy grin
its just a image of a shattered shard
but its enough

carrying her caravan of eyes
in a concealing tortoise shell bag
she seals away along the edge of
perceived existence where the headlights don't shine
the houses far off enough not to see clearly
she makes for the wood and the
wind soaked lake
its dark waters crisp and cold
on her hot feet
a place where she is alone enough
to feel free

she lays her eggshell children of the mind
on the glacier torn rock
in the brilliant summer sun
where without motion sparkle and gleam like silent fire
and sings to them
a lullaby
ring a round the rosie pocket full of posies
plague men come knockin on the door
but quick teddy roosevelt long gone
dig a hole for you
dig a hole for me
thrice you labour in the all day into night
thrice you pile earthen mounds in the sun
but never no more
spend your pocket of posies my young one
she gathers up her shattered mind
and flees home finally able to see
the plague is of the mind
and it has come home to roost
Apr 2014 · 620
breathed its magic
mark john junor Apr 2014
the heartbeat of the living night
breathed its magic into my mind
as she sailed into the room like fairytale of an ocean tide
sweeping away all that i had been so dreamin darkly of'
in a simple cotton dress and a floppy hat
danced a quick two step to the music and smiled to me
with such a sweet innocence that it simply melted time for me
we talked half the night
till the dawn touched her hair like fire meeting snow
and i will never forget the words she gave to me
like the key to kingdoms great and small
like the secret of mystery's expressed by none other than
the gentlest songbird on a midnight breeze mid-summers eve
she told me to take her to my bed
and to never let her go
but time has made miles out of the molehills
and my boyhood bluejeans are now an old mans tattered flag
but my heart still thunders like
the heartbeat of the living night
whenever my thoughts turn to her
when that little two step quick smile comes to mind
soft thunder never faded cause the heart remains true
and i will allways be there
in her sweetest arms
in her spring nights soft dream
Apr 2014 · 629
mark john junor Apr 2014
i will not adorn this
will not weave in images that would distract
will not fill the heart of it
with tender thoughts
i will let it speak in its own words
i will let it be true to its nature
i will let it be
a simple thought and emotion
a hearts truth
it is
i am desperately alone
and i desperately wish you were here to hold me
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
tattooed love figurine
mark john junor Apr 2014
her maudlin ******* clad emotions
moved across her vivid motion face
she paused to fumble with the settings
but her steam engine heartstrings are
trying to re-write themselves

like a derringer she carries both smoke and fire
concealed in her compact chrome adorned form
i kiss her deeply with adoration
i kiss her with loves longings
she denies such things have realities
she says that its only the oily taste of aftersex with an unclean woman
that is real and good
i cannot wish away her versions of reality

she caged her fingers
with pewter rings in the shapes of skulls and dragons
but the real danger lay not in her blades and devices
but in the lingering i would do admiring her
so used to the vestibule of her carnal delights
i would venture no further
into the amazon jungle of her forbidden fruits
and i would forever one of her
treasured trophies in the neatly appointed sitting room
with the ticking clock and chipped fine china
with the blurry photographed crying faces
and a carpet adorned with images of plagues rampages
death is no mere stick figure
with some wicked blade
he's a carpetbagger selling cheap potions
in the twisted carnival of life

her thick tears are slow to escape her eyes
as she looks off into the oncoming night
and the face of the unbearable
her maudlin emotions vivid to me
as my hand holding hers in empathy is to her

she decorates the flawed image she sees in her mirror
and with mock flair unleashes herself
into the alleyways silence
she turns back to me and without a word
pulls delicate fingers across my cheek
in a gesture almost intimate
smiles and walks into the shadows

she is a figurine in the circus of night
a danger of delights
a mouthful of wonders and razors

she walks slowly back in
the thick grey of dawn
her step weary
her gaze downcast
i hold her in my arms trying to restore
but you cannot fix what was never whole enough
to get broken in the first place

i kiss her deeply and with gentle adorations
she looks into my eyes
and remains unseeing
this is not how love is supposed to be
Apr 2014 · 653
reflections of you
mark john junor Apr 2014
she laughs as the wind
takes her hair and makes it dance
the rain has just passed
and the road is still damp
but she walks barefoot on the cool pavement
leaving delicate trail that my heart will retrace
in the chilly hours that shes not in my arms
she leans on my shoulder and softly
intoxicates me with her turn of phrase
that will be the song my soul will sing
while she is not near
we walk on under the spreading trees
as they seek to embrace the sky
and walk on among the summer birdsong
as they swing and dash overhead
playing like children in the air
but it is my love playing in the gardens of her heart
that will be my thought dream while she is gone
we sit in the shades of a palm tree
and with one hand she gently caresses
while we speak of things great and small
i would know her mind
and to know what she desires is to know myself
we are reflections of what we love
and with her in my life my heart shines like the sun
she keeps me warm even when shes not here
and she would know my mind
so let me speak plainly to you now
standing here at the edge of the world
surrounded by the living sea
i love you my sweet one
you make my world live
you give my words wings
you give me you
and that is life itself to me
Apr 2014 · 745
her fathers furry coat
mark john junor Apr 2014
her father scraped his way across
the wooden floor
hauling his dead weight of rages
and cursing the libel that landed him here
he paused labouring his breath
like a dying steamtrain running on empty
and shuffled on when his labours ceased
his furry coat knotted with the tangles of his mind

she followed him carrying his bowl
of shapeless meats and shifting rices
a cold meal for his hard hands
and as he sat down to break that bread
he commenced to wailing at the rising of the sun
and the falling of the stars
spitting around mouthfuls he catalogued the woes
as she waited there by the shoulder of his
heavy mule skin jacket
with her eyes nailed to the floor

later while he slept
out back by the rain barrel
she and i did romance in quiet whispered tones
she in her best blue dress
me in my finest spanish leathers
we talked and held hands while the stars gave condolences
we kissed like two virgins tentative and shy
she with her golden hair and fancy lace
me with my dark eyes and mystic words

as dawn came she slipped away
with murmurs of regrets like soft kisses
each one so close to the last they came together as a single tear
and let slip of my hand like a farewell
as inside we could hear her father climbing
up out of his pale slumbers
like the driver of deaths carriage whipping
the grey horse's of doom
drive on drive on you fools lest you be found lacking

we each bid her father good morning
and his return was cheerful delights
as he saddled his ponderous thoughts on his mare
and set off to the seaside
in search of his galleons wreck
spend his day picking coins from the sand
and choking back tears for his labours
she will sit with me in the palms shades
and swing me a sweet song
with a melody like rain
and lyrics about the sun
we are a strange sight to see i'm sure
but the only vision we have is of eachother
and its a warm palace full of joys
among the towers and fabled roads of fiveashes

(the part of her father was played by our cat 'lizard')
mark john junor Apr 2014
her desperate beauty clings to my heart
like the wayward soul seeking shelter
from wild winds rising
already fond of her delicate smile i collapse
while the distant world shifts
beyond the borders of the bliss her naked laugh creates

profane to speak of her flaws but to me even her flaws are
but devices of the flawless design
and such design as to entrance
her eyes comb my appearance from root of souls keepsake
to the bluster and bravado of summer night
she with her lush moist lips speak so bravely the conquests
but the shyness of her eyes speak fluently
of her deeper thoughts
of how she wishes to be the conquest
how she desires

like a winters coat pulled to banish the chill
our companionship in this hour comforts us both
while the waters of the world collapse on
the tin roof of the beachside shelter with summer birds song muted
her skin a deep tan have scattered my thoughts
as will when such intense beauty focuses her will upon mere mortal man
we both laugh at this to be true
she begins to apologise but i will hear none of it
i ever the gentleman bow to her graces and capitulate the day

her desperate beauty walks away as sun gathers once again
she upon leaving gently kissed my cheek and gave me the delight
of her smile
a gift to be treasured
i never even knew her name
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
mark john junor Apr 2014
i dreamt that this ocean of words
that need to be spoken
had me committing folly's
and had me believing that in this all futures lay
like a simple song would suffice

a thousand years it seems
iv walked this road
to stand here looking down on this rain puddle
to look down and see the wheels that each raindrop spins
a thousands years since i drank a sip of its cool waters
since i took your hand looked into the deep waters of your heart
and knew your loves

we lay up in an old schoolhouse
while the summer storm passed
the broken benches and cracked glass
like the lessons taught there
flawed by the reality they had been learned with
so before night could strand us there
we walked on in the rain
lest like thouse old schoolbooks we could be
closed by flawed versions of our history's

by midnight we had reached fiveashes bridge
and you asked if we could stop to dance while the old man
spun us a tune on his old guitar
so i lead you in a waltz by starlight
like a raindrop i created a wheel for us to turn
and for a memory's moment we spun there
on the worlds edge
like lovers should
like two rain drops dancing on a summer puddle

all these words
like worlds that i could explore
but i tell you simple and true
that i would give them all up to have you here
have your hand in mine
so we could dance to that simple song
once more
like two raindrops in a puddle
seeking to be one
under a summer sun
Apr 2014 · 547
heart shaped wishes
mark john junor Apr 2014
she moves sleepheaded in the bed next to me
and in the stillness of the mornings dim light
her hand finds its way across my chest and like an idle dancer spins
nonchalant circles of heart shaped wishes on my skin
her lips draw next to my ear and
with a soft wet sound give a tender
lesson in the beauties of her naughty delights
the first tentative kiss in the tempest of her seductions

she wraps herself up in my arms
a gift to own darker delights
and caresses my eyes with her own
the soft texture of her gaze thick with passions and desires
deep with her heart touching mine
and in that gaze i feel her soul moving as one with mine
as our kisses melt us

she pleads with her hands all along my face
and down along my body
she begs and teases the flickering desires
of our heat that rise like the fires of a thousand suns
and with delighted sounds from deep within her
as she explores and plunders
as we dance in the tangled sheets
she finds again the desires that go hand in hand
with her hearts loves
that go hand in hand with her hearts dreams

timeless times later
as we lay entwined in the afterglow of our love's hot tempest
and with such a tender and timid voice looking deep into my eyes
tells me she loves me and no other
i brush back the strand of hair that
has fallen to her sweat bound brow
and kissing her gently
tell her that i too love her and no other

this is no ordinary love affair
this is one soul romancing another with every carnal delight
with every souls true treasure of loving embrace
this is passion
she is my dreadlock princess
i am her poet in shining armor
this is how love was meant to be
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
my love
mark john junor Apr 2014
my love
i love the idea of you
love the way you hold yourself
when your talking to me
the way you lean close
the way you look into my eyes

i love the sense of you
as you fill up a room you have just walked into
with that joyful playful soul song gentle laugh you have
i love the way even the sound of your footsteps
makes my heart flutter

i love the idea of you
the way your hair is in the wind
the way you reach up with one hand and set
it softly back to perfection
the way your hair smells of strawberries when im holding you

i love the idea of you
in the rain you giggle as you hurry in heels
and how easy the warmth of your smile comes
to share itself with everyone around us
like you nourish the world with your sweet heart
the way you whisper to me when we have
made love and are drifting off to dreams

i love everything about the idea of you
and every day you show me
the reality of you is even more
i love you my love
i love you
Apr 2014 · 971
open shirt peeky-boo
mark john junor Apr 2014
her dyed blonde hair
stood out starkly against the grey concrete
as me and my girl take up squating
for the momentary grease on the public step
as the alligators swim round the stoop
looking for the next strong-arm sucker
they keep time tapping one raised finger
on the humid air
she rolls up to us
and tosses herself down ontop of me
my girlfriend slides exasperated smile
and shrugs off the bleach blonde sticky fingers approach

the rest of the sticky fingers chase eachother
around the parking lot hoping  to make ground scores
off eachothers trash by numbers life in motion paintings
she chases my illusion
her dyed blonde hair tangles my thoughts
so i lead her to a quieter spot on the public steps
and settle her into her vibe

the diameter of her rig matches the close quater passageway
so she greases the way with a wall to wall smile
thats more scary than reassuring
and brushing back the bleach blonde
and tries once more to speak to my billfold
with her open shirt peeky-boo
i dont bother to say it but i woulda opened
up and spilled the greenage to keep her from folding
just outa keepin the peace
my girlfriend glares fifteen flavors of
get rid of this clown at me
so i dish dirt and bills to slide her on her way

i feel bad for her
she is our friend
but shes just to much of the gain game in her
to see that we have long since moved on
i cant play captain saveahoe
turned that caped crusader out to the history books
and im just looking to do my
morning breakfast circus
scrounge a coffee bean and a honey roll
my girl rolls a smoke
the tropical sun dances on sandy soil
we are a happy pair of clowns
and thats all that matters
figured id give hello one last chance before i delete my iposted a few,
Apr 2014 · 758
beauty's true face
mark john junor Apr 2014
the moments between
they are the deeper ones
they contain oceans
they move mountains
and it was one such moment
looking into her eyes
the world paused
and everything else was lost from
heart and thought
but her eyes
her lips
i did not breath
i just immersed myself in her
the taste of her perfume on the spring night air
the song of her soft skin wrapped in cotton jeans
the raptures of her eyes as i lost myself in them
like drowning in sweet beauty
like breathing a whole world in one breath
like beauty's true face expressed in
the simplistic complexity's of her
i felt her presence like a wave
breaking over me
breaking parts of me
i just inhaled and held my breath
not wanting her moment to end
not wanting to loose that perfection of her
to the world's fast hand
to loose the chance once again
to reach out and....
but the moment was gone before it began
probably no more than trickery of the eye
but for that one brief...
for that moment between...
i held her and knew what it was like to
love her
Apr 2014 · 488
definition of sublime
mark john junor Apr 2014
she steps out of pure moonlight
and she is just as magical as the night
her words give their love to me
she is sublime when she smiles
she renews me with the artwork of her mind
she heals me with the artwork of her gentle heart
everything to me
in a simple cotton t-shirt and hair in a ponytail

she walks the waters raining
and her soft skin is warm against my cheek
sheltering me and comforting me
she stands at the gates of the worlds confusions
the last sane voice
she stands at the furnace of creation
dips in one graceful hand creating masterpieces of the soul
she stands at oceans edge
the last breathing image of true beauty
she stands next to me

and i know that things will be allright
because she is a titan among the stars
because she is the hearts allure
spun out of the silks and lace of caring
spun with the true hearts threads
a creation of exquisiteness
in a cotton t-shirt and jeans

she steps out of moonlight
bringing with her
worlds to live in
lives to be lived
because she is the gift of light and life to me
just as magical as the night
as i lay dreaming of her
Apr 2014 · 574
a single plastic rose
mark john junor Apr 2014
the dogeared man
his tattered face looks into the oncoming
weather with resigned indignation
his eyes set deep into the beaten lines of his face
deep tan marks the passage of years
in the anvil of the hallendale sun
he mutters something to me
but so caught by the crawling beast of his appearance
i remain ignorant of the words
but not the meaning

he gathers me with a hand pulling on my sleeve
impels me to the concrete with comprehensions
we scatter the sand our treading had garnished from the beach
like a tenuous trail of grey
mixed with our wet footprints
already evaporating like calypso songs in the night air

he leads me to his ramshackle porch
where a thousand treasures have come to decay
where all roads of the mind lay moist with tears
i look into the dusty window to the threadbare house
there written on the wall with neat hand
is a promise from soul to soul
that he would wait for her
till time itself died

he shuffles through his backpack
pulling from its dark content
all matter of silver and gold trinket
which he tosses all into a mouldering pile in the corner
untill he reaches his true prize
a single plastic rose
and he whispers
'for you my love...for you'
he sets it at the foot of the wall
bearing his words for his lover
there it lay with a thousand other
plastic roses stained with tears
stained by the years
Mar 2014 · 2.6k
mark john junor Mar 2014
she sat on the rocking horse
wearing the soldiers coat he had thrown to her as
he rode away into the smoke and thunder of battle
she pulled it tight to her
like it was a part of him

she had come down from the
north towns to make a new life
in mysterious places with
romantic sounding names

but she lost her money in the river town
and fell in with some dark men
who tried to make her take up in the
***** house
but just as they lead her down
a fair haired lad looking handsome
in his soldiers uniform heard her cries
and saved her

the intensity of her beauty
and the sweetness of her heart
so enchanted him
he asked her to be his wife
he was so wonderful and handsome
she said yes

but a soldiers life called him
to battle and as he rode off
into the smoke and thunder
our precocious girl
sat on the rocking horse
and sang a sweet song
for he had rescued her
in every way a person can be saved
and she was going to be his wife

so careful young maidens
of these carefree wanderings you take
for it was a bright day for her
it is not allways such
take care is all i ask
for the world dose not allways
favour the fair
Mar 2014 · 332
by force of arms
mark john junor Mar 2014
since the first poet picked up pen
they have cried out to end war
all it takes it to see a single face
a woman sitting by the winters window
with the light of candle to guide his way home
for naught...he has fallen to the tomb
on some forgotten field where noble ideal clashed
but she still awaits him
looking into the camera with such sorrows as to rend my heart
her delicate eyes looked out
at me from the photograph creased with
time and miles
she was a soldiers wife
she held the the candle by the winters window
light the way home for him

in thouse eyes you can see the echoes of dancin with joys
in hay of barnyard and the ashes of thouse sweet dreams now long past
you can smell the bread fresh baked sunday mornin' with loves hand
now gone cold in the dust of empty homes cupboard
in thouse tender eyes you can see the hope each of us
holds so dear to the heart fading away in darkness

in thouse gentle eyes you can hear the souls shuffling off to
meet one another in fairest fashion on the avenues of glory
if i could reach back through the passing of time
and hold this young woman's hand
comfort even in some small part
but i fear words fail me and my strength wanes
as i ponder the cost

if i could only tenderly take her hand
and give some measure of comfort
ease this burden
but time and miles has left a hundred years to the tale
and nothing yet has been learned
as today on the television a young man stretches
out his will on some foreign field  
to change his small world by force of arms
nothing yet has been learned
Mar 2014 · 9.3k
salt sailors song
mark john junor Mar 2014
gulls and terns spin in the air
as waves lullaby the sleepy dreamers
with grand tales and rich promise of paradise to be
found just over the horizons edge
sailors eye to the swift wind
sure hand to tackle and line
hearty men of salted liquid soil
grown to giants in the breakwaters thunder

but gentle that hands heart
when the tolling bell calls out the names of the lost
and the sea has swept away all but her witnessed tale
to leave the widows and forlorn child to
carve name to wall and mourn

past midnight now
a dead calm
and cloudless sky reigns
with a majesty of brilliant starlight
upon this sea reflecting the heavens slow march
i lay like a supplicant muted by the spectacle
to souls hunger this moment and place
shows a deeper meaning to thouse souls with eyes to see

a dead calm
and cloudless sky reigns
with a majesty of brilliant starlight
the old salt sailor breaks into deep song
that sooths and lends hardy meal to the heart
hold fast young lad hold fast

the morning rushing forward brings
the breaking wave and unfolds sail with quick wind
and the sailors eye rejoices with
merry songs to measure the hour
and jauntily bring our fair seabird
back to her warm home
sea and sand in the salt sailors blood
and a kind heart guides the way
mark john junor Mar 2014
the hour slips by without a sound
and through the looking glass window
the days unfolding scene
gives life and motion
to the surreal stillness within
the silent theatricals of man and beast
strive and fail under the shifting skies
like the rise and fall of nameless empires
their brilliant banners swiftly stirred by
the storms and seas

i walk along the fresh laid carpet
with bare feet feeling the texture
and stand at the doorway
with its wooden contraptions ajar to allow breezes
to walk into the dark house

the heavy presence of paint on the air
and the devices of workmen underfoot
soon will fade to memory as our polished lives
are neatly adorned and trimmed
we have become what we dread

she walks from the bedroom
wearing nothing but her dreadlocks
as i finish making dinner
we have duck and wild rice
i teach her some ballroom dancing steps
we laugh and whisper
the night has come to its fading
and though we are restless
we trek to our bed
and wrestle eachother to sleep

this is evening with her
and our elegant love affair
Mar 2014 · 1.9k
i climbed a tree
mark john junor Mar 2014
i climbed the tree in my backyard today
first time iv climbed a tree since i was a boy
i was alot better at it back then
almost fell out and busted my old ****
but it was still fun
forgot how its a different world up there
how its magical to look down on your own
corner of the universe with that mysterious kid vision
that makes adventures out of the mundane
and todays adventure was
sunshine and leaves
was the boyhood pride of balance and skill
i may have been better at it
fifty years ago
but its never been more fun
(make sure your insurance is up to date before you attempt LOL)
Mar 2014 · 5.9k
in her dreadlocks
mark john junor Mar 2014
her wrist bears a set of golden bracelets
with bells and woven beads
light blue with a tangle of red
it goes with her dreadlocks
and the trinkets woven into her hair
beads and baubles
there is amongst other treasures
on the edge of one of her dreads
a tiny box
within a small face
made of pewter
old as lord nelsons prize at the nile
old as the length of a pewter mans dream
i am the pewter man and
the absence of her perfume on the air
is the absence of my soul
and my heart labors
how will i push the pen forward
can i even breath without her near
Mar 2014 · 1.9k
ole mook and fast lucy
mark john junor Mar 2014
mook was a strange old fella
could blown him over with a breeze
thin as a train track rail and just as rusted
he drank hard but his heart was soft
never had nothing but a kind word
always gave a helping hand

mook was down by the old platte river
fishing with an old line
lazing in the hot summer sun
when lucy happened upon him
now lucy was a fast talking girl
loose with her wares and cared not for a single soul
good lord never carved something as cold
as that woman's heart
mook wasn't no rich fella mind ya
but he always managed to keep his pocket full
and lucy laid into that poorboy with a vengeance
laid him low from behind
never saw it comin

lament the poorboy gone to rest
gathered like spoilt wheat before his time
can almost see him with his old
rucksack and a bottle of wine
laughin like the sun
dancing on summer lake
dancing like you was truly free
his was a time of life to see
always put a feast to the table
even if it was pork-n-beans an sour dough
never let a man go hungry at his table
lament the poor boy now he's gone

fool lucy went into town to the ***** house
laid about with cursing and braggarting her dark deed
she laid him down low with her cold hand
shes laid up in the old jail now
theres nothing to be learnt from this sad affair
nothing good ever comes  from dark deeds
but at least 'ole son is resting easy now
walking up the river road with his rucksack and bottle of wine
smiling like the sun
and holding love in his heart for everyone
(for "mcdonald's mark" old friend from miles past who is in a better place)
Mar 2014 · 424
keira knightley
mark john junor Mar 2014
her voice like a velvet wine
her subtle essence a garden
of breathtaking beauty and
the tenderness of a lovely soul
like a vivid summer nights dream
which fills the heart with its warmth
and has such grace within itself
to render the dreamer a lifetimes of joys
her lithe form lingers on the mind
like visions that every lovers
sweetest ****** and tender dream
would envy
this strong brilliant
young english goddess
is a favorite of mine
Mar 2014 · 2.1k
this is morning in her arms
mark john junor Mar 2014
she opens a pack of
sheffield english type  number five cigarettes
i rest my head in her lap
as she reads a french newspaper
its raining in paris and theres a girl there who is unhappy
dreams of romantic places never have sad girls in them
she must be a tourist

she sips some strange brew of teas
that has a heavy bouquet
loam and a sweet wine
she suddenly laughs and translates a piece of the
french news for me
but i dont hear what she says
i only hear the rich beauty of her voice
i only hear the captivating beauties of her
i lean up and kiss her
she tastes of the sea and english cigarettes
i am lost in her essence and her her girlish delights

she pokes me and makes me look at a photograph in
the paris newspaper...its the sad girl
she looks english
that graceful beautiful elegant sadness
that only english girls can speak without ever saying a word
jezebel sips her tea and smokes her english sheffield cigarette
holding it like girls hold cigarettes in that dainty way
i forget the english girl and her sadness
as i lay looking into the eyes of this dreadlock hippie queen
janis joplin plays softly from her mp3
shes tapping her bejewelled toes to the ancient music
bachelors in literature she loves the written word
she has read everything ever written by anyone
she has read her way through forty years worth of poetry by me
and corrected my atrocious spelling along the way
this is morning in her arms
now you know why i am so in love with her
now you see why she is everything to me
she leans down and lays a single tender kiss on my cheek
and tells me she loves me
this is heaven
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Jezebel Rose.....I love you.
mark john junor Mar 2014
we went walking in the
birdsong breezes
hand in hand in the
spring grass 'neath the juniper tree
and her heart sung me a lullaby so sweet
her heart laid her empathy's hand to cool my worried brow
as she walked up the beach
in the strange empire just north of miami carrying a conch
barefoot wearing a quilted hippy skirt
and filled the world around her with joys
its the truth of her
it shows in everything she dose

we went walking in evenings tide
as sea and sand swirled neath our bare feet
as the golden taste of setting sun nourished our souls
she gave me loves tender and true
thrice she tapped at souls gate with her giggling charms
thrice she gently laid spring doves to sing me awake
thrice clad in her hippy quilted dress she loved and saved poor mortal me
and so we went walking in the evening tide to cool our bodies
and set fires in our souls
her voice in my minds eye as she read my poetry aloud
in a parking garage at three am
because the echoes added to the magic
but the only magic i see is her

we went walking in the fresh spring morning
in a deep rich forest to marvel at king johns kingdom
and when we found him
as any gentle soul would she fed him
and wiped away his tears
its the truth of her
in everything she dose
theres no cruelty's cage like denvers hippies
theres only love
we went walking
and made our way home
her college girl glasses on my nightstand
with her french romance novella
and a pack of english cigarettes
she sleeps sweetly in my arms
while spring stirs the sunsoaked curtains
filling the air with birdsong and flowers
Jezebel Rose i love you
Mar 2014 · 463
a sublime monk
mark john junor Mar 2014
her salted hand like fire in
the open eyes of the awakened
she caresses their dreamlike visions
and with a silent empathy wishes she could undo
the havoc she continues to parcel out
wrapped in christmas bows and cheerful thoughts
i am drawn from the open farm field
to a canopy of leaves at the edge of sight
where a childlike voice drones on
enticing all to behold beauties wonders within

the radio sound of the childlike voice
reading from a dark work in an obscure language
its voice comes from the withered lips of ancient man
sitting in a stone room framed by grasping flower laden trees
the air is thick with the scent of their fruits
which lay gathering dirts all around his
his unclad feet

an incestuous beast crawls through this
rubble of rotting fruit
eating slowly of their wet decay
the beast calls out softly in its native tongue
its words are caged with verbal locks
distortions of the lips create echoes of the silence
within its mind
after pausing to listen for reply that never comes
it once more pushes forward to the stone chair
the dark man reclines in

the childlike radio voice
beckons you to come to this canopy of leaves
to lay with its scorpion's and dine on its verbal meats
i warn all who draw near
but am not always heeded
so i listen once again
to the subtle voice
once again watch the beast crawl
a slave to my pasts
buried and thriving in
the dark soil
mark john junor Mar 2014
heavy traffic
so we stash ourselves in the publix parking lot
and watch the flashes of the departing thunderstorm
she lays out on the buicks hood in a bikini top
a bead of sweat kisses her bellybutton
her thick dreadlocks spread like ropes
i pick one up and stick it in her ear
shes not happy with that

afternoon is all sunshine and watered down sodas
isles of plastic goodies and elevator musics
the old woman pushing her empty cart while dragging a bag
she goes to get her nails done
i push pebbles into parking lot puddles
and watch the sky drift in the reflection

she is half my age
she sticks her tongue in my ear
i dont mind
there are palm trees and lizzards everywhere
and pebbles in puddles
im a pebble and shes my puddle
shes all wet
im hard

we laugh in the forever summer sunshine
we dance in the parking lot puddles
of the fiveashes publix lot
and daydream the stars above
this is no ordinary love
this is passion's fire in the hearts eyes
shes my jezebel
im her poet
(alternate title "heavy traffic)
Mar 2014 · 514
Olivia Wilde
mark john junor Mar 2014
such a graceful woman
her face the very concept and truth of beauty
her voice one of reason
her mind beautiful and enriching
she is empathy's gift
as a poet i live and breath words
but language lacks what nature can speak fluently
when nature spoke the word beauty
Olivia Wilde was born
Mar 2014 · 3.6k
dreadlock girl
mark john junor Mar 2014
she rides her mountain bike
in the sun
dreadlocks fluttering behind like streamers
shes all smiles
as we come to our spot by the river
this beautiful place called fiveashes
and unpack the picnic basket
the world itself is beautiful when i'm with her
time itself loves her essence
even the graffiti looks like love letters the world
has written for her alone

theres something darkly romantic
about the nights down by fiveashes
something about thouse long miles
flying by on nightbreeze
with her hand in mine
with her lips on mine
its like a valley safe from the worlds seein
a place where naked and free we can be just we

down by fiveashes
the backseat of our buick is on fire
with her passions
and the lust in my soul
and theres something darkly romantic
about the humid warm air  and how her shirt clings to her **** skin
about the songbirds opening up the mysterious day
like a gift for the dreadlock girls that shine

she lay with me tangled in her afterwards
as we watch the stars and catch our breath
i taste her on my lips
i can taste her on my soul
like shes a sunrise
rapidly banishing my life's shadows
and breathing life itself into my heart
(for jezebel)
mark john junor Mar 2014
this is no ordinary night
she was here
her perfume still lingers in the shadows
the snow cannot cool the heat she left on my lips
cannot cool the fire she started in my heart
she gave me all her soul contained
gave me her candle light jazz bar nights
gave me satin warm love benith the stars

alone with every tender inch
alone with her knowing
with her
inside with everything she has to give

nights have never been so long
the world has never been more mine
than in her arms
the soft scent of roses and that white dress
she gave me her candle light jazz bar nights
her endless nights on the sheets
as her man...her only ever man

this is no ordinary love
this is passion
now a fever burns in my mind
now a madness burns in my heart
now she is in me
consumes me with a fire cool and deep
a love that can never be undone
a bond that can never be forgotten
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