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N N Johnson
34/RI, United States    Dancer, writer, teacher, student.
Words, words, words... and so rarely do they fit or function as we would like. The answer for me is in living this life as …
Sydney Victoria
F/Minnesota    Scribbling Down Endless Thoughts
Hannah Southard
Eric W
"I want to write a poem about being swept away in the ocean except everyone else is being moved and I am the tidal wave …
Brenden Pockett
America    Brandon Puckett is not my real name.
Verdae Geissler
Malachi Filius
Earth    I write symbols in these boxes to imprint my perspective into the digital universe. All those who read my pattern of symbols, will understand -- …
Sansara Justinovich
In my own words, I am silent.
Cincinnati, Ohio    Just a girl from a little town in Ohio. Nothing really special about me. Writing helps me express the undefinable and comfort me on the …
Kayla Anne Schneider
Galveston, Texas   
Alice Curtis
If you love something, be prepared to lose it. Because you will.
K Mae
Maine, USA    My muse will fly again, is beginning to dance, and I will return as writer/reader/responder. I still love the generous HP community. Giving and receiving …
vircapio gale
!i!i!i! i like to type until the dawn is just about to give itself to day, and stand breathing in that new freshness of the …

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