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 Feb 2014 lina S
Paul M Chafer
By the shores of the Dry-sea.
Beyond salt-crusted sands,
In deep, deep, caves,
You will find dragons.
Long ago, in ages past,
Men and women were selected,
An honour to ride these great beasts.
Winged creatures of giant stature,
Sharp of tooth and talon.
Then foolishly, the dragon-riders fought.
The battles, ****** and deadly,
Swooped across scorched skies.
Then the dragons took their leave,
And burrowed deep into the earth,
Where they slept away the centuries.
Occasionally one would surface,
In a lake, a fjord or a loch,
Emerging by secret ways,
To see if mankind still made war.
Until at last, mankind has long gone.
The Earth is dry: blisteringly hot.
Perfect for dragons to bask,
Upon the salt-crusted sands,
By the shores of the Dry-sea.

© Paul Chafer 2014
I just enjoy the notion of dragons, in our vast unfathomable Universe, they are sure to exist: somewhere.
It goes on for as long as it will or as long as the will is quite strong and when the will fails
everything tails off,all bets are void and whatever it was that buoyed me up disappears,
for years I have wandered through wills which I've squandered and thoughts such as these bring me to my knees and my will falters.
and for years I have searched,have lurched here and there to find someplace where my will can be free,
not to be
for we the proletariat have decided that all wills will be held in probate .

Then let them fornicate or ******* I ******* hate them all
I am not we
I am me
me alone
my Island
my home
******* ifya don't like it
I don't give a ****
I am
oops another out loud moment.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Simon Soane
Past it
 Feb 2014 lina S
Simon Soane
You are passing, this is it,
the last of it.
Minutes you filled
in nights drawn in,
we're in.
You're fantastic,
near past it.
 Feb 2014 lina S
I am a leaf that just fell off the tip of your branch,
I am heading to where the wind takes me.
I have no direction.
I am the empty space besides the grave
of a dead one.
I am that waiting soul expecting death.
I am the roof of a house with no entrance or exit.
the ghost town no one wants to go to.
When you go to a farm,
you can find me with all the other grass.
I'm no different
every other man regrets deeply what he did
daily he deals with his affliction.
In a hospital,
I am the white paint on the wall
everyone looks at but doesn't touch or talk about.
My days past
now this memory is a song on repeat.
Inside of a house,
I am the garbage bag.
Everyone knows
but no one cares,
they throw me out at the end of every day.
I stand firm everyday
like the railings of a bed,
but this love is dying,
like the man with cancer inside his heart.
I am the bomb created by men
Having a time and day to go off.
Is it not true?
the heart bleeds
when trying to escape the dungeons of love?
I hope,
I'm going to wake up and light
what shall be the death of me,
I shall light
whats going to be my afterlife,
all because of you.
I will light a flame
But feel the burns on my body
the rest of my time
here on Earth
all because of your beautiful memory.
I'm not ok with your memory,
I cannot have you in my mind,
It's a torture for my soul.
I can feel the energy shoving my soul
out of my body
every single second
I think about you.

Written on ;     2  /  7  /  13
 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
I just realized
that you are a *****.
 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
I am flesh and bone
No blood in between
I am a blade of grass
So delicate and green
I am indescribable
As the water
I am the sun
Every minute, burning hotter
I am as dead as stone
Gray and lame
I am so alive
Rich red blood
Coursing through my veins
I am cold like the snow
Icy, and frozen
Yet I am melting
Mellow in motion
I am so strong
Try and break down my walls
It is built thick
And ensured to never fall
I am so weak
My barriers are cracking
I can't hold it any longer
My fortress is tumbling
My soul is dry
Like the page of a book
I am an artist
Always misunderstood
In the silence that follows the storm
when the cormorant cleans her wings
and the chaffinch in the tree sings,
I'll be there
weaving my words through your hair
and blowing kisses in the wind.
It detonates
the thunder of it reverberates
grates on my nerves
resonating within.
The explosion corrodes me
boding nought but ill
I ignite.
Why fight the inevitable,why not just stay in the bubble and keep out of trouble?
It detonates.
 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
sunken eyes and an untame mind.
eyes grow pale with the sun,
the universe turns black all at once.
free fall into oblivion, lick the edge
and feel the pain. i can't stop the rain from
sinking down my face. this love is all
i had, now i just spin around in place,
wishing to be alone. it's just a phase, so
i say, but everything is dull. the wind
pulls through my throat speaking
words i've never known. my eyes won't
close, the brain says no. can't stop thinking.
the sun is devouring my irises, blinded
by the deafening silences. what's happening?
where's my mind? i can't keep passing by
with i'm fine.
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