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  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope
I'll ***** out the candle whicks,
Next time I won't be your match.
It goes to say,
I cannot be lit by light anymore.
I won't let your love strike the fallen fire.

Guess the darkness is more filling than it appears.
If only you knew, Lycan.

Thanks for my empire, Kal.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope
Sadness is *****.
I'm bathin' in my blues.
My heart is a hurtin'
The tears are burnin'
You never had a clue.
I shower in my sorrows
Let my pain cascade around me.
Still my friends surround me.

Sickness is deserting.
Whining pain keeps churning.
A sickness in my heart,
A sickness in my soul.
With every passing day,
There comes a deadly cold.

Happiness is cleansing.
The feeling of joy,
I'm not pretending.
With a smile on my face,
Just one last grand embrace.
With that look in your eyes,
The sadness is gone,
Without a trace.
In memory of a long lost friend, who was the first to make me smile after years or pain and sadness. I will miss her, likely, until I am dead. I wish she knew how much she meant to me.
  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope
Thick, dense,
pine tree
forests, ash
grove trees
line the creek

where tree leaves
mask the summer
dance in their

the dirt is red
and green
and mud and
soft beneath our

I never meant to
push you, love,
or live trapped in there
with you.
LycanTheThrope Jul 2015
☉The sun falls in November☉
☊ And won't rise until February ☊
It's a sick feeling
◉ Total darkness ◉
⍤The pines whisper their worries⍤
☾ Aligned with the moon's shine ☽
Hungry winter bears
❄ And snow-white hares ❄
◗ Try to escape the night ◖
Being out in
⚇ The Last Frontier ⚇
《 All you hear is your breath 》
It's a quite sound
⌭ Snow-creak ⌭
You're left me out here in the cold
☆ But I decided to put my hopes on the stars ☆
There’s so many
So many that are bright
★ I think the dark ones are my favorite ★
*Your soul is a crystal sky

✧ *Lit from the North

Dancing to a shifting melody
☪ Only broken out at midnight ☪
Changing your colors
To fit your light between my dark stars
∬ Wavering ∬
§ Fluctuating §

⊝ Undetected by most ⊝
␥ But those special few watch from the water ␥
⎊ They’re alone like me ⎊
Soon your shows slows
↡ And you fall asleep with the dawn ↡
⚰ Frozen tongues can’t taste your remains ⚰
∈ Nor can they converse with themselves ∋
My heart was left out in the cold
And it learned to love Alaska
⚖ Solitude and freedom go hand-in-hand ⚖
I'm not afraid of commitments
**⚮ But I'm terrified that my heart won't have what it desires. ⚮
Part one of the Cold Gates.

I was left out to freeze, and I learned to survive the harsh wilderness.

© Copywrite Lycan
  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope
°Lies dribble down my orange-moonlit chin,°
The truth isn't lingering on
my dawn-ridden lips~
So don't lean in.

◇I'm ready to accept
my nights are numbered
to call you my

I can see the battle
brewing like wildfire
in those lycanthrope, eyes.

A willow cannot compete
with the frost
and an autumn kiss.

¥ Her words felt like
lightning stabbed
a hole through my neck,---¥

When I grasped his intentions.

I have been so
unbelievably *******

To quote an old
memory that I have no remedy for~~
How do I feel about losing you?

"I don't know."

© Copywrite
  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope

Will they find me asleep alongside you,
when the dawns are crisp in moonsong?

The stars are pulling at my hair again,
pleading that I should visit Neverland one more time.

●   ●   ●   ●

"Come on!   He's coming for us Kira!  We have to run!"
"Who's coming for us?!"
"Captain Hook, you idiot!"
"--It's Peter!"
"But it's 8:00 at night I can't just---"
"Hop out your window, Wendy!  I'll catch you!"

●   ●   ●   ●
Can't promise I'll come home.
I never have.

If I'd be counting lunar shadows,
I wouldn't miss yours for the world.

Dreaming in sync to a glass of whine,
Fill my bowl ****** and blame it on a silver bullet.

●     ●     ●     ●

"What's wrong Jack?"
"Oh come on!  You're always wanting an adventure, so let's keep going!"
"I'm serious----"
"Jack?  What is it?"
"Kira we have to run!"

(  c   r    a    c    k   .  )
●     ●     ●    ●
It was an odd serenity,
watching your body embrace gravity and charred stone.

You tainted the river redder than any sunset
could've, your bloodstream spilled the contents of your life onto the forest floor.
●    ●    ●    ●


●     ●     ●     ●
Oh, you'd be sixteen by now,
Peter Pan.  (Jack Addison.)

And I'd never have grown up.*

You were seven when you died.
It should've been me.
I know how you loved the story of Peter Pan.
But it was ironic how you never grew up.
When I can't sleep, I'll visit you when I'm lonely.
I'll sit under that tree.
Maybe one day I'll fall asleep and wake up beside you,
when the dawn meets the sky you can take me home.

Ehh, I didn't try my hardest on this one.
I wrote it while I cried.
Guess I'll never learn, huh?

© Copywrite
LycanTheThrope Jul 2015
It's not a Walt Disney thing
They don't just pick off the sick an dying ones
They are perfectly capable of taking down a full, healthy adult.
Wolves were designed by thousands of years of evolution
They were bred and raised to ****
Not for sport, but for survival.
They don't **** needlessly
It may be intimidating
Seeing the blood on their face
Their glowing eyes staring back
But if you're going to tell me that
Wolves are man-eaters
Blood-thirsty killers
Why don't you take a look around
Most animals go corrupt because of humans.
We take their land
Take their young
**** off their pack-mates
We even trap them
For pets, or zoos
Whatever reason we want.
I don't know about you
But if someone took my home
My kids
Killed my family and friends,
And then cornered me
I'd fight back with every ounce of strength I had.
I don't know what they're gonna do to me
But I'd assume they'd do what they did to the others
I'd fight for my life

They're killers,
*But wolves have to make a living too
Just a little rant, don't tell me animals are killers, because you will get smacked

© Copywrite Lycan
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