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Madhukanta Sen Aug 2018
When God touches you
You can tell the world
That he loves us all.
When God talks to you
You announce
That he guides us all.
When God embraces you
You leave behind the world
Telling all
That you will meet again.
And the world believes you...
God embraces.
Madhukanta Sen May 2016
Our life
Made beautiful by travels
The thrill
Down our spine
When visions unfold
In lands unknown
Made known
By discoveries.
We thank God
That such treasures
Still exist.
Written a few years back after our vacationing in India when we went traveling.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
I chat
With my cleaning lady...
Her victories
Her glories
Her sorrows...

She is a brave lady
And a joy
To interact with

Her kids are her pride
She is a model mother
Working very hard
For her children.

May she, and her like
Always thrive...
She is the eternal problem solver!
Madhukanta Sen Oct 2016
It is this tug -of -war
Which goes on
In this world...

Sometimes it is love
Sometimes self interest
Sometimes prayers
Sometimes cries...

Have seen life
From very close quarters-
It is not always
Designed by you.

There are forces
Which might overcome
At a weak moment...

There are forces
Which are strangers
Yet lend you support
To find support
In return...

And there are powers
Without which
You cannot survive...

Life is a medley
Of pleasant
And unpleasant
Make the most of it!
Growing wiser by experience.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
It is as if
Lives which go
Get drawn
From our very bodies...
That is
How much
It hurts!
Madhukanta Sen Apr 2016
My son now
Stone facade houses
and buildings
In a forest
House my son now
and tell him their story
in whispers.
He listens, as he always does!
Madhukanta Sen Nov 2018
Senseless ending of lives must stop.

What joy do you get
Out of cutting short
People's lives
Just because
A gun gives you power?

It is not a toy
And we are humans!

If you cannot use it sensibly
Then it should go!
God is watching.
Don't make a gun evil.
Madhukanta Sen Jul 2016
The leaves
Tremble on trees
Like when
Dew drops fall on them

The bees
Hum and hover
Like when
Flowers arrive on a stem

When I go and pray
With a flock of people
And God says he is happy
He says I shall stay...
Meeting to talk of Ramakrishna and to sing and pray together is called Satsang. We do that once a month.
Madhukanta Sen Nov 2018
Winter is here.
There will be festivities
There will be snow
There will be stories.

There will be joy
There will be cheer
People will let go of worries!

Chin up, and smile
God is watching upon us
Let gloom take leave with the flurries...
Enjoy winter.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2016
Sadness rises
From the preceding moment
The preceding day, the night before
And goes on till
The next moment this day
It spreads like a cloud
Over all activities
And it rains from your eyes
Till the people
Who had gone out on work
Come in, smile, and hand you the tissue.
Do not be sad. There are people who love you.
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
You who are out there working
On frontlines, grasp life fully well
Grappling with death all the time
Teach us how to value it…

— The End —