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 Jul 2015 LadyBird
Liz And Lilacs
If you had a soul,
I'd tear it to shreds
and tie it in a bow
as a gift for my
accursed companion.
I'm a friend of the devil.
Are you a friend of mine?
Revenge is so sweet.
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
Liz And Lilacs
If I wrote it in blood,
would it mean more?
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
Sarah Spang
If I could barter time itself
And make the past today,
I'd hand away the future
For parts of yesterday.

If I could trade my happiness
And pluck it from tomorrow,
I'd binge on what you brought to me
To stave off all this sorrow

If I could turn my back away
From my own form of nature
I'd hold the hallowed night away
To have the Sun forever.

*Once the day is done, it's gone;
No touching yesterday.
And only I can salvage smiles
From the wreck I've made.
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
Sarah Spang
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
Sarah Spang
You are the sweetest of my torments.
You're the tangible torture of citrus
The bite followed by the ****
Fresh and unbearable in the same instance

You're the lemon zest scent;
Sultry, as I quarter fruit
In my hot summer kitchen.
You're the juice in the cut
As the knife knicks my thumb;
The sweetness meeting the wild coppery tang
of blood in my mouth.

You're in the twist in my chest
That exists somewhere between my heart and my stomach
Both organs being wrenched apart...
When I see your picture
And remember that we haven't spoken in months.
Like my poetry? Toss a penny or two my way ;-)
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
stones, sticks,
and the lick of a whip
were her daily penance

imagined, wrongs
but the pain and scars
real and never healing

the door was always
left unlocked, freedom
just steps away

but courage,
is a hard needle
to find in a haystack
made of barbed-wire

courage is a hard needle
to find,
and to pass through it's eye
is to walk through fire

is today  the day...
that fear succumbs
to desire?

is today, the day
when the scent of jubilation
overcomes the ground-in,
ground down sense of hesitation?

for those who watch
and not so secretly know
for those who wait
with baited breath
for blood to flow
for those whose hands are tied

they,can only hope so...
i write this for those, who know of some one trapped in domestic violence....those who help women see a pathway out of the closed cycle...but know that the decision to walk away has to be that of the abused....and watch and wait with hope of freedom....and a fresh start....but sometimes see the fate of those who are unable to flee
this piece is written from experience as amember of a domestic violence support group....whilst i myself have not been in this situation...i have seen many who have...
and it saddens me...
that the incidence of fatal domestic violence
continues to rise
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
A symphony of modality,
Of fiction and reality.

With the rhythm of a syllogism
Of a logical decision.

A shallow sky, where rats fly
Singing lies to passersby
Amidst the cries and goodbyes
The night sighs, as glistening scythes
Steal souls and take lives

But nothing dies, nothing vanishes
in this cryptic lullaby

I'll start walking, I don't care what you say.
I'll start talking, I don't care to who you pray.

I'm done standing here watching you fly like I always do.
I'm not stranded here, it's time for something new.

So I leave you in this cryptic lullaby.
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
The Temple
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
My body is not a temple,
and my mouth not meant to praise.
I ate the forbidden fruit;
in my Sunday best,
tasting the bitter juice
on my tongue while being reborn
in the glory of God’s plan.

Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve

but there’s no place for girls like me in heaven.
I’m not strong enough to rebuke the Devil,
to be cleansed of impurity.
I pray to be made normal,
for Jesus to lay healing hands
on my sick mind.
No longer a prisoner of my thoughts.


I’ve mastered deception,
letting boys kiss my neck
with lips that feel like church.
I touch the right spots,
make the proper sounds,
if I close my eyes tight I can drift away.
The Lord’s will be done.


I’m left with boiling blood
that reeks of self-loathing.
And I hate god,
for declaring me an abomination
because I will never serve my husband,
and dream of loving a girl
that doesn’t make my skin crawl.

I will be free
I will be free
I will be free

I am not ashamed.
And I am not afraid to die,
bathed in the sin of my sexuality;
for any deity worth worship
will not close the gates to paradise
because of how I’m made.
I am worthy.

My body is not a temple,
but it will be reclaimed.

 Jul 2015 LadyBird
 Jul 2015 LadyBird
I am Persephone;
queen of the cursed and the ******,
bogged down by chains made of
greed and desperation.
My value lies on a stained mattress;
my worth measured by the broken fingernails
left on the skin of my paychecks,
fragments of myself given for an hour of their pleasure.
I know nothing but chapped lips and blissful vacancy,
outstretched hands met with violence.
I am no longer a spring flower;
wilted beyond recognition,
I am better suited for examination under glass than
I ever was for life in damp alleys.
But for all my inadequacies,
there are three things for which I'm certain:
there's a price to pay for naivety,
innocence is a lie,
and we're not all created equal.
A pretty face is worth its weight in gold;
sold to the highest bidder,
there's no room for integrity
when wolves are nipping at your heels.
hard years have taught me this:
silver spoons nourish the undeserving
and even the virtuous come with a price tag.
We are all marred by what we do to get by, and ideas mean nothing
if wrapped in the skin of a *****.
And it makes me wonder;
which one weighs more,
a pound of flesh,
or a pound of promise.

- K.M.
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