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"the storm won't last forever"* they always told her
anxiety grew with age, for she was the chaos on the ocean
she was the storm for all that it **was
 Apr 2014 Letícia Plaza
I never understood why
girls cried over boys
until razor blades took
my best friend away
from me.
I drove around
then I bought one
of those energy drinks you hate
and every time
I thought about dying
I took a drink
but it was half empty
before I made it off my street.
So I ran until I couldn't breathe
and then I ran until
I collapsed on my knees
but I got up and somehow
I made it home and
now I'm washing
you out of my hair,
trying to find you,
are you in my veins?
Or should I carve into my lungs?
You have to be somewhere,
I can't live without you.
I think I understand now.
Please take me seriously.
I will end myself.
Maybe I just need some help.
But, where do I look?
Just take the life out of me.
And put it into someone else.
I'm done.
I'll give everything to take my life away.
So goodbye.
And don't ever wonder why.
Just done trying.. sick of crying. I've had enough.
Sem rumo
Ando à Deriva
Na essência do ser
O meu caminho
na bússola da vida.
I think I could get used to waking up beside you,
and following the catlike curve of that smile
on your celestial canvas
with a trembling brush.
I could paint you in the evenings,
and watch as you colored the world with
such a vibrant palette of a voice
and explained to me the things you love
with the most vivid of words.
Unfinished, unedited
I'm too tired to think
And she's clogging my mind, anyway.
 Apr 2014 Letícia Plaza
There was once a small girl who sat at the park
A place of refuge when her world was in the dark
Her flowing brown hair was beginning to thin
Still nobody cared about the struggle within
Bags under her dismal eyes from such deprivation of sleep
Because she counted crunches when she couldn't count sheep
She swayed on the swings to forget all her strife
Until there came the day when she ended her life
If only someone knew that her friends had left her
Stranded like an angel fish in the middle of a desert
She wouldn't have been bothered by the pressure to be perfect
And maybe she wouldn't have thought starving was worth it
In this very moment
I am free
I no longer regret
the past nor obsess
about the future

Today is a gift
A free gift
I get to keep by
giving it away
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