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 Feb 2016 M Blake
Insides of the eyes of a man lapsed of time,
Soon divided but none divided Lord has captured all my eyes
Faith so angled like a trine so many dimensions that do
Shine prism sanction loop into the grains of time.
Cosmetics pearly black, floating in a cosmic vacuum
Divine aptitude, inherent attribute, amplified
bodies convictions, and, of course, Holy Faith amongst
The life I walk boldly because it is the confidence that the Lord hold me.
Owning up to faults, and watching Earth faults shatter
Clatter, vibrations ripping cement, and consuming humans time
Something one day someone may perceive, and seem so sublime
Sometimes a rewind, because the sun has seen actions on Earth
Replayed many moons times.
 Feb 2016 M Blake
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Seeing flowers in the convenience store
Leading up to today
Made me so

But now just thinking of them
Starting from 5 PM
Makes me feel
I didn't receive anything. It's not about presents it's about the thought behind them.....but apparently there aren't any
 Feb 2016 M Blake
E A Bookish
 Feb 2016 M Blake
E A Bookish
Because I wanted something
I found and tore
The crack within our seam

Because you wanted something
I felt myself the least

You've never found me sleeping
I've never found you at peace

but when you touch my hipbone
I could forgive you anything
 Feb 2016 M Blake
LaNette Urbin
The blue fades to grey
Then changes to black
The watercolor sunset erases itself from the sky
As the darkness splashes against my chest
It is one thousand needles pushing into my heart

The stars forget to brighten
Then they forget they ever were
They used to be beacons in the black
And they are one thousand needles wrecking through my lungs

The whispering breath of life
Slowly escapes
No more to draw in
The pain of leaving
Is less than the pain of staying

The conquering darkness finally rises no more
As the end comes nearer
The darkness falls and the sun rises
It finally returns and I slip away
Into the forever sunlight
Out of the perpetual darkness

My heart is now a feather
My lungs full of air
The pain of tomorrow exists no more
And there are one thousand butterfly wings
To carry me home

— The End —