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 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
The darkness is creeping back inside of me
and nudging me back to the edge,
I want to be where I ought to be,
but my soul is not something that
you can just fetch.

I'm used to hiding, but this is just
completely new.
I'm in love and I'm not sure of
what to do.
She has eyes like summer
and skin that glistens.
And a touch so light,
and ears that listen.

But, I get sad during this time.
I even remember my therapist telling me
that I most likely had seasonal depression,
that I could only be helped with
medicine and love.
My parents won't give me medicine,
but my girlfriend and friends
can give me love.

I guess I'll try my best to stay happy,
but its just so hard sometimes.
i just needed to write and get this out, I'm sorry this is awful.
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
i looked up
and out of the window
separating me from the outside
separating me from you
layer upon layer
i count them
my hearts armor
your lack of hope
my determined hatred
your endless love
my shadowed walls
your barb-wired fortress
the way you spoke
the way i listened
we held ourselves back
we taught our hearts different
like dust catching sunlight

those swirls we're floating on

never let us touch for long

always carried away by life and its plans

where we end up none of us knows

but you looked so magnificent up close

that golden guilded flash of you

it was contageous and after circling around we saw our moment

and we held on to each other as long as we could

it wasnt enough.

maybe next time when I see you after floating in the sun

our dust specks will settle in just the right way

and may we lay there forgotten

for the rest of our days.
Sent down,for
25 years he was
a guest of the crown,
released then at last as
his sentence had passed and
his life slowly flashed in the pan.
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