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Up through the chimney
out of the stack
heading for space and
I ain't coming back.
Curling and whirling and blown by your sighs,
creep through the cracks in the grey clouded skies.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Anderson M
Ice cream cascades lazily
Down the throat
A hot cold assault
On the throat’s walls
This after a heavy hearty meal.
and I saw you.
And yes, you were good.
And yes, you can sing.
The paper hearts fluttered down
from somewhere,
snaffled by hands
before you sank from view.
Young things in shorts
wielding rainbow sticks
seats in front and I doubt
my indie record
is cooler than yours
but I saw the sparks,
circus tricks,
dancers popping
along the stage.
But now it is Wednesday,
a four-hour memory
that is sleepily blending
into delicious red.
Written: February 2014.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time and the follow-up to previous piece 'Mind the Gap.' This poem was written in a rough form at five minutes to midnight on a train at London St. Pancras and finished at 00:21, after watching Taylor Swift perform at the The O2 Arena during her 'Red Tour.'
 Feb 2014 lina S
Eva Nein
 Feb 2014 lina S
Eva Nein
I have lied to my parents:
"I'm fine."
"It was wonderful!"
"I slept well last night."
"No...nothing's wrong."

I have lied to my friends:
"I'm not tired."
"I am happy."
"You did great."
"It was no problem."

I've lied to myself:
"I feel great!"
"I'm not sad."
"I can do this."
"It was awesome!"

No one ever guesses:
"Me too."
"Thank you!"
"Well I feel amazing!"
"That's great. Let me tell you..."

But people lie to me too:
"You look great!"
"It was no trouble at all."
"No, you didn't stammer."
"I'm telling you, nothing's wrong."

Don't we all lie?
To stay sane,
To stay happy,
To deal with people,
To make others happy...

Maybe not all lies are bad.
But maybe,
Maybe they are.
Maybe the lies hurt.
Maybe we are kidding ourselves.

What if no one lied?
Even to stay sane,
Even to stay happy,
Even to deal with people,
Even to make others happy...

Is the truth really that bad?
To say:
"That wasn't good."
"No. I don't like you."
"I'm having nightmares."

I will admit now:
It won't be easy.
People might get hurt.
Friends may start fighting.
People might stop being friends.

But people would say things like:
"I'm scared."
"I'm jealous."
"I really like you."
"You are a wonderful person."

So people might
Fall in love,
Make friends,
Get help they need,
Discover something new.

If you could not lie
Would it be so bad?
What would you say?
Who would you say it to?
 Feb 2014 lina S
common cents
 Feb 2014 lina S

it's free

*- don't buy it.
 Feb 2014 lina S
May E V Watson
I don't know who I am anymore,
Even though I know where I’ve been.

You’re always happy, always smiling,
always the life of the party.
   But when no one’s looking,when no one’s around,
you let the sadness seep through you, out and abound.
Standing in the darkness, I see you there.
Abandoned yet surrounded, with no one left to care.

To them you are brave, strongest of them all.
But to me you, as I see you standing there.
   You are alone in the crowd, to them always faire.
  You do not stick out because you are brave...
    You stand out because you are lost.
Lost in the woods, the only difference is I like it this way.

If you let me, I could help you... I could lead you out.
You are already on the path,
          tripping, stumbling, and crashing along.
But I am here, I have always been right here beside you.
Using these blood-stained white roses,
      and their thorns, to steer you right.
   The worst is yet to come, but for me to truly help you,
To lead you to the light.
You must open your eyes, and see me first.

I know you wonder, as this story is told,
  If you have sold, your soul,
   and given yourself away to easily,
      to be lead out into the Light.
But you already know the answer, you have always known who I am,
   Have always felt a shadow here.
Open your eyes and let me in.

the Real you.
i know its not really a poem, but i still wanted to share it, and get some of my older works out there.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Frieda P
As does the phoenix exalt from the embers,
agony scorches the ashen'd memories
far above it all lies deliberation's beauty
disciple'd of a higher power's calm
guardian of my life's golden moments
swept up in the tides of angel's echoes
tears stain crimson's forgiven skin
aching days linger eternally remiss,
eye's vague flashes could not comprise fatality
gracious generosity of mocking clouds fill
soaring above a blustering tempest's nest
rancid squalls uprooted a tumultuous upheaval
candlelight's flickering flame keeps me unearthed,
breathless, waiting on beauty from pain...
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