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 Dec 2013 Clara
 Dec 2013 Clara
i know it's hard
to wake up
to open your eyes
to not roll over and
cry yourself back to
dreams you never want to-
you never want to
open your eyes again

i know it's hard
to put on your shoes
to pull on your pants
to hide the marks you
thought you deserved
you never want to
hurt again

i know it's hard
to step outside
to feel the chill of
the winter wind
to feel the chill of
people's words
you never want to
listen again

when your bed was
your only friend
and you shared it with
tears and had parties
alongside razors and
heart breaks and
no comfort

when the parties ended
just before you would have
got the door
broken in

when life gets hard
your tears are your friends
and that's okay
you're okay
the razors are only
just as cold
as the rest of the world

sleep for awhile as
the world will soon realize
you are only a
blossoming beautiful
Imagine if the nativity
Took place now instead of then
With technological advancement
It'd be on the news at ten
In fact it would make youtube
A film clip at the stable
Taken by a shepherd boy
Underneath a table
The three wisemen would go on Skype
The gifts would be en route
No need to travel all the way
With the traffic in Beirut
Phone banks would be all set up
To raise funds for the birth
The internet would be a buzz
With the greatest news on earth
No camels, inns or drummer boys
There'd be no one there at all
The Angel of The Lord would be
Black Friday shopping at the mall
In fact I do not think that it
Would be a deal that we would follow
Social media and the press
Would make it all seem hollow
I'm glad it happened when it did
As time has come to pass
With Jesus in a manger
And wisemen there en masse
I don't think it'd be Christmas
If Christ was born today
Without a cd or a movie deal
Or a sport that he would play
Christmas is...and always will
Be the story we were told
I'm glad it didn't happen now
If I may be quite so bold
Unto man a child was born
And he, the son of God....
 Dec 2013 Clara
jeffrey conyers
If I knew then, what I know now?
I wouldn't change a thing.
For life growth comes from mistakes.
Which as we go along we will continue to make.

We always say things out of hate.
About spouses,lovers and blind dates.
God knew Eve and Adam would sin.

He didn't stop it.
He let it happen.
And he has the power to eradicate everything.
Because growth comes from growing up.

Sure, we will have regrets.
Sure, we will ponder many things.
Once you realize what truth came to you?

Then you comprehend the growth within.

Let visit the scriptures for the changing of things.
You soon realize Sarah wouldn't have offer Hagar to her husband,
If she knew she would have soon be blessed with a son.
Who essentially had a half-brother?

So to say, If I knew then.
What I know now?
Is just you blowing smoke in thin air?

Question, how thin is air?
What do we measure it by?
If I only knew?

Then I don't really want to know.
Because I be asking God for more information.
Like, why does hate exist?
When love can erase all of it
If I could I would write letters to the wind and ask for lessons on how to blow you away

If I could I would take a star out of the sky and put it in a ring and ask you to be it’s replacement in my life

If I could I would keep you between my second and my fourth rib, so they will tell you they’ve missed you.

The first time I saw you, I smiled with my mouth open to let go of the crickets I buried in my voice box so I could say hello

How else can I explain to you that our stories are God written guitar solos to the keys of our DNA, and I’m more electric and you’re more acoustic.

On some days you look like there are lingering pieces of a boombox etched in the framework of your spine. In simple terms your body speaks volumes.

On other days you feel like there are too many fault lines on the rail track of your spine

Those are the days I want to tell you I’m a pretty good conductor

Your voice sounds like an unfinished love song stuck in the throat of an ’80s jazz musician and I’m more of a hip-hop kind of guy, but I would make kissing you the perfect symphony.

I’m more like the odd boulder on a sandy beach and you're the entire ocean but I've drawn coastlines on the chambers of my heart

With you I could build sand castles in hourglasses, cos I wouldn’t feel time pass.

If I could I would write this poem on the wings of a butterfly and say to you “Here I think this belongs to you, I found it in my belly”
 Dec 2013 Clara
Ryan Fiore
You ignore my posts
Don't respond to my texts
Don't reply to my tweets
Oh God, what's next?
It's like some days you don't care
And some days you do
But I wonder if you'd care
If you knew how I feel about you
 Dec 2013 Clara
Kenzy H
 Dec 2013 Clara
Kenzy H
"*******," they said.
"That's one ugly *****."
"Look at her skin."
"Look at her hair."
"God, she's repulsive."
"She's so ******* crazy."
"And so **** depressed."
"I know right. Like either **** yourself or give it a rest."
"She'll never have friends."
"She doesn't need 'em."
"True that, she'd probably just eat them."
"I can't stand depressed people."
"They just do it for attention."
"SHUT THE **** UP!" I said
And we listened.
 Dec 2013 Clara
AP Beckstead 2014
Left or right?

Which shall I choose?
As I stand here alone,
I see two avenues,
unfolding infinitely in two very different directions.

One door leads left,
and the other right.

The left leads towards the unknown,
a striking and cold mountain range,
stark against the sky,
regal in its beauty,
the biting chill,
sharp against my skin,
a redwood jutting from the stone,
in the cold I grow aware.

The right leads an open meadow,
a familiar hum brushing against the grain,
sunflowers as far as the eye can see,
the smell draws my eyes towards a solitary object,
a single tree,
scared bark,
with my name scribbled against its skin,
I can feel a certain warmth in the breeze.

Both choices are beautiful,
both serene,
from the orange of summer skies,
a rainbow strewn against canvas,
to the white of winter as the wind sings,
swept between mountain crag.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)
 Dec 2013 Clara
The Noose
This ship
 Dec 2013 Clara
The Noose
Reel me into your web of lies
On cold plate serve me an apology strung of words of fakery
All the while forcing me to drink your hateful spiel like absinthe

Lets do our same old dance
You set alight my volatile temper causing it to detonate
I prance on your ego and scream you're nothing

With our words we keep weaving this blanket of fury we live under
And the fumes inside are suffocating both of us
You my tormentor and I your victim, unwilling.

If this animosity is a ship we are on
It is sinking and we are going down with it
Either way
Your move
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