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 Oct 2015 Lana Leandoer
I've entranced myself into an eternal dance where the truth glides across my skin and I always stare into the eyes of my lie.
 Sep 2015 Lana Leandoer
 Sep 2015 Lana Leandoer
She goes on late night escapades
Finds his arms as an escape
Search for herself secretly in soft whispers
She's running and sometimes it's not towards him
But he's the only one ever welcoming her

Her house sits like a monument
With a lighted path only she finds after being
Shrouded in darkness
Other days it's a flame
It spreads down the street
And the neighborhood watch never calls it in

She's a fire when she leaves
Seems to light up the whole town in engulfing flames
No one questions why she's so bright
But everyone turns away when her skin starts
To melt and her heart falls out of her chest

The boy pretends he did not step on it
She is not running away from her world
You can't call it leaving when it doesn't
Stop following you
The boy thinks she is looking for him
But she only tried to find herself
Under the fire that never extinguished.
 Jul 2015 Lana Leandoer
As a child I always received pink things
Pink sheets, pink walls, pink bows, pink dolls
But my favorite color was blue
Maybe that's why I kiss you so fervently in dark rooms
Even after countless fights and tears
I'm attracted to the storm clouds above your head
I love all your flaws and fears
White eyes turn red
Pure souls bleed together
Once again I am yours
Let's pretend it's forever
Pressing together  hoping it will never end
Giving kisses that paint me purple
There's no limit to what we will do
Restlessly continuing until we are both black and blue
 Feb 2015 Lana Leandoer
 Feb 2015 Lana Leandoer
I can't sleep because I matter so little
 Jan 2015 Lana Leandoer
our egocentric presentism
colliding confidence and anxiety
faking our ability to be heartless,
hoping one day our masks will
glue to our face
who are we?
what a simple question,
anything and everything that ever existed
trapped in bodies with brains
that can't even understand its limits
let's act like we are all the cosmos
until we feel it's real
facts are facts
truth is truth
but i'm realizing
i've only scratched the surface on what
it means to be "you"
a quote that inspired me a lot is, "Limited in his nature, infinite in his desire, man is a fallen god who remembers heaven" (Alphonse de Lamartine). im just trying to convey how even though i know i'm part of the stars, i still don't know what it fully means to be godlike.
 Jan 2015 Lana Leandoer
Four parts, woven together
Uniting all universal truths
What others do with it's powers
Only the future will prove

The *first strand
displays the world's true nature
Destroying everything it creates
We become unwanted children
Who have learned to incorporate
Killing in our communities
Biting, grinding flesh and bone
Swallowing with guilt free demeanors
Only leaving foul-stenched excretions as evidence

Second Strand speaks of our basic biological anxiety
To deny the terror of death
Imperatively born, emerging from nothing
Given a name and consciousness
Hopelessly abandoned from the beginning
Only to be fated always with everlasting death

Strand three
We hide underneath the
"Vital lie of the character"
Pretend to be shining knights in armor
Who will make us forget our
Unconscious anxiousness of death
We all work to attain prestige, money, and the
Fleeting feel of immortality
Worshiping Gods with clay feet
And when our beliefs are attacked
"Holy wars" becomes the pseudonym for
Our immortality projects

The last strand
All the efforts we put into
Making this Earth perfect
By eliminating scapegoat "enemies" and "evil" deities
We end up making everything filthy
In the effort to make everything right and pure
We turn the Earth's soil black and color the sky red
We strived for utopias, making dystopians
All these actions seem unconscious
But it is not the animals nature or
Evolutionary process
It's just us trying to pretend
We don't have perishable bodies;
Trying to deny death
Inspired by Ernest Becker's philosophical book 'Denial of Death'
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