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Cné Jul 2019

It’s only a smudge in his eyes
A smear of lips on paper from skin
When apparent, meanings give rise
For it’s a lipstick kiss on a napkin

A longing for breathtaking kisses
She sends his way to imagine
of their lips in sensual caresses
with a simple kiss on a paper napkin

Cné Jul 2019
Breathe the bright moments
in life and hold them.
Let them go gently
as you would
release a butterfly.
For they will come back with love.
Let love come to you
as a soft breeze finds you
in a quiet moment
in a sweltering afternoon.
Love will return in perfect passion.
Grasp passion with both hands
and hold onto it
until you have wrung
all the heat from it you can,
then release it
as a sigh of contentment.
Dwell in each moment
of contentment
as you would savor
the perfect moment in life.
Life, love, passion and contentment
come to us all,
but they stay with those
who appreciate them.
Be the one who appreciates them.

Cné Jun 2019
She leans over the sink
weight on her toes
to applied lipstick
in quick certain strokes,
the way a man signs
his hundredth signature
of the morning.

With lips of convictionless curvature
as the lipstick retracted like a red eel
all day she left her mark
on everything she kissed.
Even the air remarks
like intoxicating news
whispered from ear to ear.

Cné Jun 2019

I dream
of possibilities
      and not the
                Call me crazy but
            I believe wishes
    come true with the
         click of my fingers
             and the flicker
               of my tongue.

For you....
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