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 Jun 2014 Maddie
 Jun 2014 Maddie
I want to live simply.
I want to sit by the window when
it rains and read books I'll
never be tested on.

I want to paint because I want to,
not because I've got something to prove.
I want to listen to my body,
fall asleep when the moon is high,
and wake up slowly,
with no place to rush off to.

I want not to be governed by money
or clocks or any of the artificial
restraints that humanity
imposes on itself
. I just want to be
boundless and infinite.
 Jun 2014 Maddie
 Jun 2014 Maddie
Maybe it was the way she sifted through my skin,
dismantling my defenses and sending shivers down my spine.
Maybe it was the way she held my hand,
with her persuasive words pulling me in to an unlit room.
Maybe it was the way she held my head inside her hands,
kissing me without holding back, as if she had nothing to lose.
Maybe it was the way she cradled into my arms at 10PM,
with her hair all over my arms and her cheeks against my chin.
 Jun 2014 Maddie
The voices in my head and I have been best friends from the start.
They used to be angels but now they're devils:
The kind of friends my mom used to warn me about.
 Jun 2014 Maddie
nia moreno
i'm not a poet,
i'm just inspired to write at
three in the morning.

i'm not a poet,
just someone who's tired of not
having their voice heard.

i'm not a poet,
just a girl who likes to write
useless one-liners.
 Jun 2014 Maddie
is the ability
to strike someone once
and have the sound resonate
inside them forever

is describing the sound
with more resonances
 Jun 2014 Maddie
nia moreno
types of boys:
wannabe bad boy,
born on the right side of the tracks,
but into the wrong home.
arms littered with cigarette burns,
and cuts that he claims are from ***** ***.
band t-shirts, piercings,
studded belts, ripped jeans,
and lots of hair gel.
takes the long way home from school each day
just to be alone.
 Jun 2014 Maddie
nia moreno
types of boys:
avid gamer and psychology major,
sees right through your façade,
knows all of your insecurities,
and proceeds to take advantage of them
with mind games;
giving you the affection you so desperately crave,
and filling your head with promises and lies,
knowing that you'll be unable to resist
his ***** blonde hair
or his greenish blue eyes.
and he's right,
no matter what he does,
you'll always come back.
he really thought this one through.
one day
i hope to wrestle with you at 3am
laughing as we pin each other down
tangling up in the sheets
and making fools out of ourselves
only to fall asleep in each other's arms
and wake up at 1pm the next day
tangled in each other's limbs
just to kiss each other's necks good morning
may 17, 2014
♡ ☥ ☽ ☯ ☾ ☥ ♡
i met your lips with mine
feeling our hearts beating against each others' chests
as my brain evaporated into the fog
and my coffee stained lips molded against yours
writing unspoken stories of intimacy
no one but you would ever have the pleasure of hearing

we held each other like two puzzle pieces
cut out for each other and brought together
like cigarettes to the flames of lighters and matches
and our love became the nicotine laced smoke
far less toxic yet just as addictive
and just as breathtaking

my happiness like an ember in a fireplace
slowly burning in my core
only unlike an ember
it won't eventually burn out
jan. 27, 2014
♡ ☥ ☽ ☯ ☾ ☥ ♡
 Jun 2014 Maddie
It represents:
A­nd whatever
You want it
It is a symbol
On our wrists,
To cover the scars
And say,
"Make a wish."
An upside down
Can mean so much
to a group of people
That speak in 140
Characters or less.

— The End —