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 Dec 2014 Emily Kaminski
The snow is falling softly and lightly on my skin.
Covering me in the most purest of whites.
leaving me there with my arms reaching for the sky.
Palms trying to grasp the purity of it all.
Hope you enjoy the snow! :)
 Dec 2014 Emily Kaminski
Jack walks down the streets
without a care in the world.

All the girls who haven’t had
*** for the longest time crave
for the lust that lies beneath his
made in America denim jeans.

But he doesn’t care, cause he’s
already done them all.

Why can’t I be as beau as Jack,
who sways all the ladies with
just the presence of an effortless

Why can’t I be as beau as Jack,
is it cause of the way he slightly
tilts his shades that makes all the
the young pretty girls *******

He is the most desirable prize to ever
walk down the streets in the eyes of girls
that tread headless without knowing
how much of an ******* he really is.

Being beau must be pretty tough…
 Dec 2014 Emily Kaminski
I met her I knew
I was going to be entranced by her.

I knew we were going to share
our first kiss.

I knew we were going to share
the most intimate moments of our lives.

I knew we were going to share
the happiest memories together.


The moment I met her I knew
we would eventually part our ways.

Exchanging goodbyes too somber to forget...
 Nov 2014 Emily Kaminski
 Nov 2014 Emily Kaminski
This love of mine lies to me.

"Love the girl that has never been loved..."
It whispers to me when I sleep.

"Say that you love her..."
It whispers to me when I sleep.

"Never forget her...
It whispers to me when I sleep.

This love of mine quenches it's thirst with lies.
Loveless lies of mine...
My world became more colorful after you left, but I find myself missing the black and white.

It was just you, and me.

I was night, and you were the feeling of the sun on my skin.

I was death, and you were my 16th birthday.

I was fear and you are...gone

You are the feeling of the sun on her skin, you are her 16th birthday, she is courage and you are there.

And as I see her in your arms thoughts race back to my 6th grade science class, to the day we learned white was every color combined.

And as this thought rolls over in my mind so does the realization that when I used to hold you I was holding the rainbow.

You are white, and you have found someone who is not the absence of everything you are.

You are white,

And I am black.
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