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Janine Sleiman Jun 2015
didn't mama ever tell you don't play with fire
because wherever there's a flame someones
bound to get hurt
i guess the rules didn't apply to you
you did it anyway and you caused a whole blaze
thinking it was some bonfire
but  you didn't get hurt at all
instead i took your fall
you burned my soul to ash and dust
i can no longer feel lust
i can't trust to feel love again
  Jun 2015 Janine Sleiman
Sara Jones
While I am sad we  turned out this way
I'm not sad to see you with another girl anymore
I don't worry you're thinking of me
I worry you're not happy
Because even though you pushed me around and made me out to be the bad guy
At one point I loved you
Therefore even though you treated me wrong I wanted you at the time
Therefore I will always want you to be happy
I don't want you with me
I want you with someone who will make you better.
I want you with someone who will call you on your behavior where I did not
I want you with someone who will make you hate yourself when you yell at her like you yelled at me
I want you with someone who is good for you
Like he is good for me
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