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The conflict rages on
Beyond the mind and into the heart
Where minute paper cuts
Cause ****** embolisms
Choking the steady beating
Into a painful attack
Every time eyes meet
Sharing a similar thirst
For contacts first rush
Knowing that forbidden fruit
Is just outside of reach
Gently brushing finger tips
Looking for any excuse
To move just a few inches closer
So that our energies can merge
And two lost souls can feel whole
Long enough to heal hearts wounded
By the minds lack of foresight
As it struggles to come to terms
With having chosen the wrong
Eternal love
What esteem there is between lovers
Whom time has allocated a chance
To prove that not all obstacles
Require tears
It's the years spent together
That true value can be found
Like hidden gems in a simile
Where the relationship between two
Is best expressed through relativity
Shared within a hearts journey
As it ascends and descends the mountains
That represent the highs and lows
Of our loves ebbs and flows
Where our fingers can brush heaven
Tracing our names in the clouds
Or where our feet hit the valley
And the only way left to go is up
So we climb in effort to summit
The esteem only lovers can know
Not finished. Will edit later.
The light retreated as he stepped forward from the shadows

Recoiling away like the hand from a poisonous snake

Casting the world in a semi-luminous glow of a crimson washed patina

He struck a bell seven times to announce his arrival

With every strike the sound became less pronounced; distant

Until at the end of the seventh, ghostly silence reigned supreme

As he moved the air started to sizzle, the energy overwhelming

An oppressive heat boiling the air itself into a darkened conflagration

The stench of decay followed in his footsteps, putrid and wretched

Life held its last breath begging with eyes pleading for lights return
Part 1 of The Symmetry of the Imbalanced
The last leaf fell into the wind
Soaring high above the world
As it hibernates in its cool embrace
Dancing the leaf spins and flips
Burnt orange and red outline
Creating a juxtaposition of gesture
As if the leaf itself were cognizant
Conscious of its high altitude journey
And its low altitude destination
Below the foothills
Beyond the mountains
The leaf crested the final peak
A near miss by leaf standards
Stiff fir trees with prickly boughs
Waved their farewells with a flourish
With a tilt and a final gust
The descent began
Faster and faster the leaf fell
The valley growing nearer and nearer
The wind stopped
Leaving the leaf to glide
Rocking side to side
Like you would a screaming child
Ever so gently
To sleep
Joining his brothers and sisters
Children of the earth
The great flood had begun;
Replacing the land with a waterworld dotted with mountain top islands;
Arks of mammalian preservation.

It was there I stood as the moon fell.

Night had never been so bright;
Luna inching ever closer;
Craters becoming more and more visible;
Resolution broadcasting high definition;
I raised my hands to the sky;
Reaching out to catch the massive satellite;
First contact came as my hands bore down;
Soft silt of the gray quality puffed;
My arms and legs began to bend;
The weight so tremendous that the effort shook my body;
Hers as well;
My left knee struck the land;
Terra redoubling my efforts;
Heaving with all my might I shrugged;
Sending the moon back towards the heavens;
I watched silently;
Luna was returned to her orbit;
The flood began to dissipate as tidal forces resumed;
Leaving me alone;
Hands to the sky on one knee;
Looking down at the world;
From the mountain of Everest.
This is the soliloquy of a dying man
Today I have hit a wall
I can see it's cracks
It's crumbling foundations
But more that I glance
I find myself amazed
At the gently hewn strata
Layers upon layers
Of myriadic dissonance
Attempting to prose a story
Where each vein
Has a beginning
And an end
My eyes blank
Features stoic
I stare into the wall
Of my new tomb
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