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Thank you for your time
and participation but
I'm sorry to say,
this was just a test.

A ******, social
and psychological
experiment on how
you handle insanity
in others.

You had impeccable defense
when I said, "I love you."
Immediate silence. Close your heart
like a steel door. The strongest
and most successful
response to
this behavior.

Some participants explode in the
test maze, can't handle any
mind games, loneliness,
suicide threats, pleas for
attention, among
other things.

You were my favorite
test subject. So much potential
I thought you might actually
get it. But, not quite

I'm sorry to put you through this,
my dear, my lab rat,
I just needed to push you
as far as you could possibly go
in order to maybe, one day,
feel you
push back.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Alexis Martin
with your teeth, you left bruises
but I wish they were scars
so I could keep you on me
for the rest of my existence
All my life
I sought
an angel.
And he appeared
in order to say:
"I am no angel !"
even before
we met
i was

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
You are my tuned radio when I go to sleep
You are my alarm when I have to wake
You compose my words when you are here
I'm here when you are always near
You r the silence of screaming waves
As noisy as the sea gulls are for food
You are the footprints in the sand dunes
As it's going to follow you to our home
You are the sculpture of a sand artist
Which settles down in hours is where I lay
You are the solitude of my lips
Where you rest your uttering heartbeats
You are the warm breeze on my shoulders
While my palm holds your longing fingers
Your hair is a cool shadow of a leafy tree
While I hide in breathing behind your ears
You are the moon sliding out of the window
In a calm starry night sharing a pillow
As I rest my hands on your navel
You breathe gently, turn slightly, and kiss me lightly
I will wake you up with whispering confession of love
Under the soft morning rays, let’s replenish quietly
And get lost into the silence of our hearts
moth encircled flickering flame
not to scorch your wings beware
a flawless silhouette your aim
ignorant to what was there

by callous will a backdoor open
not knowing whether by invitation
your anguish will be soon forgotten
some windows glisten with adoration

perpetual flutter grow weary not
beaming ardour will leave you frail
beckoning dawn have you forgot
the candle of no more avail
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Lisa Benson
there's been much debate in my mind,
on whether love is determined by the heart or the eyes.
do we love most with our vital organs?
aren't they both, wouldn't you say, vital?
by the way we spend currency of sight on someone's treasury,
or by the process of blood coming to a stop - a heart skipping a beat?
i think both is good.
I sit here
Desperately soaking up
Whatever information I can find
I can dig up
I know that I am not meant
To be doing this right here, right now
Yet I continue
I hope that I can take in all of this
That I can find whatever
Little bit
That will help to stop the slight shake
Take away the coldness
Of my fingers

In desperation, I look up similar incidents
That have occurred and I try
To figure out
If there is any end to this sheer insanity
A reason for which
This cursed world doesn't deserve
To end tomorrow

I search, I search, I surf
Trying to find some information
That tells me this world
Is not as cursed as it appears to be
My fingers are still cold
They're still shaking a bit

I am still shocked
I might just be panicking a bit

All I want right now
Is some solution
Some answer
To these rapes that have occurred
I want to be blind again
I don't want to know
That these dumbfoolishdisgusting
men (creatures) felt that that woman deserved it

I need to know that this isn't some god-complex
I need to know that deep inside no one wants to protect them
I want to see them castrated, locked up, executed
I need them to be done away
Because they need to be made an example of

Women cannot step out of their houses
Without being terrified
I am tired of controlling my fist
When someone suggests it was the clothes they wore
That that is what attracted them
I can't stop the shaking
That is attributed more towards anger
Than anything else

I need something done
Our pity won't bring her shattered sanity back
It won't make her ready to trust
Any man ever again
Our pity marches
With candles and tears in our (her) eyes
Will not make her feel anything but
disgust (hatred)
Towards herself

A shattered mind,
An injured body,
A broken trust

She has lost these things
And they
They just seem bent
On blaming it
On scraps of cloth

*(are you ******* kidding me?)
The women who have been through this,
the men who have been through this,
The victims, forced to be silenced
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