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Love me
Leave me
Baby don't tease me
Come closer
Go away
You make it so hard to stay
You talk to much
Now to little
You're all I want
You're not enough
Come back
Don't go
I've changed my mind
Close the door when you leave.
 Jun 2014 maisie khan
I don't feel the way
Most girls do

I'm usually sad
I always feel bad

I am not the way
Most girls are

I'm not thin and beautiful
Nor curvy and cute

I was never loved
Like most girls were

Just words and lies
And my burning eyes
 Mar 2014 maisie khan
Ambitious Girl:

Consider this my reiteration.
I wanna read your books, and not just your looks.
Knowing what you look like ; I wanna be in your space - but not so much that I interfere with your education.
Let me say this,
Congratulations on being the very best you could ever be.
Putting priorities over everything, Miss couldn't get that coach cause tuition was due.
& sallie was nagging for a payback.
Sallie was nagging for a payback.
And you paid that, plus tax.
Miss made so many friends stepping with the sisters.
whatever it is, I hope you pledge an existence that'll make your existence, persistent.
Forever my queen, say you're listening...

Look, I'm still talking .
You love school but you're sick of Sally maybes .
No *** , you're the lucky one because all your friends have babies.
And you ain't slept , up thinking , tomorrow's that big test .
Few of your friends stripping you don't judge em' though.
You're insecure with your body so you like "forget it yo!"
So, I put you on that pedestal,
Girl I'm just saying your work ethic makes you edible.
Me a freak? That's something that they will never know.
Look, you're something they can never see;
You overpower  anything them other girls could ever be.
Go ahead and prepare for class, hit me when you finish up.
It's never too late, we'll celebrate soon as the grades come.
Shout to them girls in the club with no relations between their professors .
Yes sir, I propose a toast to them girls - that you offer them ones but they never let you.
I love your ambition.

Okay, shout out to them 4.0s and even 2.5s ; who signed up & failed but say "whatever , I tried."
It's nothing to deny for having a strong mind, I'll make sure to keep you in mind.
You're still someone I can ride with; dress up & get fly with.
It's still something you provide , you never hide , that makes me wanna get inside .
Look, ambition will define you, never worry about them hating chicks that wish to be just like you.
My goal is to serenade you everyday with these verses until you no longer insecure, obscure and hurting .
They gon know you;
Chasing your dreams, instead of chasing what's in a dudes' jeans.
And God blessed me with a lot of patience , but I ain't had none in a while - I need your AS(S)pirations .

I love your aspirations!
Ambitious Girl...
Fourth generation.
4th poem in my ambitious girl series. Actually speaks on a woman I know , or once knew . Enjoy :)
 Mar 2014 maisie khan
The world needs balance,
The world needs balance.
Wake up to the news every morning of homies Wildin.

Why don't you stay in school?
Education succeeds violence.
Why spend your life in the hood?
Get a new challenge.

Get some new talents,
The trap game gets old.
Half the ones that say they trap,
Get in the real game and just fold.

Never going for the gold,
But they settle for them metals.
Just be palming on that pistol,
Advocate for the devil.

Willing to **** to survive,
So much pain in mothers' eyes.
Lost two sons:
one to system & and one to the skies .

The devil in disguise ,
He don't care who stay alive .
He just wanna create chaos ,
He just wanna ruin lives.

Heaven or hell ?
You choose .
Whether Dead or in jail?
You lose .
Heartless or heartbroken ?
Stories rolling on the news.

I'm never amused.
My generations amusement.
Six flags fall to half-staff,
My generation is losing.

Dying off.

Kids my age aren’t coming home.

I’m realizing, kids my age aren't coming home.
Some wonder why I write poems.
Just So you can feel me and my standpoint,
Cause I never been good with words unless I write out what I've planned. Huh?

Wishing we could talk to God more.

Wishing the FEDERAL government would provide more;
assistance for college that's why these kids quittin' .
They lack the AMBITION,
And  incentives to keep them driven.  

Unemployment is high .
These kids gettin higher.
In an attempt to talk to God ;
So they all Rastafari .

Playing host to a chess game.
Satan Versus God.
But you can't wither & Waver,
Gotta pick & choose your side.

So whose side do your reside on?
I mean, who do you rely on?
This cold world, but no heat.
Can't stay wrinkle free, without an iron.

Perfection's in belief.
Belief is in faith.
Faith is discussion.
So who do you discuss today?

Give them something to talk about…
written during a dark time in my life. shortly after high school i lost a friend; he got stabbed in the heart by another friend of mine. so i lost TWO friends: one is dead, and one is in jail. i often questioned why i still remain. but , i think im beginning to know why - my purpose is written, and God holds the key...

Read Please, and enjoy.
 Mar 2014 maisie khan
This is what you do to me:
Keep the thoughts coming like waves, I get paid,
but even if i was broke, I could live off of just knowing you.
Your image; God Given.
Im Cristal sippin’;
Having dreams;
Seeing visions,
Comparing you to an image;
Of angels.

Caught in the game and it’s one I can’t postpone.
Because it’s you that I really want, im just in hopes that you will know.
Come to your senses.
They say it’s senseless;
I keep writing about you,
But they don’t know.

When you’re really in love,
Just got to let her go.
And if her love matches your love,
Then you’ll forever know.
And grow together, saying promise after promise.
I try to hide it,
But I just can’t conceal it.

Kerosene heart pumps your name through my veins,
To my brain, on my mind, is where you stay – all day.

Showing no emotion.
But as sensitive as ever,
When your name is spoken,
I go insane.

& this has got to be my longest crush ever,
And if we ever get together,
We’d be together for-ever.
But knowing it isn’t ever,
Remotely possible.
But is it plausible to dream?
I can’t hit the pause button on my dreams.

… And so here I am,
Lying here – without you.
Everything I ever written is – about you.
Thinking; how right the world would feel if this dream was real.
You could transform my dark to light.
… But it’s just another night.
 Nov 2013 maisie khan
paige v
please continue to wonder
why I'm slowly disappearing.

and ask me again why
my knuckles bleed from
tooth sized cuts

but don't forget
to hide the fact that
you know exactly what I'm doing,

you just know I'm too far gone
to be worth your help.
I told you
In this love
There would be no holes
We just need
Lots of buckets
For the pails of tears
And that we could use them
Year after year
To keep us from
We could
Water our love
With the tears
We’ve been
With tears
We’ve be laughing
Our joys
And sorrows

By Siobhan O'Sullivan
Dancing phrases in the corridors
Of my brain
Breaking thru
This tissue thin membrane
My words suspended
In their cells
Short circuiting this silent hell
Sometimes a lighting fix
A string of pearls
I spit
You gather them
I know you do
These words
My fading memories of you
And we are twirling on the dance floor
Of who, I once was
Bumping into
Our love
All my words lost
Except this last refrain
I can still sing and dance
Your name

By Siobhan O’Sullivan
about Altzeimers
In quiet corners
I keep
Of reach
For me

By Siobhan O'Sullivan
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