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mads Jun 2019
It’s the kind of sadness where your rib cage
And twists and

Depression doesn’t float through my veins
It crawls through my bones, with dagger hands
And winding movements.

I cannot breathe.

And yet there was nothing taken from me.
But then again you took everything all at once the moment you looked in my eyes, covered my mouth and forced me down.

I don’t know why your smell still lingers in my every thought.

I’m not scared anymore.
mads Jan 2012
I'd tear everything apart
Just for you.

My heart,
My soul,
My sanity,
My body,
My kingdom.

I'd rip it all to shreads
Just for you.
mads Mar 2012
under the stars
that condemned us,
it finally felt right.
You and I
talking again,
so effortlessly.
It was like
we were never scraped
out from eachothers hearts.
It felt like
the past year,
where everything
was messed up and
we didn't speak
all just disappeared.
once again,
you and I were beautiful.
And it hurts like hell
because tomorrow
I know you'll fall
back into her arms
disregarding that we ever spoke.
mads Apr 2012
Pretty pink petals
Have finally caught fire,
It's crazy how the smoke smells so sweet
Like those old summer afternoons;
Dancing in rose meadows.
Blinking; capturing each direction.
We truly believed
Those flowers could never die;
We could never die
And that was okay with us.
Everything was beautiful;
You even swore you'd love me forever
One night when we layed star gazing
Next to the roses.
You promised me the world
And I was okay with that
Because You swore our roses
Would never wilt.
That was all that mattered;
Now they're all ashes,
Nothing but a burnt meadow,
The rose graveyard,
I call it.
You couldn't keep a promise to save your life.
mads Jul 2012
Your eyelashes hold the tears
of a thousand men and womens sorrows,
you speak to the dead
and yet, and yet
you scream happiness.
you bite your tongue in the arch
of every conversation
afraid of twisting words through your teeth,
It's sunny outside baby,
wipe the dust off the window
with your green sweater,
green was never your colour
leave your house
breathe in freedom
and exhale the voices of the dead,
let them go home, baby,
stop holding on
Kiss me without the taste of dust
on your lips,
break the frozen grass with your bare feet,
Exhale the dead, baby.
Excuse me, Insomnia, you beast, I would like to go to sleep. I'm too tired for this.
mads May 2012
Where were you when the sky was falling?
Where were you when the ground opened up
And took me?

Do you ever question your absence
And why you never saw me smile?

Oh, Daddy, dear
You were walking with the beast
When the beauty needed you here.

You could've stopped me from hating you
Before I learnt the meaning of hate and the things you did.

But the front door seemed more appealing
And I'm sorry it did.
You kept walking. You're leaving, you're leaving-
Oh, hell. I blinked and now you're gone.

7, 8, 9... How many years is it now?
Can you count your length of absence to the day?
Or were you too stupid to know what number came next
after day one?

I've thought about meeting you again.
And I've thought of all the reasons you'd come.
You'd only show, just to tell child services
That you know my ******* name
And the colour of my hair-
It's dyed bright red, not that you care.

Then, I thought of all the reasons you wouldn't be there.
You can't remember my existance.
I'm not worth your time.
You're too lazy to even flinch
Or move a finger or blink
To bother with your child.
I'll stop this list now, before it takes away all my ink.

Mother was always right.
Did it hurt when you'd call me? I was only aged four
I'd run away from Mum when she tried to pass me the telephone.

All the time, I see girls who whinge about their father's
And I'd look at the good relationships they have
And feel ill in the stomach with a lump in my throat
To know I've never known what it's like
To not have a deadbeat father.
mads Mar 2013
I burnt your face into the sheets

The world has spun again

I am done, with your empty everything.

Took the world from my grip.
I drowned again in your scent.
I burnt your face into the sheet.

But I'll love you forever
mads Apr 2014
It's getting harder and harder to breathe,
Out of fear of spitting the blackening  truths inside me.
You are rainbows; and sunflower meadows,
I am the remnants of a fire pit, burnt for over a thousand lives;
I amount to coals and hot embers havent rolled past for a while.
There is no spark.
I have six layers of skin
Scorched with darkness.
And I am guiltily okay with that.
mads Jul 2012
Your arms can be my tourniquet,
keeping my lungs in my chest
after I've torn it open-
When I no longer have the strength
to stand up straight and walk
you can be my spine-
These thoughts are spiralling
out of control and they're hurting-
My head will shatter,
will you be my glue?-
Cracked fingers, dislocated jaw,
I've screamed too much tonight,
become my tongue
Stop me speaking filth-
Blistering feet, I've been running on coals
chasing people my whole life-
I need you under my skin
save me.
"Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?"
mads May 2015
Do I or don't I?
It's a double edged sword
And I'm cutting myself with both sides.
It's a comfortable torture,
Which is horrifying in itself.
Tonight I dance with self inflicted silence
Again; and I forget to breathe.
Every second petal fell...
Where do I fall from here?
Memories rush of times when I let blood dry
Night after night again on my thigh.
He was there, but what constellation do I call home now?

You are my home, my heart and the stars.
What have I done?
It feels cold; so cold and the air is fragile
When you're silent.
But my flat lining heart isn't as quiet as I'd like.
I'm sorry. This is a mess
mads Jan 2012
Depression's cold hearted grip will slowly tighten,
And strangle you  to the point of just past broken,
And keep you prisoner.
It will hold you captive for as long as it pleases,
For as long as you are not strong enough to break free,
And emerge; spreading your wings like a newly awaken butterfly.
Except you won't be new the day you emerge,
Your wings will be bruised and battered.
But over time, we will see,
They will regain their beauty and help you, once again, to fly free.
No meaning, or sense really.
mads Sep 2012
your blood is pretty
and my oh my!
your veins look perfect tonight.
throbbing blue is making my head spin,
your pulse dizzys me.
let me taste,
just a little
and if i lose control...
well you must taste so sweet
Something took over my mind last night and decided it liked to think about blood in a vampire-like way....
Any how, I thought I'd share it with you.
mads Jan 2014
As we approach the stop sign,
And your road lane begins to disappear,
The sadness washes all around us
I pull at strings to bring you on my path,
You fall still while a smile widens.

A tear falls, the realisation finally reality.
We have no gauge to bring forth certainty
To when your last life grain falls
Down upon the many lessons learnt in your hour glass.
It has been glorious years spent,
Rebelling and repelling social norms of our lives,
Drinking wisdoms out of library glasses
And camping mischief around bridges we built.

Your lives clock is ticking it's last heart beats,
But I'll find you in every life I meet.

You've learnt, you've grown,
you've seen, you've lived
and you've loved.
Keep loving.
Always love, who ever you are
And where ever you end up.
I hope this isn't taken the wrong way or too sad. This is also for all those held dear in each of my lives.
mads Feb 2012
Waves crash and roll longer than existance, they carry more love than any heart could ever hold and shelter more than a mother could ever protect. Waves, seas and oceans are more powerful than any white, black, pink, or green president could ever expect to be. Humans or any animal for that matter should fear the ocean more than a predator or serial killer because the ocean is a killer. It's dangerous. The water doesn't strive for power, respect or eternity, it was given those things. I do not fear the water, if for some reason it wants to take me, I will let it. Theres no point in fighting against something so pure and beautiful. If religion was forced upon me, I would not choose to worship any god-like figure I would simply worship the ocean as it can and will promise me everything a 'god' will. It will give me protection, love, eternal existance and a certain death.
mads Mar 2012
And when that fire in your eyes burns out
I will try my hardest not to breathe in the smoke.
And even though without that flame
Your flesh will rot, morphing colours from pink to black
I will love you all the same.
Ideas to add on to it?
mads Aug 2013
Have you ever spoken to the moon?
I wonder how many secrets its craters hold.
I wonder if the secrets are what give it it's beauty.
I ask you, does your soul wander when you look up to the night sky,
Then get lost between the moon rocks?
Do you see yourself reflecting back?
Or the man on the moon watching, observing and protecting you?
Is it a refreshing feeling knowing you are insignificant
Against a giant porcelain beauty?
Does the coolness of the moons beams fill you,
And give you new hope in a home long destroyed?
Can you find peace within the moon?
Can you find peace within me?
Close your eyes, search deeper in your veins.
You'll find beauty, peace and happiness soon enough.
mads Oct 2012
you try way too hard.
There is no depth
in the hundreds of words
that spill from your pen.
Is there more to you?
Nay, you are shallow,
though you wish to believe not.

You are a body
filled with cliche's of
boring spiderweb sentences
and stringy muscles
that are words.

Stolen eyes,
like stolen phrases you hide
deep within the chorus.

Paralyzing true minds.
mads Jul 2012
I was born too late, take me to the 80's.
mads Apr 2013
Where is home,
Have I not yet lost my soul?

And did you lose all faith
Before you even knew the meaning?

Have you swapped faces
Before you even saw your own?

And does the weight of the ocean
Drag you so far down
That you look up to see the bottom?

Did you ever care at all?

My soul is gone,
False meaning ate the faith,
My vision was distorted before I even knew how to see,
The ocean swallowed me
And no, I do not care to be.
I don't think the last part makes sense but translate it how you wish.
mads Jul 2012
Come on then!

Draw your swords

Let us fight 'til the death

You can have the last suit of armor

You can have the most sharp sword

You can have the crowd cheering you on

But just let me die first.
Eh. I don't know.
mads Dec 2012
To write your name in my blood,
To bleed such a wonder
Would be an absolute honour.
To have you, entire,
I give you my soul.
mads Jan 2021
You swore you wouldn’t hurt me,
And I swear the ache in my bones is all your fault.

Or maybe it’s mine?
For giving in too easily,
For giving you too much of my heart.

And you know I’m terrified of drowning,
But this silence is consuming me.
Swelling my lungs.

This keeps happening,
Like the sun sets and the waves crash...
People keep leaving me.
mads Jun 2014
Carry me to the edge of the world
I want to see colours as I fade.
Shake me free of all the shackles
As you leave me behind...
Shake me free of all this wisdom;
The torments of my mind.
Carry me, as I breathe heavily,
To the edge of the world...
Carry me; I want to die.
I have no idea what this is or why, but enjoy my mind.
mads Feb 2012
The trees did cast their dim shadows
representing every soldier
early this morning on the side of the road.
For hours we drove
waiting for the sun to greet us
and for the fog to stop seducing the trees.
When we arrived
you pledged your alligiance to our flag
and then whisked away in a bus.
We barely even said goodbye
it all happened to fast.
You became a soldier.
The drive home was... quiet.
The sun had finally greeted us
and the tree's soldier reflections had vanished into the light.
You were gone
and the ghost of every past soldier wasn't there to guide us home.
mads May 2013
Death is the disintegration of the body,
Life is the death of the mind.
Evaporating from shackles
The jester is here on time.
Mischiefs taken from the book.
You do it so well
That only time will tell.
Another age old being
Left to be forgotten.
You forgot again jester
And the sand timer
Has been smashed.
Take the clocks hand
It's the only applause you'll get.
Breathe them in jester
They'll never be whole
Within themselves.
Take a chance jester.
You're already dead
mads Nov 2012
you are air
wrapping its feverish fingers
around my throat
choking me now.

Ain't it funny
when your little witch fingers
pierce my chest
rip out my heart
and crush it;
smallest movements.

Give it back
or God, take me.
I've never felt so empty.
Never been so on fire.

Chemicals will bring you back
become one with your skin
eating you from the outside

I'll never be like you.
We'll never love again.
Stay away from me.
It's not my time.
You'll get your
******* satisfaction
soon enough.
mads Nov 2012
Light me up,

and i'll feed these

         corrupt lungs

            with a dead flame.
mads May 2012
Come with me,
And I'll show what it's like
To have a heart
That beats out of beat.
We'll walk through
That ******* fog
That feels like
I'm swimming through
(It's thicker than water)
It gets so hard to breathe
Somedays, everyday.
We'll stumble
Around that forest
Of trees made up
Of lies, planted by my mind.
I'll paint for you
Horrific pictures of death
And wishes of death
With tears on my paintbrush.
I'll sing for you
With ***** in my mouth
Because my heart
That beats out of beat
Makes me sick.
And even if I did
Drag you through all this,
Even if I did
Pull you through the mud
Surrounding my heart
You'd still never understand
A thing.
mads Feb 2013
There isn't another breath
that you'll take
when you learn of the disease
you've made.
mads Nov 2021
I’m sorry.. i’m sorry to the people you call your friends.
But I’m not sorry… I feel no remorse
For their wilful ignorance.

And the loss of losing them in my life
Keeps me weightless.

I know you’d want to,
I know you love to knock me down again.
Punch me in the face, knock out my teeth,
Fracture my wrist and leave me black and blue
For another Christmas and new year.
Just for old times sake.

But I am weightless.
Flying like helium balloons released in happy memory at a wake.
I soar without you.

I don’t need to hope,
Or pretend.

I know you’re sinking.
“ I'm sure it was tough to write but also this makes me smile to see how far you have come. And one day, you will be past this and these will be a memory of the past and how far you've soared.”
mads May 2012
She'll never cover up what we did with her dress,
We tried to tease her out of it, she wouldn't budge,
We pushed and she fell in puddles of mud,
Over and over again she fell, scraping paper knees,
Oh no, she'll never cover up what we did with her dress,
White lace was now blood and mud drenched,
That silly girl, she tried to run,
We caught her hand and pinned her against the trees,
Tree bark was added to the blood and mud mix on her lace,
She'll never cover up what we did with her dress,
Frightened and screaming, with our lips we stole her breath,
Moving down her slowly, such a pretty little figure,
We made her bleed, we made her squirm, we watched her bleed,
We tore that ugly ******* dress off her purple, bruising skin,
And ***** her in the woods.
Oh no, she'll never cover up what we did with her dress.
'She'll never cover up what we did with her dress' is a line from a Marilyn Manson song.
mads Dec 2012
Your eyes scream apologies

and not even you know what for,

you took my hand,

we left the room,

and i fell in love with you again.
I'm too tired for this.
mads Jul 2012
Does that mean my wisdom teeth
have finally spoken to you?
They know things I don't.

Will you finally give me freedom
or do I have to search for that too?
A longer leash would be good.

Finally, growing up
in your eyes, Ma.
I hope I'm making you proud.

When I'm done losing teeth,
when I'm done growing old,
I want to be able to say
I've changed the world.

One last question, though,
Ma, will the tooth fairy come?
My mouth is one messed up piece of art.
Crooked teeth, bleeding gums, missing pieces.
anyone would think I've been the aftermath
of a brutal bar fight for my whole life.
mads May 2012
Hippie song circles,
Twist and turn your fate
Show me what's beyond the eye
Taste the absinth and watch the illusions.
Mold me to this earth
And soak me in,
I want to be whole,
I want to be whole again.
Close your eyes and we'll place daisies
In your unbrushed, long blonde hair
LSD, LSD, oh, sweet drugs
Drink my soul and breathe me out as smoke
Dellusions, illusions
Take me back in time
I don't feel right.
Keep me in these guitar kissed
Hippie song circles forever.
mads Aug 2013
There is a certain kind of sadness
pooling deep within your eyes
and every time you smile
every time you laugh
it shines so bright
I'm sorry.
the hour,,
glass is ticking
and dripping and crack-
ing. will you fall down again
tonight, graze a new knee, tango with
new tears and taste a different kind of dirt. With
beautiful bruised lips like yours, I bet you never knew.
Well... this was unsuccessful
mads Sep 2012
To the vast emptiness you believe in,
memorized cursed faces,
breathe in dying lies.
Which do you prefer?
Protest vulgarities
and we'll shoot you
between blood shot eyes.
We are not real.
Yours bides time in your eyes
the stench of ****
rolls off your priest collar.
You're high
taking the bible too literally.
The confession booth
is so much less than truth.
Sunday seems like a good day
to betray your faith
and **** every *****
that's been lured into your cellophane faith.
I'm just emptying my notebook, it's all rough junk so enjoy.
mads Aug 2012
Fight the world

                                 For it

For as long

                                                        As possible.
I dunno, if holding onto innocence is better than being virtually naked to the world. I'm never sure.
mads Feb 2013
A master of horror shows,
A fiend of the darkness,
A shadow in the sun,
Magnificent spine chilling master piece,
May you be known for a beautiful mind.

You'll spin an escape one day,
And I hope you refuse it's every ability
To entice you.
mads Feb 2012
Just... I am demons.
You are beautiful, love. I've seen inside your smile.
I'll tear apart what's left of your heart.
You have eyes... darker blue than the night,
so deep they pierce my burnt soul.
mads Jun 2012
"I'll never let any evil mother ******* take you from me."*
Your arms like chains, I don't know if they're choking me
or if I'm just scared again, your eyes smother me,
but you taste so sweet, you can't love what is dangerous
and that is me, I break things and make people bleed
for all the wrong reasons, selfish reasons I don't understand,
but hey, take my hand and lead me to the watering hole
I'm nothing but a fragile ticking time bomb
waiting to explode in your arms,
I can't make another man die.
The rope you've been swinging from all your life
has held out brilliantly, 'til this little ***** walked in
and you can't see it yet, but there's an evil glimmer in my eye
and I suppose I am the evil thing trying to take me from you.
baby, I'll just **** you in more ways than you ever thought.
mads Feb 2012
Puzzled by your too sudden disappearance,
I sat in your dim little room
trying to put the pieces together.
Sifting through the past week
trying to find something strange
you had said.
I kept coming up blank.
After sifting though each conversation twice
I dug deeper into the past.
My memory never did let me down.
I kept digging and sifting through
the past 3 weeks of conversations.
Then after sitting for hours
on your made-up bed
it hit me.
In each little coversation
of the weeks,
there was a different flicker in your eye.
A change in your voices tone
and a shift in your body language.
You'd been building up to this.
You had planned it
and I didn't realise.
I should've known.

I then noticed your bed was made
and you never made it
unless you weren't coming back...

were in the headlines
of every local newspaper
and on the lips
of every local
evening newsman
just the very next day.

Missing teen found dead at the bottom of a cliff.
Family and friends swamped the lookout earlier today.

They say you fell...
But I know you jumped.
mads Jul 2012
I'll hold your hand
to see you through the fire,

I'll guide your feet
to walk beyond situations; dire,

I'll pave your paths
with no bumps in the road

I'll stay with you forever
'cause all I really wanna do
Is see the ghouls devour you.
mads Aug 2012
All you'll

                         Ever be

Is a waste

                                 Of ******* space.
And I swear,
If I ever have kids,
They will never know a father like you.
And I'll give them everything you couldn't give me.
I swear, they'll have the best father.
And I swear, if we ever meet again,
I will not be responsible for my actions.
You make me sick to my ******* stomach
with all the excuses you made,
with all the lies you told.
I hope karma hits you
like a train on its tracks at full speed.
mads Feb 2012
I don't know
what is
and what is
This beautiful world
sends me into a
never ending spiral
of confusion.
the confusion
comforts me.
But mostly
I'm left
from it.

I don't know
much about
I've never had
the focus
to learn,
but I'm intelligent
they say.
They say I'm
If only they knew
of the
and vunerablity
and consuming
my brain.
I'm mentally too short for them.
mads Jul 2023
I’m sorry that I don’t want kids
I’m still a kid myself.
July 2022 was my birth.
Age 25 and flung into blinding light.
Ripped from the suffocating womb that I had been shoved into
And incubated.
Squished, pushed, moulded,
Deprived of nutrients
From my mother,
From him,
And also him,
And my dad,
And the list of contributors is extensive.

I’m sorry I can’t commit to giving you the grandchild/ren
That you so desperately want.
But I’ve only just been born,
Yet I’ve already done my time.
I have two sisters.
Two kids.
Two souls I’ve grown, nurtured, sheltered, loved, taught.
But didn’t birth.
I’ve already been a parent.
And I’m sorry it’s not in the correct way.
I didn’t choose it.
mads Jan 2014
It turns out, - like hands, like pages turning, -
That I am more petrified of everything
Than you could ever comprehend.
I suppose it's the waves crashing in my lungs,
Or baron wasteland kissing the tip of my nose,
Even more, it could be the death touch
Whispering its mermaid lures to me inside my heart.
Expectedly it could be the curse of gangrene winding it's way around my toes
As a result of standing stagnant in this town for far too many milliseconds.
But the crippling hunch is I have many places to be, a heart to give,
Myself to mend, myself to mend,
Shard by thumb pricking shard
I am rebuilding who I breathe to be
And with a time span the size of a spec of dust
On the geological time scale.
This is atrocious
mads Mar 2012
When I didn't receive your card this year
I wasn't upset, or wanting to read those pointless words.
I was happy because you stopped trying to pretend  you were a good father.
And for a split second... I even thought you were dead.
I wasn't sad at that thought either. I may have even danced at the thought.
But my memory is fuzzy.

Today, 21 days after my birthday,
My family decided to stop protecting me & supply the truth behind my thoughts.
They gave me the cards you had sent for Christmas & for the day I became a year older.

"If your special day is anything like you..."
Was the cheap ******* note on the front.
If the card was plain.. it wouldn't have mattered so much
But the fact you bought a card that refferred to you actually knowing me
Makes me sick to my stomach. In fits of rage I tore up that card
And abused you, even though your whereabouts is a mystery & you couldn't hear me.
They told me to be quiet and calm down... Tell me, Dad, how could I be quiet when you cause me so much pain & anger?
They didn't see my tears, they never do.

After I had walked out that afternoon & sat at a beach for hours I came home
Only to hear my Grandfather apologize for hurting me.
Why, Dad, should he apologize for the pain you caused?
I hate it, Dad, when Grandad says sorry to me.
You, dad, ****** up so badly. I was hoping you were dead...
Personal. Enjoy.
mads Jul 2012
Just another ruled notebook,
with pretty white blank pages,
soon to be destroyed by
pathetic sentences
and poems and rhymes
that make no sense.

Just another hard covered notebook
waiting to be kissed by ink
torn by paint brushes
drowned in spilt tea.

This is a brand new notebook
So neat and clean
the countless number of pages
covered in poorly drawn
pirate stick figures.
mads Mar 2019
Everything is dark.

And everything hums with white noise.

I am buried six feet down in sadness

I wonder if the wind will blow soon, and carry away the weight of my mind.
Or serotonin will flood this hole I’m stuck in.
At least I’ll die happy
mads Apr 2013
Helga broke another
Tiny heart:
Helga broke a heart;
Helga breaks hearts.

Soul changing eyes,
Are you alive?

Rose petals fall;
Helga broke one more.

Flattery is the starting gun
Like a pack of wolves
She'll hunt and run.

Feast, feasts;
Helga is the beast.

Snapped another heart string,
Wipe your tears,
You didn't feel a thing.

Helga, you're a *****!
Helga, Helga!

I dub thee a witch!

*Another heart,
On a stake.
I've created this girl, her name is Helga and I've decided to write pages and pages about her and her personalities and her beauty.

I'm strange.
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