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 Sep 2014 marina
Red ribbon.
 Sep 2014 marina
it's been eight months.

I pulled the clouds straight
out of the sky with that one,
brought my fist down on your
sternum, with my face buried
into your ribs, a shirt draped
over your face. For the first
time you sounded mad, your
voice was a thick alarm,

I ask you why it took so
**** long and your guitar
falls to the side of where you
never play for me like this
again and you say you're
sorry. And those clouds
that I tied down have
finally wrung off,
and I tell everyone
that I still love you.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

It's almost his birthday.
 Sep 2014 marina
you are
still my
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

This poem had fifteen verses.
 Sep 2014 marina
Dear Chris,
 Sep 2014 marina
It might be your birthday today,
honestly, I never remembered and
I had to sneak your license out of
your wallet to check, something
I always felt infinitely bad about
and I hope you don't read this
because the conglomerate of
poems I've written about
you seems a little bit
obsessive. I had to
talk myself down out
of calling and the neighbors
continue to be weary of me behind
their little peach windows with the cream
lampshades because I regularly shake my
head at myself and my lips move in quick
stripped, phrases. Do you think, that maybe,
I should stop feeling guilty?

(c) Brooke Otto 2014
Another inspired by a poem by Megan because we seem to write about these two people a lot.
 Sep 2014 marina
(but will you) love me
in pigeon's pose when
my tummy rolls over
like rice paddies and
the dimples in my
thighs are as moon
craters on that 27th
spoonful of peanut
butter, orbit on my hips
squeeze the fat beneath
my arms to relieve all
your stress, when I'm
singing zee avi in the
shower and you realize
I once told you a choir
teacher said I was a high
soprano but my voice is
so low on that ceiling
mingling with the steam
in the silver vents, don't you
know that


(c) Brooke Otto 2014

a love poem for myself.
 Sep 2014 marina
my mother loved me so
she burnt my heart out
before i met you

my father loved me so
he handed me his anger
before i met you

my family loved me so
there was nothing left
when i met you.
and i'm so sorry for that.
 Sep 2014 marina
dead end dolly
 Sep 2014 marina
there are horror films
where my heart
should be.
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
at the end of the
day i am just a girl
who wears red lipstick
and watches too many
movies to be considered
please  know  that if  it
ever comes down to it
i will still pick you.
regardless of what
you did to me, it
will always be
these things are unrelated.
 Sep 2014 marina
Erin Atkinson
My world is spinning,
    the way it used to
on an axis
           so tightly wound
    during the
                 day I can't see straight
    but at night
I see some clarity
                                and maybe I've got it
           misguided as my heart has been;
  my intentions
            have tried to be
                   ­ but maybe
            I wanted to be
in sin
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