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Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Spring is here
This time we are witnessing
Blossoms from our windows
Shops are the same
But we are ordering online
No full parking lots
No crowded aisles
No rushing to your offices
No rushing cars on the
Three lanes of highways

Only places crowded
Are the hospitals
And the mortuaries
God has painted a very bleak
Very heart wrenching picture of planet Earth

Still, mankind is clapping
And singing, and jiving
In homes, cheering on life
‘Cause life still exists
And God is watching how
We are still keeping our lamps lighted!
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
I play classical Indian music on my speaker
At dusk when I am
Done with my chores
And am taking some rest...

That spreads harmony
Throughout the house.

Likewise, listening to chantings
And the story of God
At the weekends
When you are done with work
Spreads harmony in your soul...

Promote harmony.
Do what gives you peace.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
When grave things
Get me wondering
When sad things
Get me down
I know it is better
To smile them off
Than it is to frown

Coz I find a way out
When I smile
When I hold back tears
They can't make me drown

So let us keep smiling
Let the sunshine shine on
Cheering up
The whole town!
When the going gets rough just living life.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Today is a different creative day
The tv is on, hubby is teaching downstairs
The day has already rolled into night
And I am in between reading a novel
And a book on art
The times are becoming full of hope again
Goodness won the elections
There are chances of a vaccine
For the pandemic getting distributed soon
But evil is taking its time to exit
And is opposing God
Winter is approaching
Festivities are on the close horizon
Let us pray
For the floods and the fires to succumb to Hope!
Madhukanta Sen Apr 2018
Sometimes I call it a roller coaster
Sometimes the changing weather
Sometimes I feel heavy as a log
Sometimes as light as a feather!

Now life is at a juncture where
Things seem upwardly lifted
Now is a time when my
        Low,depressed perspective,
Has radically shifted!

I am happy as a lark...
Life changes.
Madhukanta Sen Sep 2016
Life has been
This roller coaster lately...

Frenemies sharpening their knives
And friends lending their shoulders.

One night it is this
Grand dinner with ground turkey
The next night
It is with bitter gourd...

Getting boundless love
From all quarters
And then getting hurt
From some corner...

Always remember
That this is enriching,
A process of never ending growing up,
Of evolving...

Embrace love
Embrace hate, as well.
Every time you do so
You grow into
More of a human being!
Grow and become fuller.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
Had Lindt chocolate the other day
And pistachio ice cream the day before
With my family.

The little children
At the impoverished crèche  in Kolkata
For which we chip in
Were too far off
For me to share it with them too...

They would have loved it!

So I resolved
To treat them to chocolate
When I visit them in winter...

But how do I get them Lindt?
There are people wanting your love. Love them.
Madhukanta Sen May 2019
The way to move forward
Is to accept love when in pain
Nowadays, pain comes cheap,
Hurt comes easy,
Light seems rare.
Get love
And conquer pain.
Light up the world,
It is waiting!
Do not give in. Love.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
Troilus and Cressida.

A tale unfolded
Before our eyes
Which proclaimed
The power of true love
And told of two innocent souls
Which yearned for one another.

And of war
Of disaster
Of loss
Both going hand in hand.

Love overcomes.
But war makes everyone
Overcome with anguish...

Victory and tears
Is that God's design?
The play was exceptional.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
Days are
Bright and hot
The nights
Cool and breezy.
To dreams...

City is
Witness to
Helplessness and poverty
Prone to
Gun violence and craziness
To action

Let us live the world
Embracing both.
Make it wholesome.
Let us both dream and act.
Madhukanta Sen Nov 2016
The painting thing
Did not happen
And I was in tears...

Life goes on
You have to try harder...

Have not been able to
Resume my biking lessons
After the fall
And I am feeling bad about it...

Life goes on
You have to try harder...

The days are so beautiful
You simply have to smile
And think of the good things
That are also happening...

You have to smile
And acknowledge
That God is working full time...

And keep moving on!
Move on and reach the good times again.
Madhukanta Sen Mar 2016
Stone facade houses
And buildings
In a forest
House my son now
And tell him their story
In whispers.
He listens, as he always does!
Madhukanta Sen Sep 2018
Season of renewals is here

Life is closing worn out chapters
Opening new ones

Season of soft sunlight is here

Life is seeping in life giving elixir
Breathing in dew wet new Suns...
Madhukanta Sen Jan 2018
It is a nice day
In winter
It has snowed
And there is sunlight
Shining on it
My home is
Looking bright
And cosy
And I am feeling
Proud of it
Am chatting
With my son
Who is at college
And with my hubby
Who is out at work
And I am thinking
Of my love
A full day
A full life
God's grace.
Warm winter
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2017
Nothing hollow
Haloed days
Greenery outside
My son's happy ways...
Cookin, eating,
In grand ways
Summer is here
Golden days!
Agendas, routines,
Resolutions, pride,
He is watching always!
Madhukanta Sen May 2018
Have to face
Ups and downs
Smiles and frowns
Lectures and jokes
Different strokes

Sometimes I answer back
Sometimes get angry
Sometimes just sit quiet and tight
Sometimes get hungry

Life seems like a battle
Lots of effort needed
But it also looks like a flower garden
Blooming if seeded...
Life teaches.
Madhukanta Sen Mar 2016
We have moved
To a new home
And I am so happy!

There is more space
And my son
Is revelling in it!

There is more sunlight
And my husband
Is soaking it in!

And me?
I am just planning
To bring in
A lot of

Green indoor plants
Water them
Put them on the
And in my
Living room

And make them
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
Our tickets have been bought
For a Europe tour.
I am dreaming and imagining
Imagining and dreaming!
I am that excited.

But then
Paris and Nice and Munich
Come to remind me
That I have to carry the flag
To urge.

No more ruthlessness
No more unmercifulness.

Would people notice and read
My flag?

Would our tickets
Lead us on into the
Kingdom of light, one day?
Would our tour march into  happy times?
Madhukanta Sen Mar 2017
Today mom is in pain
It feels like my own.

I cry and fret
But she is far away...

When I talk to her
She is happy for my advancements
And prays for
Her grandson's wellbeing...

I yearn
To run to her

And want her to lean
On me again...
Ma has incurred a major fracture...
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Christmas is close by
We are going to celebrate in India
Without the snow
Happy and sad
Missing friends
Reunite with family
US is now home
Where I have stayed
For thirty years
And my home in India
Had my company for twenty six
O Lord
May both my homes
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2018
These are times
When things are unjust
These are times
When speaking up is a must
These are times when
You have to seek people who are just
These are times when
Parents have to
Hold on tight to their kids
Lest they lose them
Times when the health of the country is not robust
Remember that you have to protest
Remember that fairness must come first...
Difficult times.
Madhukanta Sen Apr 2017
The sky is overcast
It is raining
But it is raining love...

For the flowers are coming out
With the falling rain...

All seasons
Are acts of love-
God pouring love
On his creation-
This earth...

And he wants his creation-
To savor all his acts of love...

So sing on
It is raining!
The April showers
Bringing the flowers!
Madhukanta Sen Nov 2016
We are very busy
Preparing for reno
Of our old new house
And I am loving it!

Then comes the vacation-
We will see new countries
In Europe
And I am immensely excited!

Then we go to India
Meet relatives, friends
Exchange news...
It is that warm feeling...

Then we come back
And move into
Our new home
And be with you all
Once again...

Can life
Be better than this?

What are your rainbows?
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
The worlds came together
When I met
My far flung friends.

We laughed
And had lunch together
And it seemed as if
The whole world was vibrating
To the same wavelength.

All of us who inhabit
This planet
Are such friends.
And when we laugh
It resonates
With God's laughter!
An afternoon out with a Chinese and a Filipino friend.
Madhukanta Sen Oct 2017
Life's challenges
Will keep pursuing you.

See to it that your sword
Rifts through them!

You will be able to see
The sunny skies beyond
And carry on!

This life is precious.
Fight for it!
Hold on tight to life...
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
While having an avocado
For b’fast
I remembered that many
Loved ones who might have
Loved avocados are missing
From several dinner tables now…
Those who might have loved
Getting up early and exercising.
Like I do.
Those who might have
Wondered at a bough full of
Flowers they saw while out
On their walks.
Who might have felt
Awake on smelling their coffee…
Madhukanta Sen Nov 2016
Days are sweet
With an interplay
Of sun and clouds...

Nights are beautiful
With the super moon
And moonlight...

TV is disturbing
But music is soothing.
Listen to more music.

Winter is approaching
But there is Christmas
At its wake!
So stay cheerful!

We have travels in front of us...
Feeling excited about it
But will miss home
And all of you...

But I will only be gone for a month.
So let us rock on!
It is never all bad...
Madhukanta Sen Mar 2016
Star shine

Diamond shine
Gold shine
Silver shine

All illuminating
My life right now!
Madhukanta Sen Feb 2019
It is snowing today
Everything is white, pristine...
God is making it beautiful
In these stressful times.

Man is making things ugly
And God, making them heartwarming, nice...

He is making us believe
That the good and the beautiful prevails.
Ugliness gets defeated.

Believe, go on believing
That "this too shall pass."
Beauty is eternal.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
Last week for us
Was movie week.

Travelled the galaxies
And travelled the world.
Star Trek and Jason Bourne.
We were transported.

Gus went to work
This weekend
So we were home bound, doing chores.

We always have to
Strike a balance
Between reality and feeling
Between love and the outcome

We have to accomplish
And be on watch
Peril beckons
We have to outlast.

Dream on
Act on...
Really moved by the movies!
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
A new day has dawned.
I have to laze in the morning
Water my plants
Feed my son when he is back from college
Go out do a little bit of groceries
Come back, sit and write
Paint and sing...

But all days do not go in the same fashion.
Some days are disorganized
And there is a sadness to it...
I am sad when I think
Of things which go wrong

In life,in others' lives, in the world...

I know that
We have to spend effort
To correct them

And look towards God
To bolster our efforts.

The world would surely go right again.
Effort and dreams.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2018
I was out with my friend
And it rained this afternoon...

They had said it will be scorching hot...
But God decided otherwise

He soothed us
With raindrops
Coz I was out
With my friend...
Madhukanta Sen Apr 2017
Today I took a walk
In the sun

Went and bought some books

Welcomed spring into my life
First time this year

I know what a whole lot
Has to be done
When the days are this precious

Wish me success

The sun already did!

And the books?
To be read by the poolside...
Welcome spring!
Madhukanta Sen Apr 2016
Having coffee
Listening to the birds chirping
Running over
The day's agenda
In my mind
Gus has gone to work
My son is at college
Working hard...
That is what my world
Looks like now
Peaceful, serene.

But then, sudden jolts come
And it seems as if
The world will come to an end.

People scurrying all over the place
Trying to catch the wrong doers.

And we get closer to God.

Do they not ever feel the need
To stop and support peace
To call upon God,
They, who wreak havoc
Upon this earth?
Do they not, ever, cry?
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2017
Summer was full of parties,
Prayer meetings, picnic, beach going
Our son was here with us...

Now we are anticipating fall
And its colors...

Then comes winter
And the white snowfall...

Seasons come and go
All aglow
With their beauty

Created by God
With a lot of care
And love!

We love them too.
It is all beautiful...
Madhukanta Sen Sep 2016
Being in love also
Is a many splendored thing.

Repeatedly felt kernel of life...

Once you meet it
You can't live without it.

It beats with your heart
Breathes with your lungs...

Delve deep into it
And scoop up
The delight
With which
It lights up all your moments!
In love. Since very long back. Evolving now.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
Innocent lives
Get scattered
As ashes
Over the
Oceans and the mountains

Does the planet
Give rise to goodness?
The current protests due to police killings. The tears after Orlando.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
Friends dropped in
And my house
Was glowing!

Settling down
More and more
Happiness is growing

How can I
Not love this country
When sadness
Is abating
Grief is slowing
Friends bring such joy!
Madhukanta Sen May 2017
There is support
Without which
I couldn't have gone on
After falling down
And hurting myself...

My support
Stood up when I did
And is thriving
Now that I am too...

The world is beckoning!
May we be able to sprint
And then, run!
I am grateful.
Madhukanta Sen Oct 2016
Our annual
Puja- worship days are here!

We worship a goddess
Who kills an evil demon
And spreads prosperity.

In India
This worship goes on
For ten days
With drumbeats
And sweetmeats.

In America
Indians congregate
And pray to the goddess
For several days...

May the goddess
Spread joy
Throughout the world

May she **** the demon
And once again
Let humans prosper!
This is originally a ten day Puja. Come, celebrate!
Madhukanta Sen Mar 2016
The purple orchid
Which came into my house
As a gift

Has been teaching me
A few things

When I take good care
It thrives

And when I keep busy
Doing other chores

Forgetting to put that
Ice cube in the ***
So that it keeps moist

The orchid becomes sad
And it's leaves wither

I have to constantly
Read it to know
How it is keeping.

And that is what
Happens all around me
With all those
Whom I care for!
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
Blue skies
Pink skies
Grey skies
Red skies

All overlooking

Our destinies
Our actions

Our sorrows
Our resilience

Our joys
Our sharing.
I was sitting on the patio.
Madhukanta Sen Feb 2018
Came back from India
Happy and glum
Were surrounded
By friends,by people
Met ma,di,dada
And felt reassured...
Back into
The snow covered lawns and roads
Warmth exists!
There is warmth underneath the snow...
Madhukanta Sen Oct 2018
Upholding truth
Amidst a rampage of untruth
That is what you have been doing.
Upholding values, and sanity
When the world seems to have gone insane
Is the precious role you have been playing.
We are holding on to you
You are holding on to Godliness.
The incomparable role media is playing.
Madhukanta Sen Apr 2016
When we look
At life
Which is beyond
The everyday

It is
Beautiful and vast
And unified

It is
One with God
As the earth
Is one with
The sky
In the horizon

Take a
Few moments
Each day
To feel it
And to
Touch the feeling.

It will
Make you
For wholesome survival.
Madhukanta Sen Jun 2018
Days have been tough
I had to battle
Enemies have been persistent
Sometimes even fatal...

Love is what made me go on
Love is what upheld me
Love is what embraced me
Enabled me realize my mettle...
Love nourishes.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2018
Brown sugar in my tea
And I am feeling happy
Looking out of my window at TIP

A little bit of work
A little reading
A little bit of reflecting
And am content as can be

Close to God
That is where we have come
From afar
For this is Destiny...
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
We are a
******* now
Living together
After ages.

Me,my son
And my partner.

How can I describe
The joy
When I
Pack sandwiches
And strawberries
For the two of them
Our son is attending summer school and is living with us.
Madhukanta Sen Oct 2016
Today is a day
Full of expectations-
I am expecting news
Regarding my paintings...!

My singing
Is going on okay
So is my writing,
As you know...

Life is full
And will be fuller
Come December
When we will get possession
Of our new house...

I am overcoming
Hurts and obstacles...

God did drop
That flower petal
On my head!
Good times do arrive.
Madhukanta Sen Mar 2016
Touch, is such a
Fascinating thing.

I always cherish
Bear hugs.

When friends and dear ones
Hug me

They make me
So happy!
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