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Another drink,
Another smoke.

One more story,
One more book.

A long day out,
A night awake.

Two more songs,
Four more games.

Daydreaming again,
Creating stories in her head.

Dreading the moment,
she's alone once again.

“I’m fighting my demons,”
She says.
“I’m pushing them away.”

He shakes his head.
“My dear, it seems to me,
That you are running away.”
V personal + experimental
although i suppose everything i write at this point is quite experimental
anyway, I dunno. Just a poem about running from your problems. Hope that at least some can relate.
I thought something
Was wrong with me.
I'm writing so
Reading poetry
Lines invade
When I'm retiring,
Ascending I'm reciting,
Divining parallel parables.
I'm convinced  
He's left the stage,
Replaced by me
On the page,
In figures of speech.
The Chosen words,
Give meaning and comfort
Religion obscured.
They say I have no shame
but when I am with him
I am ashamed,
He has only to speak one word
to bring me tears.
He has only to give me one glance
to see all my fears.
He quickly sees through my facade
and all the make-up I have on.
He looks deeply into my eyes.
He prys inside my mind.
He quietly creeps through the
complicated corridors of my head.
I am a piece of art painted by dim light.
In the darkness, I am a thing of beauty.
In the light, I am pale and I have poison
running through my veins.
Yet you crave my blood and lust after
me like a dog in search of his favorite bone.
"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth,"
I am your lie that makes you see your own horror.
You see me reflected in you.
Or do you see yourself reflected in me?
You were the sculptor.
I was merely a piece.
A piece that became reality.
You blindly saw perfection and
denied all of my flaws.
If i was painted in darkness,
what would make you think the light would hit me now?
It's funny how things work out.
It scares you that when you when you see me you see yourself.
That's why you say I love you.
In reality you want to scream I hate you and run away.
Not because it's me but because it is you you hate.
No other betrayal was ever as horrible
as what I see now in you.
You believed I was more than everything.
I was created with the picture of perfection.
I am human, I do have defections.
Here stands the person that you have created.
Excuse me sir.
I never asked to be painted.

Quote by Pablo Picasso
There are no right words
to express my feelings
So I write-
to begin my healing

For when I lilt,
"You make me laugh"-
Twould better be, "Life
with you? The better half"

And when I blurt,
"You're beautiful"-
I really mean, "Your every
glance enchants my soul"

Then to insist, "I love you"-
is simply to say,
"I could want no more
but for you to stay"

Lo, within the declaration,
"I don't care"-
I should have put,
"Please, please, please... let's repair"

And oh my wailing,
"Will you leave me alone?"-
Could have been, "please
chip away this heart of stone"

That time I hissed,
"I hate this"
was truly, "it's been
too long since we last kissed"

Maybe a curse;
Maybe a sign
I shouldn't speak-
bottom line.

To express the feelings
of this heart of mine;
I choose the wrong words
all the time.
Wrote stream of conscious early in the morn, feel free to comment/critique and look at my other stuff!
Words can do so many things that we'll never understand
A heartbeat won't make you come alive the way one word can
The pictures that they paint can take your breath away
Goodbyes that they whisper will make you want to stay
When they are laced in hatred and fight to make you cry
You find that rhyme within you and realize it was lies
That words would never hurt you, only sticks and stones
Well now you're a few years older and left with broken bones.
When sweet words are spoken from someone that you love
You feel cupid catch you and carry you above
When words are hard to come by because your tongue is tied
It always seems as though your missing an important part of life
When words are placed in music, your soul is pierced within
Whether it be happy, sad or tragic, your heart is singing till the end.
Words can do so many things, and I've only said a few
But put thought before your speech because the power starts with you.
 Jul 2013 Lionel Craft
 Jul 2013 Lionel Craft
moon light shined off the irisis of her eyes,
creating the tides,
she brung in the waves
that once use to wash up upon your heart;
soaking up the sea foam
from within your veins,
the esquisite lining
around every tear drop
that had fallen into the ocean,
reached your soul;
they cried out, the pain,
the heart ache, the sorrow,
you felt it, you felt it all;
you then knew,
she was apart of you, again

— The End —