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The gust has a chill
Reminiscing the warmth of days past
It carries with it the soft embrace
Of lavender and dew
As the mourning sun rises
And nature awakens
A deaf pall falls with the leaves
Gently stirred by the growing gusts
Tilting just enough to reveal
The myriad of flashing diamonds
Common to the seasons first frost
Deflated the trees grown as stiff
Sore from the cooler climbs
They groan in protest at the push
Pulling back only in agitation
Somewhere in the canopy
A lone squirrel barks for love
Only to be drown out by the howling
Ever present within the autumn tempest
Then time freezes the landscape
Into a frozen panorama
Painting the anticipation for fall
In a quiet longing for spring
The sustained winds of our life
Blow strong in the direction of love
Consistent in its endeavor
To engulf the "I" with your eyes
With you I am grounded
Compounded with the rushing pulse
Of my hearts buffeted beating
Such that, with every gust
I realize how deep the roots go
That prevent me from falling
In any direction other than into
Your arms

This is our true strength
Stronger than any hurricane
Brave enough to cross the path
Of our loves typhoon
Is the flowing blood inside
Veins of remembrance
I am anything but simple
I tell this to myself daily
Referring to the laws and principles
Of physics and philosophy
Help me to better affirm
My self applied identity
Like a mask carefully painted
With articulate lines intended
To misdirect my audience
With clever puns or phrases
Turned in on themselves
As a means to prevent you
Seeing the simplicity of me
And my basic reality
Where even lime would be jealous
Craving doses of muratic acid
To raise my alkalinity
So that I can burn away
This distasteful facade I parade
Revealing the true face of a man
Burdened and afraid
Never questioning the worth
Of my abnormal normality
And so the corruption began
Spreading like oil drops in water
Pooling like ***** into the eyes whites
Black the irises dilating large orbs
Frantically dashing to and fro
The enlarged vessels sickly green
And blue pulsing yellow ****
In jets to the bodies rhythmic beating
Of a dying hearts last effort less
The panicked mind give in premature
To seizures electric rigidity
Locked tight such that the leather boils
Erupt in the beautiful mitosis
Wherefore the contamination plagues
Solemn ghosts sat reluctant
Aligned in neatly established rows
Facing the lectern of the unknown
Knowing that He who stands
Would soon cast judgement
Upon the hapless souls unchained

The prideful priest boasts purity
Trailed by flowing robes He strode
Standing tall, bright light glowing
Entering the sober hall of mourn
Crossing the pews of onlooking orbs
He prepared to sentence the dead

"The time is now to show your worth
In this life for the next
Though you sit quietly content
Beyond this hall you will repent"

The hall began to tremble
As the priest gave His command
The silence of solemnity
Quickly replaced with an eagerness
To move at His behest
Together the ghostly souls went

"Bright are the lights of few
It is plain to see
The moral life you once knew
Will now continue into eternity"

One by one the brightest of them wept
As they vanished in a flash
Until the final light stood in contrast
Against the inky orbs of fiends
It's glow beginning to pulse
Refusing the priest his past

"Curious you are my wayward son
To deny your Lord privy
Into that brilliant life you led
Makes one consider if you're really

A violent ripping began to sound
The hall then began crumbling
Falling to pieces on the ground
For within that final light
A demon the priest had found
Speaking in dark rolling tones
To the wicked souls around

"This man lies to you
For you are not truly dead
Everything you see and hear
Is all inside your head
Stuck inside this holy dream
Of all the ******* you've been fed
So wakeup now and return to your life
And the comforts of your bed"

The hall fell with a sharp retort


I awoke panting and covered in sweat
Thankful for the light of morning
The skin sloughs ever so slowly
As it parts from the blade and body
Slipping into the pail of past identity

On top I can see the newest addition
Eyes burning with golden bursts
Accentuated by cool emerald outlines
Staring back at their owner
The narrow pupil dilated in question
"Why go blind?"

I ignored the orbs
Instead turning back to the business
At hand
Where I was carefully removing
Fingernails and thumbprints
One by one joining the flesh
That had once been me

My eyes glared at me
I stared back
Empty sockets dripping
"Never have I seen more clearly
For without my skin I truly feel
Without my eyes I cannot cry
Nor nails nor prints to conceal
The real me is not outside
He's inside wanting only to heal"
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