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Khan BA Sep 2017

The scriptures had a name and I became Eve,
The ancients often worshiped me,
The wise sealed lips in front of me,
The wisdom that mystics think of me
To Hindus I am Kali and Parvati too,
Yet I love and bear the lovers too,
I am a woman with beauty and brains,
And a worrier riding equine manes,
The mountain song and the Dolphin of the blue sea,
And Honey bee kissing the bosoms of Rose beauty,
I am the one with all these graces,
And I bring happiness to all new faces,
Does it matter what I am now and then
As my Gaya relaxes like perfect Zen.
Description of female...?

(By: Khan, BA)
Description  of female..?
Khan BA Sep 2017

These two words you whispered to me,
lit my inside just like a pyre.
Without any smoke and dancing flame,
Tel me what is this change, what is its name?

With every breath I breathe your name,
The breath so sweet but full of your love aflame,
It burns me down to ashes with its azure flame,
Till there is only you and your lonely name.

The words come to lips of their own,
The moment I see rose on your face,
And the fragrance sends me to lands unknown,
Such is the charm of your grace.

Stuttering bishop that I had been,
Till 'Sheikh Ali' orbed my soul with eyes so keen,
I lost my tongue and silence prevailed,
Now you see Leo as if lamb revealed.

(By: Khan, BA)
It is the grace of my Teacher that these words flow from me..
Khan BA Sep 2017
To My Friend...

"Me down in the lofty bed
As back is feeling like cold lead,
My faithful wife of so many years,
Comforts me best like yester years,
Though she herself is frail & slim,
But her courage is like that of a Hollywood film,
She is the best that I could get,
Otherwise who would take such a bet,
To love a fool of truthful days,
And a being so careless in worldly ways.
I am always thankful to HIM"
HE knows best to run this Realm "

(By: Khan, BA)

This was in reply to my friend Boya (Tahir) who wanted know about my health and ailing back. He lives in Grand Island (NY)..
We spent our teens together while he used to be a wild one, I was named as "Hermit" by him.!
And my wife… is worth  many such praises.
Khan BA Dec 2018
‪It is all that is you,‬
‪Your glory and the beauty too,‬
‪Wherever I gaze, I find you,‬
‪Even this insignificant that is me,‬
‪Words can not express your beauty,‬
‪Nor thank you enough of your glory,‬
‪I bow my head at your feet O' Praiseworthy‬
‪A humble servant of your deity.‬
‪( Khan, BA)‬

— The End —