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Haunted Poem

Sometimes you feel haunted by the past,
and sometimes you feel haunted by the present.
... Neither are very easy to escape.
 Nov 2014 Laura DeLuca
Just Melz

    Might lessen

       The memories

Rose petals lead the way through the suite
They covered the bed
And were carefully placed around the hot tub
The stage was set
All that was needed was him
She waited and waited
The hands of the clock kept moving
But she was frozen
She chanted, "He will come"
Over and over again
The water in the tub became cool
The rose petals became dry
Crumbling to dust
A few rose petals floated lifelessly in the tub
She gets in...
Still chanting....
Her body became lifeless, like the rose petals.... a warm red hue took over the water
A knock at the door, then another
He sees a single rose petal outside the door
He knocks again, intrigued by her lure
But their lust was deadly,  to be no more...
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