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Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Spring is here
This time we are witnessing
Blossoms from our windows
Shops are the same
But we are ordering online
No full parking lots
No crowded aisles
No rushing to your offices
No rushing cars on the
Three lanes of highways

Only places crowded
Are the hospitals
And the mortuaries
God has painted a very bleak
Very heart wrenching picture of planet Earth

Still, mankind is clapping
And singing, and jiving
In homes, cheering on life
‘Cause life still exists
And God is watching how
We are still keeping our lamps lighted!
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Sitting by the blue water of the pool
Writing and reading in the sun
Makes it easier to think of Texas
And the mass shootings
Sitting by Lake George
On our vacay
Enables me to bear
The beatings doled out
By friends who turned into enemies
Frenemies teach me
To discriminate
Between good and bad
May I always choose
The Good!
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Sorrow insurmountable
Taking me close to a coma
Still trying to keep myself happy
For otherwise, we would have
Lost the battle
“Emerge victorious”
Was what they told me
And victorious, I did emerge
Now, on the way to
Regaining my
Wholesome self
And showing the finger
To villains…
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Christmas is close by
We are going to celebrate in India
Without the snow
Happy and sad
Missing friends
Reunite with family
US is now home
Where I have stayed
For thirty years
And my home in India
Had my company for twenty six
O Lord
May both my homes
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
Today we bought tulips
And the desks have turned beautiful
We celebrated birthdays
A month back
And I remember the vegan cheesecake for Abby
Hubby said in his card
“I don’t know how I got so lucky…”
And I, on this Tuesday
Think likewise
Alexa plays the oldies
While we drink French wine
With steaming hot
Fusion dinner…
Life is full!
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
God decided to let the world remain
Because men and women
Fought to preserve it
It snowed again in December
And people celebrated Christmas
There were gifts and hugs
That happened
There were zoom meets
And connections were strengthened
There was giving and self care
And people rejoiced with all their might
God agreed
To give them another chance…
Madhukanta Sen Aug 2022
While having an avocado
For b’fast
I remembered that many
Loved ones who might have
Loved avocados are missing
From several dinner tables now…
Those who might have loved
Getting up early and exercising.
Like I do.
Those who might have
Wondered at a bough full of
Flowers they saw while out
On their walks.
Who might have felt
Awake on smelling their coffee…
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