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 Feb 2015 Limitless
I was writing this song one Sunday afternoon,
when I was feeling blue
and missing you
I strummed on some strings ,   strung together a few lines that
made me think of better times      
with you
... When  I go out on this sunny after-noon  
I'll try & think less
about you

I ran into some friends and  hung out for a while
started shootin' the ****    & came home plowed
I laid down in my empty room
it was hard not to think
about you
So , I'll pack up the car and I'll get outa town,
move up-state and drive 'til I've found
some-place   where I
can't  remember  you...

...And that's the last time I'll ever mention you .

© All Rights Reserved , Patrick W. Hamilton , 04242015
 Feb 2015 Limitless
learned to play guitar
and even learned a new song
played music for money
spent time with my family
busted a string playing guitar
lost a friend
fell in love
climbed a mountain
sat on a waterfall
saw a palm tree
walked along the beach in fog
breathed salty air
swam in the ocean
discovered a fruit
saw a gay pride parade
camped in the Redwoods
fireworks exploded right above my head
made love on a cold starry night
played in sand
hiked down highway 101
slept on a boat in the bay
skinny dipped in a lake
and had *** on a train
I need to take the shovel
From her hypocritical hands
So she can stop digging
Where my Skeletons
Rest upon the beach
My words
Deepest feelings
From the soul
With every drop
Of ink
Is the chasm
Between me
and blank pages
Crossing over
To dwell
Among the lines
Are the meanings

— The End —