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jade Jun 2016
crumbling sand castle
weak walls swept away by tide
build yourself back up

again and again
oh, sempiternal cycle
just let me crumble

tide water rises
ocean blue, suffocate me
can't keep the walls up
jade Oct 2015
I hate you,
But I hate me so much more.
  Oct 2015 jade
Wishing you would love me
more than I hate myself
jade Oct 2015
We break ourselves,
Trying to become whole.

The countless hours spent
Popping pills,
Just trying to fill in the cracks,
Between my fractured pieces.

It was never enough
It never will be

"Stay strong"
I don't want to anymore.
My body wants to ease into the comfort
Of letting go.

Let me go.
Let me drift off
into the calm unknown void

The pain I cause
trying to mend my broken pieces.
Is no use.
I am broken.

Past the point of "damaged goods"
I've been at the bottom of the clearance bin
Inevitably to be thrown out
If only they'd remember I was here

Tears fall,
Blood oozes,
And I still feel empty.

Let me go
I want to give in.
My fractured soul
Can't be fixed.
jade Oct 2015
its hard,
to let go.
i never thought,
that i would say goodbye.

im still suffering.
i feel like im nothing.

im just a desperate nobody
wishing to have somebody
to call my own
jade Oct 2015
people are drugs
they make you forget
they make you numb
but theyre toxic

u were ******
made the pain go away
but u werent any good for me
sad as **** rn

— The End —