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 Feb 2014 lina S
Anderson M
We each partook of our respective
Champagne glasses almost in spot on simultaneity
Toasting to a life full of nicety
Hadn’t we been born with silver cutlery
In our mouths?
Armed with a sense of perspective
But this doesn’t guarantee an alienation of misery
We being hormonal imbalanced youths
Rational irrationality the bedrock
Of most if not all our decisions
We ourselves each other’s stumbling block
Nursing grandiose delusions.
We hence seldom ‘work ‘hand in glove
As we’re “drunk in love”.
Love's blind
literally and figuratively
ever been  *Love-holic*?
 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
I swear on a promise
Pinkie finger
Scouts honour and all
Blood bond ties
And sacred holy texts
That I will always
Pick you up when you fall
As true as the sun
Will shine once again
I won't lose faith in you
And stand by your name
 Feb 2014 lina S
Krusty Aranda
February 14,
6:45 p.m.
I walk through the town plaza,
and love is in the air.
Red, heart shaped balloons.
Rose petals everywhere.
Couples sipping coffee,
sharing a sweet embrace.
But hidden between the couples
sits a girl alone.
Her eyes immersed in a poetry book.
Her lipstick imprinted on a cup.
She looked up and saw me.
I smiled and I waved.
She seemed to be shy;
the book hid her face.
I walked to her table,
and said "Hi! May I sit?".
She said yes with her head
for her lips remained sealed.
I asked for her name.
A shy voice replied "Sara.".
"I believe you're a thief.
You're a thief, my dear Sara."
Her expression just changed.
Her green eyes now wide open.
"What are you talking about?
I didn't steal nothing."
"Oh, you did, sweetest Sara,
but maybe you just don't know.
You stole my heart, dear Sara.
To you it now does belong."
She blushed, and sipped her coffee.
She showed me a little smile.
Looked up at me with her green eyes
as I reached out for her hand.
And so this ends the story
about two people finding love,
about two halves finding each other
to never again walk alone.
 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
His smile
Is precious
We're young
But not reckless
Sweet not sour
Love is developing
More and more
By the hour
Positive writing.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Cure for Reality
I am standing in the
of this
buzzing road
surrounded by heavily crowded pools
filled with plenty of other souls.

                               there's so many of them
                               too many of them
                   how can I ever feel alone?
                               but I am

they came in pairs,
in triplets,
and a million more number variations that I am too lazy to mention!
they are going about the day,
basking in the sunlight of their current successes,
I wish they would shut up

                               there's so many of them.
                               too many of them.
             how can I ever feel alone?
                               but I am

I can feel the temperature shift beneath my feet
as I slightly stumble on a
rough patch
they were helping each other ever so kindly
...but not me.
                              there's so many of them around me
                              too many of them
            how can I ever feel alone?
                              but I am still

bu­t I don't much care about that lot
there is another lot
and there are worse feelings:

                 like feeling shrivelled up in your own
                           world and left to rot,
             with the people who are supposed to be
                                  your home.

                              **I am alone.
 Feb 2014 lina S
An argument
 Feb 2014 lina S
not again,
here they come,
those words,
like a snake's venom,
that gaze,
like piercing knives,
while I can only cower,
and cover my ears,
and think,
Why are such words spoken to a loved one,
used to describe the ones we hate most,
although hatred is love turned sour,
that is not what you feel towards the other,
no hatred,
but mere anger,
anger that will fade,
leaving your once piercing gaze soft,
making your venomous words as sweet as sugar,
but it terrifies me to think,
that another argument,
filled with fury,
is no more than a breath away,
just like a small burning ember,
that can turn into a blazing fire,
in a matter of seconds.
 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
Explorer of ink smudges and paper cuts,
She pilots her pen along the roads of a page.
With crisscrossed legs, she travels with windswept hair,
Scrawling to him on a route of blue and the red:
"Each moment we are together,
we write a new line of this poem."

He rummages through leaves of paper,
Words scribbled upon the pieces
like freshly fallen snow upon tree branches.
He searches in vain, seeing only her emerald-brown eyes.
Finally, with words at a breakneck speed, he writes:
*"And yet, there will never be verses enough
to encompass the scope of our voyage."
Written with Tyler Nicholas
 Feb 2014 lina S
JK Cabresos
so much pain
in the heart's
broken treasure:

so much rain
in the night's
silent azure,

silvery mirrors
scream only tears;
eyes forbid, it mends

lonely lips
with voicelss words
and sudden ends,

bittersweet memories
of once somber past
left ashes in the chest,

your absence hurts
more than anything,
but then all is lost
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