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it is a funny thing, what infatuation can do

when I see you and I breathe I can feel every cell
and see past the next moment
I can feel the way you move

anything can be a catalyst for you
a note in a song
my hair against my lip

I want to turn your head and make you see me the way I do

because with you comes this feeling
and with this feeling

oh I'm writing and singing
and dancing and moving
and even the cold air is welcome

but a year ago this poem had a different subject
why can I not infatuate myself
and keep constant the excitement of possibility

must I rely on a nameless stranger
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Untitled 6.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
I could hear my parents talking about me.
I don't like that.
I don't like the way you looked so
when I cried, either
or that I cry
or that my stomach bunched into ruffles
when you took my shirt off.

"I don't know why I get so sad sometimes," I whispered.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Kate Lion
Matter cannot be created or destroyed
Is love the same
Has it always existed
In one form or the other
If so
My love and I
We have loved forever (we just hadn't found each other)
And forever is a circle
Which means we never began and we will never stop
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Choice Shot
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
I want to drink your eyes to sleep
cause a brawl in your brain
delete pardon me
and rejoice modern afterthought
repeat and push off the cliff
There is something about the skin
of a woman that makes my fingers
want to sandpaper their bones
until they curve like
her waist does.

I want them to bend
around her hipbones,
come out the other side saying
Baby, my knees are so weak
you could carry them away
in your prayers.

And I bet she would.
This girl, she would pray
so hard it would move
straight through her,
every breath is a dance
and she's trying to move
so fast that the world
couldn't even touch her.

I want so badly
to touch her. I wish I could,
if only I could rewrite my story
until I became someone else,
I would find her eyes at the bar,
let her teach me where the cold
comes in so I can fill it
with my lips.

I want to see the way
her God anoints her forehead,
how He shows her the light
in the times she needs it
the most. My God, She tells me
I'll never be able to love you
with the lights left on, and
I think She's right.

My body quakes whenever I
step onto the sidewalk, because
I think they can smell it on me.
I think they can smell her on me,
these trees they whisper
as soon as I turn away,
and I think that means something
about the way I've learned
to make love to this Earth.

These girls, they love so much
differently than a man does,
a man can tell you that you're
beautiful but a man's hormones
have learned to speak for him
in order to get the job done, so
you never know if it was true.

If I could hold a woman, I know
I'd cradle her cheek against
my collarbone, I'd tell her I know
it will be all right, I've done this
before and I know exactly
how it will end.

I don't know how this
will end. I don't know how
I'll manage to keep her a secret
inside of me. There is a dust that waits
in her attic and I know I could climb
until I reach the sky.

At the bend in this river,
I know this course will carry me
to a clearing where she can teach
me how to smile in the sunlight. Where
the breeze will show me that my soul
is not stuck tight as the bonds
they push me into.

As soon as I can laugh
the way she does,
I know
I'll be able
to come
i share my name with a hurricane
how fitting

a set of bruised shins in running tights
who can't get much of anything right
and still hasn't remembered where she set her drink

that's me

i sometimes think they should've named me tiffany
or brittany
or stephany
something pretty and normal

maybe then i would have been a ballerina
instead of just a mess
in a second-hand dress

sometimes i swear
the wind calms when i laugh
and the thunder cracks
when i finally let go
and let myself fade
back into the sky that shaped me

i make it rain

some things never change
not names
or headstones
or birthdays

and some things always do

the sky shifts slightly
setting a yellow kite to sail
and a pair of hawks to soar

maybe they named the storm after me
so that i could see
how beautiful turbulence can be

maybe i just wasn't looking right

a rose by any other name
wouldn't seem as special
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