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Lydia Cooper Jun 2021
New York City
Heavy, baby
Weighs you down
Holds you tight
Straight to the point
No Bull
New York City
Takes the right hand path
Full of logic and wisdom
Heavy, baby
Filled with concrete
Pick up your feet, stand up tall
Look straight ahead, shoulders back
New York City
Jazz and flashing lights
Leading the night
Lydia Cooper May 2013
I fall in love with every set of lips I’ve ever kissed

And still my heart bubbles up over itself

Like some lovesick teen with dreams

Painted in unrequited fantasies.
Lydia Cooper Apr 2013
I want you to read my scars

Like the sentences in your favorite book

And feel my curves like they’re all you can dream about.

I want you to kiss my lips like they are sweetest thing

This awful world has to offer.

I want my name to fall from your mouth

Like a psalm from heavens.

Know my body, I want to be your map to God.
Lydia Cooper Jul 2017
I wonder what you saw
In that first look
When our eyes met
Maybe our shared loneliness
Urged you to approach
Like you already knew my secrets.
Late nights spent watching old movies of femme fatales and heroes
The sounds of pretty poems and old guitars filling our air instead of words from a thousand unknowns
Staring longingly at ***** lovers on silent trains
Feeling empty in our bellies as we walk home
To empty beds
Yet our minds are filled with plenty of thoughts to keep us fed
Falling asleep dreaming of the day
Where a you might  meet a me.
Lydia Cooper Jun 2021
There’s an innocence
In 22
That I’ll probably never meet again
Blind faith meeting blind hope
Carefree meeting careless
The confidence of an undefined brain
Growing harder with age
Men see it too
29 will never be as fun as 22
When the male gaze
Looks past you
Because your head is held higher
And your body is no longer new
Especially to you
Lydia Cooper Aug 2013
I still like to think all your wolves are for me

And when the moon turns full

You howl my name to the sky.
Lydia Cooper Oct 2014
What is attraction?What is love;

Is it shaky hands and muddled thoughts?

Is it calm and confident

Is it

The feeling that you will die if their hands don’t caress you


It’s not (is it?) *** or kisses

Is it the senses?

It’s adrenaline. It’s serotonin. It’s chemical.


Lydia Cooper May 2013
How can I miss someone I've never met

Something I've never had?

I can only hope that our paths will cross

You will never be mine, but I still hope

To hear my name leaping off the tip of your tongue

As it meets my mouth.

I felt you so vividly in my dreams

As if I'm leaping dimensions, to a world of our own

A world you've been to; a place to run away.

I could be your perfect secret as you leave me for reality

Please don't leave it all for me.
Lydia Cooper Jun 2021
And I began to become obsessed
Obsessed with the vision of love
The way their pupils dilate when eyes meet
The trickle of a smile slowly drifting across a face
The breathing in of another before a kiss
The symmetry
Not at all of my own
Wanting to understand
Innocently trying to take a little of that energy for myself
To hold it, to feel it
To learn it and study it
Maybe hoping that I could replicate
Whatever I lack
Lydia Cooper Sep 2017
I only know
To blame myself
When these love affairs fail,
Because I think you are too perfect
To ever be at fault.
Lydia Cooper Jul 2013
Kiss my knees for I bruised them

Kneeling and praying to your


Your lips taste like

Blood and pain

And salt.
Lydia Cooper May 2016
In 3 years my days have complied
Into what seems like like 3 weeks
In the city that never sleeps
But it's all I want to do
I haven't even had a chance to blink
Senses become desensitized
To blaring of sirens or the smells of people dying
But I guess we're all dying
The shell of my cancer soul
Has grown thicker and stronger
But not any less blue
My heart has grown more weary
But it still rest on my sleeve
It's wonder how anyone finds themselves
In this concrete time machine
Maybe it's more like losing what you came with and building something new
This city where dreams become reality
And reality becomes you
Lydia Cooper May 2016
I'm a walking contradiction
Controlled by my emotions
Unaware of my action
In one ear and out of the other
The words of my friends vs the words of my mother
Who am I really?
Does anyone ever know?
Or do we just lie to ourselves to give the world a show
Ashamed of evolution
Comforted by prediction
Lydia Cooper Aug 2013
Bob Dylan had never told a lie
Jimi Hendrix either
I believe in context more than Congress
I believe in children more than television
And I’ve seen so much
and I still don’t what’s real
And i love my country
But i love yours too
Somedays i hate who I am
I want to be someone new
But i am blessed
Bukowski told me not to worry
About the bad poems
And this is one
And so is life
Lydia Cooper Oct 2012
Will I ever get what I want?

Or am I doomed to drown

In my ever growing desires?
Lydia Cooper Oct 2012
What is distance,

But a plane ride

Or an 11 hour drive to the mountainside.

What is distance?

But miles and state lines,

And sunset and sunrise.

What is distance,

But watching loved ones come and go.

What is distance,

But something you can’t feel or touch;

You can write it and hear it.

Isn’t that good enough?
Lydia Cooper Mar 2013
I know that I love you by the way

You creep into my thoughts

As the day creeps through my window.

I know because all the flowers smell like you

And as they bloom I see your face

A love as easy a the change of seasons

Subtle but I can feel it.

Like the way my hair stands on end when your voice

Touches my ears
Lydia Cooper Apr 29
How odd it is
To be on the outside of understanding
To have your feelings turned into spears
A prescription for hysteria
A life spent being a bin for emotions
Emptied when full
Quiet and strong
But I wondered,
What is at the bottom of an emotion?
Lydia Cooper Nov 2018
You are the wanted one, men strive for you
The serpent of desire,
Urging men to play with fire
They run and chase
But you play games
Like a cat with a string
Until your feet get tired
Lydia Cooper Jan 2013
I think I’ll love you forever. I think I’ll love you even when I love someone else. And when I’m done loving them
I’ll fall on you, like a crutch that’s always been there. I think I love you to the moon back. I love you

to the end of the universe. I love you like the ocean loves the shores. Every day I love you more and

more. I love you in every fiber of my being. You are my dreams at night, you are my thoughts in the

day. I think I love you more than the desert loves the rain. I love you more than the ******* loves pain.

I love you like candy on Halloween night. I love you more than Christmas morning. I love more than

New Years Eve. You keep me going. You make more to life worth knowing. I love you like the air in my lungs.
I’ll scream for you.
Lydia Cooper Dec 2013
I was not raised in religion,

But in feminine spirituality.

To my mother money is God.

To my mother money is power.

Second generation daddy issues

Passed down three times.

Words of wisdom repeated like psalms in a church house

"Romance without finance is a nuisance"

Three generations of divorcees.

Is this ***** power?

Taking on the burden of not selling myself short;

Financial happiness versus mental.

Feeling the guilt of sin

Having not betrayed The Creator

But rather my name, her face

Falling in love in with love

Despite its wallet.

Who wouldn’t want cheap kisses

Compared to an expensive heartache?
Lydia Cooper Jan 2017
Can my life be like poetry?
I already see everything as a movie
And beautiful dramas play out before me
Can every word a I speak be a stanza?
Every yell and complaint a sonnet?
Or what if every time I spoke to you
It was a haiku?
In my body is where the punctuation starts
And my heart is the exclamation mark
Breathing in spaces and commas
Thinking in questions and run on sentences
Dreaming in synonyms and hyperboles
Rhymes about past lives
Inside paragraphs about past loves
Metaphors and similes about people I want to be
Lydia Cooper Oct 2013
Howl, howl, howl.

Let me for howl for you

My full moon

Crescent eyes.

I’d fall into every crater of your heart

Thousand of miles away

But in the bright night sky

It ‘s like you're right here

Shining just for me

I’ll be your wolf if you’ll be my coyote

And we can howl to same empty moon.
Lydia Cooper Oct 2012
I swallow sadness
I eat it
I study it
I feel it fully, in every corner of my bones
I soak in emotions;
I seeps into my soul
I am a sponge
Lydia Cooper Aug 2013
I can’t stay
You don’t make me happy
My joy is not your concern
Your busy
Making someone else happy
Its ok
I’m ok
Everything moves on
Soon you’ll forget me
And soon after you’ll forget her
And alone is all you’ll know
But it’s ok
And your ok
Time will pass
You will be happy
And so will I.
Lydia Cooper Oct 2012
I imagine your voice waking me up

On cold mornings.

I imagine seeing you face come hazily into focus

As the suns shines its sweet rays on our skin.

I imagine you pushing the hair from around my lips

And kissing me inhaling every scent.

I imagine feeling you smile

Embrace me;

And I smile too.
Lydia Cooper Jul 2016
Now I'm starting to feel a little manic depressive one day I'm happy the next I'm so aggressive who can I be in a world that hates me

Who takes my culture and separated it into two parts the good for money and the bad becomes funny

I was born a monster but you can pay to become a monster too as long as you're eyes are blue
Lydia Cooper Mar 2013
In a few more years I see myself playing the piano-drunk

And signing on tabletops.

In a few more years I see myself kissing strangers and falling out of love

Or back in.

In a few more years I see myself learning to swim

And jumping off cliffs praying that I live.
Lydia Cooper Oct 2012
I want you.

Like the dessert wants the sun;

Like the ocean craves the rain.

You’ve swam here more than once.

Though nowhere near my soul,

You swim.

Yet mystery grows and grows

Like algae in a river.

The surface so easily understood;

But the depth is black and dark and rarely seen.

“Let it swallow you”
Lydia Cooper Sep 2013
I could see myself staying for you. You make this place worth it. I can see myself waking up to you and falling sleep n your arms for as long as you let me.

I know I’m a mess. I know I have many cracks that haven’t seen- you know this too. But for some reason you still think I’m perfect. I want to show you every scar and tell you every story while you wipe every tear. While you tell me that you love me and kiss me all over.

I’ve never felt more beautiful and it makes me so afraid. But I’m no longer afraid of loves pain. Because a burn from you would still be beautiful.

I don’t know how long you will put up me and my yelling or my crying or my jealousy. But I want to change; I want to be better for you. I want to be better for myself. I lost you once I hardly knew you but those days were awful.

I feel like  I’ve known you forever and my hands were waiting to fit with yours. My lips were always longing for you. Like you were the reason my heart always felt a little empty.

Yet now I’m finally full. You feed me with love and I want to to bloom from your light.
Lydia Cooper May 2016
The airplanes twinkle in the night sky
These are my shooting stars
The city skyline glistens and shimmers
Prettier than Gods creation
I'll make a wish on every one I can make out
I'm not ashamed to admit that flying above all the chaos
Makes it all seem worth it
Lydia Cooper Jan 2013
I can’t help but cling to you like

Lint on your favorite sweater

I’m stuck.

Pick me off one by one

It’s never enough

I’d hide in every fiber just to see your smile.
Lydia Cooper Nov 2012

It’s as stifling as a cold

It makes every bone in your body


Waking up becomes harder

Because I can sleep a little longer

And dream of you;

Falling asleep is harder

Without an arm around you.

Some say they care

And maybe they do

But they care more about whats underneath

The cotton that makes you modest

Some care but they will never tell you

Maybe you don’t seem worth it

A lost cause

A waste of words.
Lydia Cooper Sep 2013
I hate the way you won’t leave my mind

All this time, and the nothing that you meant to me.

Maybe I loved you, maybe I never had the chance.

God, I hate the way you make me hate things

Anything I was once content with

How you made me see everything differently

How I'm more careful with living

How I guard my heart more

And how I watch what I say.

How I think everyone is a liar

How I can’t trust anyone

I hate the way you make me feel hate

And doubt.

And how you made me fear the future

And love.

I hate how I dream about you

And remember your name

And remember your smile

And your lips.

I remember every promise you made

And how you you broke all of them.

I hate how I always want to cry for you

And I never can.

I hate that I want to cry for you

And feel your skin

And hear voice.

I hate how broken I feel sometimes

And how I can never blame you.

I hate that you took my innocence

How it made me grow up

And see the world for what it truly is.
Lydia Cooper Jun 2016
Who taught you how to male gaze?
On a day so hot it could cook an egg...
Was it your father
That told you my legs were ****** fodder?
Or was it your mother
Who said my **** are wild and for someone other than a toddler
Now while I'm proud to a woman
I also walk this earth as human
And your eyes make me despise
Every curve of my thighs
As much as I'm beautiful
My mind is also useful

Who taught you to male gaze
On hot New York days?
Lydia Cooper Feb 2013
Nothing is worse
Than letting someone get away
With breaking your heart.
Lydia Cooper Jan 2013
Im a mystery

Youre in love with every thought of me

You imagine how I’ll say your name

Or how my breathe will feel

On your neck

Or when I run my fingers through

Your hair

You don’t care to know

My flaws
Lydia Cooper May 2017
Hello hello oh mystery man
It's funny how people meet
Are you the one who fortune told
Would kiss the ground under my feet?
Now let's not get too ahead of ourselves
Wearing our hearts on our sleeves
But I've been waiting for someone to come along
And make a woman out of me
A voice still unheard yet I can already imagine
I'll melt like morning dew
Hello hello my mystery man
It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
Lydia Cooper Oct 2012
The painters live by the seasons,
measuring tints and hues
In every birth and every death in every leaf
And the poets live by the weather
Soaking their words in sorrow or temporary bliss
At the slightest shift in
Lydia Cooper Nov 2014
New York blues,
I've been looking for you;
The way you make me stare
At someones shoes
Instead of their eyes.
New York blues.
The way you make silence feel
New York blues.
The ways you make me nostalgic for people I have never met.
Blues, blues, blues
You make me want to throw away my culture
And forget what my mother taught me,
Make me want a high I've never tried;
You put the world at my fingertips
So shocking!
Lonely, lonely
New York blues.
Lydia Cooper Jan 2017
One day my dear,
This will all make sense.
All the lost loves
And little regrets.
Every teardrop in city streets
All the little defeats.
The smiles and the laughs,
Late night dancing in the streets
Things will make sense,
Just give it a little time.
I promise my dear
Everything will be fine.
Lydia Cooper Aug 2013
Lays your eyes upon me

As if you were wearing blinders

And I am all you can see

I want you to study every detail of my face,

Wondering which mark to kiss first.

Learn me like a map

Taking new routes each day to my heart.

Circle your favorite places with gentle

Lydia Cooper Mar 2013
Waking up alone was always the hardest part. Going to parties and ***** downtown bars only intensified her loneliness. The stares, the cat calls. Everyone admired her appearance (she was asking for it) but no one wanted to know her. Some days days her loneliness grew into bitterness other days were worst. She would've had a sense of  abandonment if anyone stay in her life long enough to abandon her.

There was a void in her life. A hallow feeling that couldn't be filled with drugs or *** or music. She fell hard and fast for the boys who looked at her in the eyes and talked about ideas and thoughts and opinions. Anyone could be her one and only (she was nobody’s anything). It’s as if someone had a timer on her romantic endeavors and turned it before all the sand hit the bottom. She felt cheated; life was playing a ***** trick.

“We accept the love we think we deserve” she had read in a book once and it had stuck to her brain like magnets to fake jewelry. She found love at nighttime or across state lines and oceans. She found love in the men who could never love her as much as they loved their money or their wives. She found love in the men who only prayed when angels floated up their noses. It wasn't what she deserved but it’s what she got.
Lydia Cooper Sep 2013

Is not

Failure, or wasting time

It’s not loneliness or isolation

Patience is not useless

It’s not a setback

Patience is needed and necessary

Patience is appreciating what you've been waiting for

It’s calm, it’s acceptance

It’s happiness and peace

Patience is finding joy in life

While things fall into place
Lydia Cooper Mar 2013
You loved everything but me,

I had thrown it all at your feet.

I thought in your eyes I was a Queen

Because I saw you as a King.

But you had many crowns

One for every face.

My mistake to think you'd

"Save" me.

I hoped you could be my take two

A reshoot.

But life is no movie

And you always carry all the pain of


In your eyes I'm no Queen,

Or simply just one of many.

The pillars I built for you are failing down

Nesting walls around my sacred crown.

You were anybody's Pharaoh

Beheading us with our backs turned.
Lydia Cooper Jan 2017
Depression must stem from boredom
Or a lack of inspiration
Morning rituals and habits
Knowing what's next
Waking up at the same time
In the same bed
With little shake here and there
That rolls down your shoulder
Like water on a duck
After which you calmly fall in place
To continue on
Until madness strikes
When you want a change
But continue on
With the same
Lydia Cooper Jan 2017
I've made a lot of mistakes
Trying to **** the pain away
Shedding clothing, like skin
To get to my core
Making love to closed doors
Running away in circles
When you were the only
Straight line I was looking for.
Lydia Cooper Apr 2013
There are times
I feel so filled with love,
That it falls from my limbs
Like raindrops.
But I forget,
Not everyone loves the rain.
Lydia Cooper Oct 2022
When I die I want to come back as a tree
Cut me down and recycle me
Or let me grow and use me for shade
Even carve your names in my truck if that helps you get laid
When I die I want to come back as a bird
And fly around the world eating 50 shades of worms
I'd spread my wings and fly around the sun
Until some ******* shoots me with his gun
Lydia Cooper Mar 2013
The symbol of my culture

One I've yet to meet.

My mother always told me "You're just like you Father"

The one I've yet to meet.

Still I pray I find some culture, where all this land seems to be

Now I don't know Spanish , but I've got the face of a queen.

Just like a bag of rice

Mix me up, mix me up

I come together nicely

Until I'm all dried up
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