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Jealous of the moon. Follow my Twitter @SweetPlacidity_
Argentina Rose
Find me where the earth meets the sky
Lost Soul
Everything in 4 lines :)
treetops    just another infinitesimal soul wandering through infinite bodies in an attempt to write some poetry. // m.ja // 15 // PH //
Colette Williams
Batrisyia Hanin
Malaysia    20 Instagram : batrisyiahanin Twitter : @BatrisyiaHaneen
beth fwoah dream boleyn
England    i love writing. i try to let my subconscious write the poems. born may 1969.
I just like to write down my feelings that don't make sense into words that don't make sense.
Jamie Grace Bautista
Quezon City, Philippines    Yo! I'm an artist in dA, anime lover and an amateur writer in and dA as well. Lover of food and sleep.
M/Birmingham (England)    A writer with PTSD, struggling to maintain his place in the world. All my poems are copyrighted to me. ©
The Habits of My Heart
32/F/where I belong    We forget more than we can remember. *constructive criticism is welcomed*
Hayden Emily Rose Zhara
My name is not Hayden Emily Rose Zhara, that is an alias I created for myself in middle school. I write poetry because I have ...
Missouri, USA    "If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer"
emma louise
The Foothills, CA    I write about myself. I like semicolons.
Frecky Rosa
I write to think.
Rachael Judd
South Carolina    I write perhaps in order not to go mad. Or, on the contrary, to touch the bottom of my madness.
Miss Liss
26/F/Mumbai    I have always been a bundle of mixed emotions.. Trying to figure out the deeper meanings of life. Over time, I realized art and poetry ...
Alette Peter
23/Bigender/Philippines    I am Queen of thorns. I will walk to the roses and removes its thorn to find a right path. I love cats especially their ...
Mercury Chap
Hidden behind the screen    Universe can't twist and turn but words can. Follow me on Instagram! @Mercury_Chap
a smile so effulgent, a love most deadly.
M/Mexico    'Little rhymes here and there, forever written down, never going anywhere.' Thank you for reposting my words :)
Maggie J
Fiona Mae
I create poems to relay things that I keep in, through them I am no longer guarded and I can say the things that I ...
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